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Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

About search engine

Search by languages

Select one specific language

You will get results which have a translation in the specific language. If there is no translation in this language, you will get no results

Select multiple languages using CTRL key

In that case, you will get results which have at least one translation in at least one of the specifics languages. If there is no translation in any of the selected languages, you will get no results

NB : if you are logged in, the results page will take in account your language preferences

Refine your search

On the results page of a search query, you get a link on the right (in top of export button) which offers the possibilty to go back on the search page with all the previous criterias. This is usefull and a quick access avoiding to fill again all the search fields

Advanced query operators

The following query operators may be used inside the free text query:

  • AND (same as + operator) : search for documents that contain at least one occurrence of each of the query terms;
  • NOT (same as - operator) : search for documents that contain one query term and not the other;
  • OR : search for documents that contain at least one occurrence of any of the query terms

NB : The query operators are case sensitive, in uppercase/capital letters

Login and user account

Lost your password ?

Go to ECAS login and click on "Lost your password? link to recover it.

RSS and syndication

How to customize my RSS feed

By default, you have a quick access on the RSS page

The customised RSS feed is accessible from the search page which allows you to select specific criteria such as the type of articles, keywords and dates.

  • Go to the search page and fill in your search criteria.
  • At the end of the form, in the "Results display options" section, before clicking the "Search" button.
    • set the number of desired results
    • and select the format RSS or XML
  • You get results and you must copy the http link of the results page which is actually the link to use for the RSS feed.

More about RSS/Syndication in Rapid

Please check the specific RSS documentation page


How to Register on Rapid

Registration for Rapid is done via the secured system ECAS : Click here to register

ECAS is the European Commission's user authentication service. It allows authorised users to access a wide range of Commission information systems, using a single username and password.

How to unsubscribe from Rapid

To unsubscribe from Rapid, click the "unregister".

Upon confirmation, your account and profile will be deleted from Rapid, including personalised searches and email notifications.

NB : note that your account will still in ECAS system. Only external user can also delete his account completely from ECAS system. You must login here into ECAS and follow steps.

My registration does not work on ECAS

Try again on ECAS

If it still not working, please contact us
