I am now the proud long-term renter of this vehicle.
I don’t feel nearly as smug driving it as I felt in my Prius, but it’s far more practical and I am getting to be very old.

I am now the proud long-term renter of this vehicle.

I don’t feel nearly as smug driving it as I felt in my Prius, but it’s far more practical and I am getting to be very old.

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Originally Posted By andrchelsea
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Comment of the Day

Responding to yesterday evening’s post about the ridiculous secession petition craze, my friend Chad Brick wrote:

We should let all the red states go, and split into three countries: Cascadia, Atlantia, and Koch Brothers’ Real America brought to you by Monsanto and Exxon Mobile (affectionately known as KoBRA). $10,000 says KoBRA invades a neighbor within five years of being cut off the blue-state dole.

I know it’s still early in the day, but — c’mon! — I challenge anyone to beat that comment.


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Originally Posted By rightsided
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That thing where “Totally disappointed” is a massive, massive understatement:

Eric Hartsburg caught some attention in the weeks leading up to the election for having the Romney campaign’s logo tattooed on his face.
Suffice to say, he’s not happy with Tuesday’s results.
“Totally disappointed, man,” Hartsburg told POLITICO. “I’m the guy who has egg all over his face, but instead of egg, it’s a big Romney/Ryan tattoo. It’s there for life.”

That thing where “Totally disappointed” is a massive, massive understatement:

Eric Hartsburg caught some attention in the weeks leading up to the election for having the Romney campaign’s logo tattooed on his face.

Suffice to say, he’s not happy with Tuesday’s results.

“Totally disappointed, man,” Hartsburg told POLITICO. “I’m the guy who has egg all over his face, but instead of egg, it’s a big Romney/Ryan tattoo. It’s there for life.”

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This week on the Hero Report podcast, we discuss the heroism of Abraham Lincoln in time for the new Spielberg movie.

The film raises a series of important questions and we take them in turn: When is it permissible to lie for the greater good? Who gets to decide? When is breaking the law heroic and when is it simply criminal? Does the label “hero” get taken away after a lie or a broken law? Plus, we even toss in some thoughts on child-rearing for good measure.

Tell us what you think about this episode, discuss these issues with us on Twitter (Matt Langdon / Ari Kohen), and join us every Friday at 4pm Eastern on Google+ for our live broadcast (where you can chat with us while we’re on the air and contribute to the conversation).

Want to make the podcast portable? Subscribe via iTunes (audio-only).

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Originally Posted By zainyk

Tonight’s Simpsons.

Tonight’s Simpsons.

(Source: zainyk)

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Oh Dear!

Apparently my most recent post really rankled some people.

Given the number of messages that said, “You’re a terrible human being!” and “I’ve always loved Veterans Day!,” I thought I’d write a few more sentences to explain that I don’t oppose either veterans or Veterans Day; I don’t even oppose people wishing other people a Happy Veterans Day, on Facebook or in person.

All I wrote — and all I mean to say — is that I think it’s really interesting that social networking websites have led — pretty clearly, I think — to the proliferation of holiday greetings. I’d guess the reason this happens is that no one wants to feel left out and no one wants to seem like (s)he doesn’t also have something to say about the topic that everyone has gone online to mention. In other words, it isn’t necessarily the case that everyone is incredibly invested in Veterans Day, but Veterans Day (and every other holiday too) is made more prominent in the age of social networking when people want to be seen weighing in on the important matters of the day.

I have something on the order of 1,000 Facebook friends and I have seen countless Facebook posts about Veterans Day. Fifteen years ago, I don’t recall hearing the holiday mentioned even once (because, after all, why would anyone mention it to me?). Maybe everyone was just talking about it to veterans, which certainly makes a good deal of sense …

So, anyhow, all of that is simply to say that I find the concept of shared holidays on social networks to be particularly interesting. Carry on!

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Originally Posted By upwithchris

Which voters waited on long lines to cast their ballots on Tuesday? According to a survey by the AFL-CIO, Obama voters were much more likely to wait on lines longer than 30 minutes than Romney voters, with blacks and Hispanics especially vulnerable.
The long lines were so bad, it took just two minutes for President Obama to mention them in his victory speech on Tuesday, with a rare flash of anger: “By the way, we have to fix that.”

Which voters waited on long lines to cast their ballots on Tuesday? According to a survey by the AFL-CIO, Obama voters were much more likely to wait on lines longer than 30 minutes than Romney voters, with blacks and Hispanics especially vulnerable.

The long lines were so bad, it took just two minutes for President Obama to mention them in his victory speech on Tuesday, with a rare flash of anger: “By the way, we have to fix that.”

(Source: upwithchris, via shortformblog)

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Originally Posted By futurejournalismproject

This is a fascinating thing:

In Chicago, the [Obama] campaign recruited a team of behavioral scientists to build an extraordinarily sophisticated database packed with names of millions of undecided voters and potential supporters. The ever-expanding list let the campaign find and register new voters who fit the demographic pattern of Obama backers and methodically track their views through thousands of telephone calls every night.
That allowed the Obama campaign not only to alter the very nature of the electorate, making it younger and less white, but also to create a portrait of shifting voter allegiances. The power of this operation stunned Mr. Romney’s aides on election night, as they saw voters they never even knew existed turn out in places like Osceola County, Fla. “It’s one thing to say you are going to do it; it’s another thing to actually get out there and do it,” said Brian Jones, a senior adviser.

This is a fascinating thing:

In Chicago, the [Obama] campaign recruited a team of behavioral scientists to build an extraordinarily sophisticated database packed with names of millions of undecided voters and potential supporters. The ever-expanding list let the campaign find and register new voters who fit the demographic pattern of Obama backers and methodically track their views through thousands of telephone calls every night.

That allowed the Obama campaign not only to alter the very nature of the electorate, making it younger and less white, but also to create a portrait of shifting voter allegiances. The power of this operation stunned Mr. Romney’s aides on election night, as they saw voters they never even knew existed turn out in places like Osceola County, Fla. “It’s one thing to say you are going to do it; it’s another thing to actually get out there and do it,” said Brian Jones, a senior adviser.

(via maxistentialist)

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Anonymous asked: How does the left explain the constant response from those who have lived under the tyranny of communism/socialism that 1) communism/socialism is the closest system to hell on Earth, 2) that the left/democrats are quickly becoming more like the party leaders of tyrannical communist/socialist governments?

This question is so perfect in every way that I can’t believe the person who asked it wouldn’t want to put his name on it.

I’ll do my best to answer, though.

I’m pretty sure you don’t know what the words “democrats,” “quickly,” “tyrannical,” “communist,” or “socialist” mean. At least that’s how I imagine “the left” would explain it.

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Real talk from David Frum: “The conservative followership has been fleeced, exploited, and lied to by the conservative entertainment complex.”

Yep. And yep.

HT: Katy Capalbo.

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