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PRI's The World
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    Welcome to The World on Facebook. The World is an international news program broadcast Monday through Friday on more than 300 radio stations across North America, and on the web at
  1. Umar Hakim Brie Loskota Zachary Hoover Thought this story from PRI's The World might interest you. It's about a man in Los Angeles who struggled with alcoholism and what that has meant in his Muslim faith.
    Khalid Iqbal is a man in his early 60s; an immigrant from northern India who has practiced Islam for as long as he can remember. He has also always known that the Koran prohibits drinking alcohol -- even as he tried his first beer, about four decades ago.
    Photo: Khalid Iqbal is a man in his early 60s; an immigrant from northern India who has practiced Islam for as long as he can remember. He has also always known that the Koran prohibits drinking alcohol -- even as he tried his first beer, about four decades ago.
  2. This is realy amazing. It's like the coloured films of WWII. It comes very near you!
  3. 我希望我能像風一樣!自由自在˙沒有固定的形狀˙能任意前往我想去的地方˙溫柔卻有強大的力量˙我不在五行之中˙卻能影響{金木水火土}五行˙但看看我的胸部˙滿是傷痕˙看看我的臉˙都綠了˙而且心中滋味更是五味雜陳˙有人說˙為什麼我的臉寫一蟲˙朋友幫我回答:{一蟲飛上天˙就會變成一條龍˙其實我是用一個__風__字做自畫像˙}子曰:君子之德˙風˙小人之德˙草˙草上之風˙必偃˙我也很想有君子之風˙雖然眼前困難重重˙我依然滿腔熱血˙執意勢在必行˙以上˙是我的自畫像的創作理念˙同意請轉發分享 please try put my oil painting on your t shirt . then you will know how cool it is .我很高興能跟您交朋友.

    See Translation
    Photo: 我希望我能像風一樣!自由自在˙沒有固定的形狀˙能任意前往我想去的地方˙溫柔卻有強大的力量˙我不在五行之中˙卻能影響{金木水火土}五行˙但看看我的胸部˙滿是傷痕˙看看我的臉˙都綠了˙而且心中滋味更是五味雜陳˙有人說˙為什麼我的臉寫一蟲˙朋友幫我回答:{一蟲飛上天˙就會變成一條龍˙其實我是用一個__風__字做自畫像˙}子曰:君子之德˙風˙小人之德˙草˙草上之風˙必偃˙我也很想有君子之風˙雖然眼前困難重重˙我依然滿腔熱血˙執意勢在必行˙以上˙是我的自畫像的創作理念˙同意請轉發分享 please try put my oil painting on your t shirt . then you will know how cool it is .我很高興能跟您交朋友.

  4. visiting you after your report on BBC about Smithsonian exhibitting of the world's biggest aquamarine gem. The photos did not disappoint. Thankyou
  5. Robert Reno Wells Jr.posted toPRI's The World
    Always amazing.
  6. Marco Werman - just wanted to tell you that the work you and PRI's The World are doing on cancer in the developing world is absolutely fantastic. Do you know about the work of Julie Livingston? She presented a paper on cancer care in Botswa...
    na at Johns Hopkins back in my history of medicine days. Here's a link - I bet she and your reporters would have a lot to talk about:
    See More
  7. FYI, your site is not loading in Firefox 17.0

    "502 Bad Gateway

    ...and where's the link to that pigeon-eating catfish!?
  8. Roche Ryochi Mjposted toPRI's The World
    if they are sending aid to people at risk of cancer in Haiti, they should be certain to reduce UV and boost anti-oxidants- green and black teas, garlic, pomegranate.
  9. Q. Are people in low income countries asking for cancer care?

    A. Oh my goodness, absolutely. If I just take two examples, we’re seeing steady increases with breast cancer and cervical cancer in low and middle income countries. It’s a despe...
    rate tragedy, they have nowhere to go. It’s not just no intervention or treatment, it’s no palliative care, no terminal care. So women are often dying in the most appalling poverty and the most terrible pain because we’re not providing any services whatsoever for them.

    So this is a real issue around human rights and a sense of what we owe to our fellow human beings. We would never let a woman in the US or Great Britain die with untreatable pain from cancer, and yet that is happening to thousands and thousands of women right across the developing world today.

    Read on in an interview with Lancet Editor Richard Horton about cancer in the developing world. By Joanne Silberner at PRI's The World
    See More
  10. Post I wrote about Rwanda's cervical cancer program in coordination with the PRI's The World series on cancer that debuts today.

    Tomorrow I will cover the Butaro center that is the first rural cancer center in the region. Neat part is tha...
    t it happened in part due to Boston-based organizations Partners In Health, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Brigham and Women's Hospital. Plus a donation from the Jeff Gordon Children's Foundation. Stay tuned.
    See More
  11. Clay Yarightposted toPRI's The World
    'Twas the night before Christmas, he lived all alone,
    In a one-bedroom house made of plaster and stone.
    I had come down the chimney, with presents to give
    and to see just who in this home did live.

    As I looked all about, a strange sight I did see,
    no tinsel, no presents, not even a tree.
    No stocking by the fire, just boots filled with sand.
    On the wall hung pictures of a far distant land.

    With medals and badges, awards of all kind,
    a sobering thought soon came to my mind.
    For this house was different, unlike any I’d seen.
    This was the home of a U.S. Marine.

