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Links of interest to childfree individuals. "Childfree" refers to those who do not have, and do not ever want, children (whether biological or adopted).


  • All submissions must be related to being childfree somehow. Please search the subreddit and see if a question/topic has been brought up already.

  • No attacking individual parents just for choosing to have children. Bigotry and hateful language will not be tolerated on this subreddit. Personal attacks, abusive language, trolling, and racism will not be tolerated. After three violations of this rule, repeat offenders will be temporarily banned for a two week "cooling off" period, pending moderator review. Spamming will earn an immediate ban.

  • Any and all bans are made by moderator consensus.

  • PARENTS: Please don't post in this subreddit just to bash our decisions or asking us why we have chosen to be CF "Wait till you're a parent" "You'll change your mind someday" "You only think that cause you are young"- in regards to not wanting children- posts are subject for removal. Constant posting of such comments are grounds for banning.

  • Starting or participating in raids from other subreddits is forbidden. While crossposts can be useful, certain subreddits exist for the purpose of attacking and harassing other subreddits, and that is not acceptable behavior.

    We are all different here, and you may find that have different beliefs, but please be respectful of each other

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all 33 comments

[–]sexrockandroll 9 points10 points ago

I find reddit's 'hide' function useful, a lot of the time.

Honestly I think being childfree is about whatever you want it to be. For me it's not having kids and focusing on my career. For others it may be about pets, travel, not liking children, not believing in furthering the species - lots of things.

[–]turtlehanaF/25/Seattle WA[S] 3 points4 points ago

Yes, not everyone will be the same. I just wondered if I had the wrong idea about this subreddit.

[–]Ilaxita 2 points3 points ago

In all seriousness, it seems all burgeoning subreddits have different types of subscribers and posters with /r/atheism being the most popular example of what I mean. Some people here on /r/childfree for example genuinely express their childfree lifestyle as their informed decision for their lives and come here to network with others who feel similarly and have views otherwise they might not have ever encountered IRL. Others though sound sort of bitter in their posts and just kid-bash, etc. I don't feel the latter is necessarily a bad thing though. It's just the nature of the beast; the beast being a diverse community.

[–]sexrockandroll -1 points0 points ago

I don't think we really have defined rules. I've seen pet pictures posted here before, it seems to be one of the more common things to post.

[–]Princess_By_DayYou had me at "I got a vasectomy" 4 points5 points ago

I absolutely agree with you. I think this should be a place for sharing and supporting each other's lifestyles without kids. Some people say it degrades the subreddit, and I don't necessarily agree with that. But that's just the opinion of one person.

[–]Enkaybee24 M Minneapolis 5 points6 points ago

I agree with you. These people should rant somewhere else. I don't care that they had bad experiences. This isn't r/IHateParents.

[–]Grindstone50k25/m/married 0 points1 point ago

We're more like /r/ihateshittyparents

[–]blueskinM/LTR (marriagefree too) 2 points3 points ago

It's about both of those. If you don't like a post, try using this feature called "hide".

[–]turtlehanaF/25/Seattle WA[S] -1 points0 points ago

How do you use hide?

I don't mind the posts on here though. I think some people make really rude comments on peoples posts, comments that aren't necessary. I figure if they just don't like a post they can downvote it but they go the extra mile and downvote people that comment and make a rude comment.

[–]archpopeM/Snipped 10+ years 2 points3 points ago

Sometimes people post things that I don't care about. I skip them. No big deal.

[–]turtlehanaF/25/Seattle WA[S] -1 points0 points ago

As do I. I was wondering why some go the extra mile and leave a rude comment then downvote people that left a comment vs just downvoting the post and or moving on.

I wasn't sure I had the wrong idea about this subreddit

[–]arguablysmart 0 points1 point ago

Sadly, after the recent addition of new moderators, some of those who were not chosen as mods are determined to wreck this subreddit.

Ignore is a fantastic feature of RES. Rather than give these fucktard trolls any attention, simply hover over that user and click ignore. It's glorious. Until mods ban these jerks, it's the only way I've been able to read this subreddit without screaming. After logging into a throwaway account, I've noticed a few of these trolls have already given up and moved on. The more people that ignore the trolls, the faster this subreddit will return to a happy medium.

[–]Tarkaan 3 points4 points ago

I don't know if you realize this, but your post sounds like you're whining about downvotes. There are imaginary internet points, they mean nothing.

[–]turtlehanaF/25/Seattle WA[S] -2 points-1 points ago

I don't care if my post was downvoted. What I don't get is why someone would not just downvote a post and move on. Why do they instead go in and leave a rude comment then downvote everyone that left a positive comment. Because this happened in 3 different posts, two of which weren't mine but were similar to mine I wondered if I had the wrong idea about what should be posted here.

