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Today I decided to upgrade my system with nice new 2GB of RAM so I will end up with 4GB. I couldn't find anything like dxdiag in windows to see my exact hardware specifications in linux.

Then I came across with great command: lshw


sudo lshw


And you can even export this details into HTML format for easier reading:


sudo lshw -html > name-of-file.html


Or alternatively you can get detailed specification just for specific component:


sudo lshw -C disk

Simple but powerful.

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Today I decided to reinstall my system (Ubuntu 10.10) to the new version - 11.04 Natty Narwhal. When I finished I was a little bit disappointed. Why?

First of all, the new Window manager in GNOME is painfully slow. I know I don't have the latest supercomputer but I expected at least the same performance as in 10.10. However, I have the option to switch to the old look and feel.. but as far as I know they are going to work on new version and depreciate the old one.

Secondly, I am/was constantly experiencing problem of low memory space. So I decided to try something new.. XUBUNTU! After another 1 hour of reinstallation I had Xubuntu installed with everything I need to my work. The system is MUCH MUCH faster than in Ubuntu! After few customizations I am absolutely satisfied with my new system.. And guess what.. I am going to stay with it! Faster, less resources consuming and with nice mouse in logo! (my girlfriend is much more prone for Linux than ever before thanks to this little mouse :) )

I bet I am not the only one who tried something else. At least bunch of my friends tried Xubuntu thanks to my recommendation and they really liked it, too. Just my two cents.

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