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The Oxford Biography Index is an authoritative and accurate index of notable people – their names, their dates, and their fields of activity.

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  1. Samuel Newton
  2. Stella Newton
  3. Theodore Newton
  4. Thomas Newton
  5. Thomas Newton
  6. William Newton
  7. William Newton
  8. William Newton
  9. William Newton
  10. William Newton
  11. Lionel Ngakane
  12. Apirana Ngata
  13. Niall Frossach mac Fergaile
  14. Niall mac Aeda
  15. Niall mac Aeda
  16. Niall mac Aeda meic Mael Isu
  17. Niall mac Eochada
  18. Niall mac Mail Shechnaill
  19. Niall Noigiallach
  20. Joseph Nias
  21. Richard Niccols
  22. Sileas NicDhomhnaill
  23. Mairgreag Ni Chearbhaill
  24. Elizabeth Pease Nichol
  25. John Nichol
  26. John Nichol
  27. Muriel Nichol
  28. Nicholas
  29. Nicholas
  30. Nicholas
  31. Nicholas ap Gwrgan
  32. Abraham Nicholas
  33. Edward Nicholas
  34. Nicholas Lanier
  35. Matthew Nicholas
  36. Robert Nicholas
  37. Robert Nicholas
  38. Thomas Nicholas
  39. Thomas Nicholas
  40. William Nicholas
  41. Andrew Nicholl
  42. Donald Nicholl
  43. John Nicholl
  44. John Nicholl
  45. John Nicholl
  46. Agnes Nicholls
  47. Arthur Nicholls
  48. David Nicholls
  49. Degory Nicholls
  50. Erith Nicholls
  51. Ferdinando Nicholls
  52. Francis Nicholls
  53. Frederick Nicholls
  54. George Nicholls
  55. Horace Nicholls
  56. James Nicholls
  57. John Nicholls
  58. John Nicholls
  59. Josias Nicholls
  60. Norton Nicholls
  61. Sutton Nicholls
  62. Thomas Nicholls
  63. Thomas Nicholls
  64. William Nicholls
  65. Nichols
  66. Beverley Nichols
  67. Edward Nichols
  68. James Nichols
  69. John Nichols
  70. John Nichols
  71. John Nichols
  72. Mary Nichols
  73. Peter Nichols
  74. Robert Nichols
  75. Thomas Nichols
  76. William Nichols
  77. Alfred Nicholson
  78. Asenath Hatch Nicholson
  79. Benjamin Nicholson
  80. Brinsley Nicholson
  81. Charles Nicholson
  82. Charles Nicholson
  83. Charles Nicholson
  84. Charles Nicholson
  85. David Nicholson
  86. Edward Nicholson
  87. Edward Nicholson
  88. Francis Nicholson
  89. Francis Nicholson
  90. Francis Nicholson
  91. George Nicholson
  92. George Nicholson
  93. George Nicholson
  94. George Nicholson
  95. Henry Nicholson
  96. Isaac Nicholson
  97. John Nicholson
  98. John Nicholson
  99. John Nicholson

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