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Page last updated at 08:54 GMT, Tuesday, 16 October 2012 09:54 UK

Can the left be anti-abortion?


Abortion has become an issue where the views of the left and those of the right seem clearly defined.

But political editor of the Huffington Post Mehdi Hasan believes it does not have to be like that. His recent article on the issue has seen him face criticism from his followers on the left.

Speaking to the Today programme, Hasan - who, despite having left-wing political views, describes himself has "pro-life" - said: "Once I wrote the piece it became pretty explicit that I had stepped outside acceptable forms of debate. I was told that I was a traitor, the enemy."

But journalist Suzanne Moore argued: "[Hasan's] definition of what is left seems to be his own definition, lots of things have been done in the name of the left that have been morally questionable.

"Historically it's not a matter of left or right."

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