[–]Tarkaan 3 points4 points ago

I think you're taking this whole thing way too seriously, and you might be best served by giving yourself a little break from the computer.

[–]turtlehanaF/25/Seattle WA[S] -1 points0 points ago

That's a fine suggestion. I just wondered if the three posts, two of which called their dog a son and the other showing a costume made for a dog really aren't supposed to be in this subreddit which is why they got the response they did or is this subreddit about childfree people sharing their childfree life (including pets).

[–]Tarkaan 1 point2 points ago

Then why all that whining about downvotes?

[–]turtlehanaF/25/Seattle WA[S] -1 points0 points ago

How am I not explaining this right.

If this subreddit is about cf people sharing their lifestyle, ranging from bad experiences to the new car they bought why is talking about your pet bad? Why is talking about a pet so bad that instead of passing the post or downvoting it the person goes in and writes something pretty rude and feels the need to downvote everyone that commented on the post? Is this because there is some rule in cf that says not to talk about pets that I didn't know of? If so why is talking about a pet so bad when people talk about other things (like cars and call them there babies). I was asking what this subreddit is really about. Is it just sharing about bad kids, bad patenting, negatives of parenting and coming out or does it also encompass everything a cf person wants to share about their lifestyle.

[–]Tarkaan 2 points3 points ago

Again, you seem really hung up on the upvote / downvote aspect of all this. It really might be time for you to take a little break.

[–]amerithe26/f/engaged/Seattle -1 points0 points ago

I'm not sure how you see this as all about votes. It sounds to me like her problem is that she felt people were being unnecessarily rude, and perhaps pet photos weren't worth the effort people were putting into trashing the posts. It sounds like she's discussing downvotes because they're how other people express their feelings about posts, but I don't understand why you're hung up on the mentioning of votes.

[–]candystripedlegs 0 points1 point ago

i think that person is just trying to get a rise out of op. trolling, if you will.

[–]amerithe26/f/engaged/Seattle 0 points1 point ago

That was kinda what I figured, but I wanted to have one last-ditch effort. Also, it's better than just sitting there wanting to slap somebody until they make sense to me.

[–]Iazo 2 points3 points ago

It is not 'talking' about your pet. Posting a picture of a dog with no context, no background and a small quip about he is their 'son' is not a discussion, is not enlightening, and is pointless.

It is bragging, karma whoring and maddeningly annoying when whined about.

Moreover, these 'discussions' are all variations on 'Aww how cute!' and other trite platitudes.

[–]turtlehanaF/25/Seattle WA[S] 0 points1 point ago

Another redditor suggested tags awhile back.

I tagged mine [dog picture]. Perhaps it'll help if other people do that too so others can avoid it if they want to? -_-

[–]sexrockandroll 3 points4 points ago

If someone's that offended by a dog picture... I dunno if that'd help.

Perhaps it's the Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory in action.

[–]turtlehanaF/25/Seattle WA[S] 0 points1 point ago

Nice illustration, I may use this sometime.

[–]mistressfluffy30/f/married/Boston, MA -3 points-2 points ago

Geez, I thought the dog costume was really cute and I like your contributions to this subreddit. It's hard to believe that people in this community would be that nasty. Is it possible that you pissed off some people on a different subreddit and they followed you here to sabotage your posts? Sometimes people are weirdly vindictive like that

[–]turtlehanaF/25/Seattle WA[S] 2 points3 points ago

Mine was the costume but the other two weren't my posts.

It's possible but I'm most frequently I'm childfree and askwomen and I haven't really had any issues in askwomen.

The other ones I'm not frequent in I don't really post in. So Idk.

[–]agthorn 4 points5 points ago

Some people may have picked up on the fact that your dog looked miserable, and you even admitted that he 'was not amused and dug his feet into the floor'.

[–]turtlehanaF/25/Seattle WA[S] 0 points1 point ago

I was sharing the costume I made. He hated the shell. I ended up not having him wear it so he could play. It waa fun while it lasted.

[–]agthorn 5 points6 points ago

Shrugs. I didn't downvote anyone, but I did feel sorry for him.

[–]monolithdigital 0 points1 point ago

considering that a loud minority here this its ok to suggest punching an infant, most are fine with whatever here, cept kids. I thought it would be a place for people to discuss the social pressures and get help as well, but unless good people take a stand here, its going to be a vile poisonous circle jerk, like /r/atheism. its a childlike mentality that thinks that harping in opposing viewpoints and those who have them is the same as creating community.

fucked em, post your dog, vacation, rant about being harassed at work, and the occasional bad parent story, it's the best way to go about dealing with it better (thru advice) just down vote the idiots that suggest pouring hot water on babies, or punching infants