Comment author: MugaSofer 26 October 2012 02:20:59PM 0 points [-]

Cannot upvote this enough.

Comment author: MugaSofer 26 October 2012 10:08:01AM 0 points [-]


Comment author: MugaSofer 26 October 2012 09:56:10AM 0 points [-]

Incidentally, it's easier to sort pebbles into heaps of 11. The original pebblesorters valued larger heaps, but had a harder time determining their correctness.

Comment author: MugaSofer 26 October 2012 09:50:46AM *  0 points [-]

There was more to slavery than estimations of intelligence - the justifications varied wildly, were usually absurdly simple to disprove, and often contradicted each other ("they were designed by God to be enslaved by superior races" vs "they have weaker self-control and would kill/rape us if left unchecked", for example.)

However, the point that it was a failure of rationality, not ethics, is still valid. Unfortunately that was the OP's point as well.

Comment author: MugaSofer 26 October 2012 09:45:43AM 0 points [-]

I think Eliezer addressed that at one point (using a cake-making intelligence, I believe) - it would be more ethical, from a human perspective, to allow the paperclippers to make paperclips. However, it would be unethical to change the world from it's current state to one containing trillions of paperclippers, since the CEV of current people don't want that.

Comment author: MugaSofer 26 October 2012 09:40:18AM 0 points [-]

Stick it in a matrix.

Comment author: MugaSofer 26 October 2012 09:39:14AM 0 points [-]

Because a rabbit doesn't understand its continued existence, it's not wrong to kill it suddenly and painlessly, out of sight/smell/earshot of other rabbits.

That doesn't follow. I understand it's continued existence.

Great post, though. Well written, accurate and so on.

Comment author: MugaSofer 26 October 2012 09:36:03AM 1 point [-]

it only ever carries one message: annihilation.

Um, no.


Comment author: MugaSofer 26 October 2012 09:32:49AM 0 points [-]

what the hell do they use that horn for?

Stabbing lions. And ill-informed hunters.

Comment author: MugaSofer 26 October 2012 09:30:18AM 0 points [-]

Oh, you mean that humans might genuinely dislike homosexuality as a terminal value, because evo-psych.

... huh.

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