    I’d heard stories about them, I had to see more,
    so I walked down the hall and pushed open the door.
    And there he lay sleeping, silent, alone,
    Curled up on the floor in his one-bedroom home.

    He seemed so gentle, his face so serene,
    Not how I pictured a U.S. Marine.
    Was this the hero, of whom I’d just read?
    Curled up in his poncho, a floor for his bed?

    His head was clean-shaven, his weathered face tan.
    I soon understood, this was more than a man.
    For I realized the families that I saw that night,
    owed their lives to these men, who were willing to fight.

    Soon around the Nation, the children would play,
    And grown-ups would celebrate on a bright Christmas day.
    They all enjoyed freedom, each month and all year,
    because of Marines like this one lying here.

    I couldn’t help wonder how many lay alone,
    on a cold Christmas Eve, in a land far from home.
    Just the very thought brought a tear to my eye.
    I dropped to my knees and I started to cry.

    He must have awoken, for I heard a rough voice,
    “Santa, don’t cry, this life is my choice
    I fight for freedom, I don’t ask for more.
    My life is my God, my country, my Corps.”

    With that he rolled over, drifted off into sleep,
    I couldn’t control it, I continued to weep.

    I watched him for hours, so silent and still.
    I noticed he shivered from the cold night’s chill.
    So I took off my jacket, the one made of red,
    and covered this Marine from his toes to his head.
    Then I put on his T-shirt of scarlet and gold,
    with an eagle, globe and anchor emblazoned so bold.
    And although it barely fit me, I began to swell with pride,
    and for one shining moment, I was Marine Corps deep inside.

    I didn’t want to leave him so quiet in the night,
    this guardian of honor so willing to fight.
    But half asleep he rolled over, and in a voice clean and pure,
    said “Carry on, Santa, it’s Christmas Day, all secure.”
    One look at my watch and I knew he was right,
    Merry Christmas my friend, Semper Fi and goodnight.
    See More
  12. Your shortlinks to story from Doha do not work.
  13. “Raoul Silva's evil island lair seems a fitting place for him. It’s so creepy, that you think it can’t be real. But here’s the thing. The island is real."

    Learn the history behind Silva’s secret island from Skyfall in this PRI's The World article. Skyfall is in IMAX theatres now!
  14. Just heard the report on Canadian mining in San Jose del Golfo, Guatemala. Amazing! Can't thank you enough for it! I hope it helps my people.
  15. The American tax payer is subsidizing the mining of coal to profit a few corporations and fat cats who sell it oversea's at market value.. These greedy traitors have manipulated the subsidies so they can make a fortune by supplying Asia wit...
    h it's dirty energy fuel at the expense of the American tax payer.. Let's put our money into clean renewable energy projects right here in North America! Clean energy like wind, wave, solar and biofuels that employ North Americans and contribute to the health, economy and national security of the nation!

    Watch this video! University studies are biased by the nuclear industry.. MIT researchers are paid to create a scientific sales pitch to further the nuclear industry... The public is being conned by the universities they pay to give them the truth.. Unbiased genuine research is being suppressed by the nuclear industry and garbage reports are being funded by them.

    Anaerobic digestion is proving to be a profitable way of turning waste into fuel for electricity and heat. Farmers all over the world are finding more demand for the crops they produce as they enter the energy producer sector! There is a great deal of heat and electrical energy production potential in our current task of dealing with the sewage from our cities...We have to treat the sewage so why not add a revenue stream of profit to the process!

    Contact your government representative now and tell them to extend the PTC, The Production Tax Credit.. The American wind industry is the fastest growing wind energy market. 37% of all new electrical generating capacity in the U.S. is wind power.. The expiration of the PTC will jeopardize this and it is estimated 37 000 American jobs.. Wind is a competitive energy source that is clean and renewable... The expiration of the PTC simply does not make economic sense...

    Here are some articles that support the idea of clean energy technologies being a wise choice for the millitary in their efforts to further national security and the economy of America.

    Clean Energy Innovation and America's Armed Forces

    Obama Announces Initiative to Spur Biofuels Industry

    Defense Contract Boosts Biofuel Technology

    Space based solar power is a possible and cost effective source of abundant clean renewable energy. Here is an excellent video demonstrating NASA research into the technology.

    Let's get some of the funding that is currently backing dirty energy behind a space based solar energy project!

    Fossil fuel subsidies are numerous and complex. The average informed citizen does not have a clue how these dirty industries get preferential treatment above clean renewable energies such as wind, solar, wave and biofuel. Included in this article is a link to a report outlining the business tactic the fossil fuel industry employs to entrench and hide their far too generous subsidies. Clean renewable energy projects do not get anywhere near the support these dirty energy projects do. We need to be supporting our clean energy efforts!
    See More
  16. Is cancer a first-world problem? PRI's The World (where I work), Partners In Health, and Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center are hosting a Facebook chat on cancer in the developing world. Some of the statistics are really surprising -- I encourage you to join if you're interested.
    Global Cancer Chat
    December 5 at 10:00am in EST
    162 people went
  17. 我希望我能像風一樣!自由自在˙沒有固定的形狀˙能任意前往我想去的地方˙溫柔卻有強大的力量˙我不在五行之中˙卻能影響{金木水火土}五行˙但看看我的胸部˙滿是傷痕˙看看我的臉˙都綠了˙而且心中滋味更是五味雜陳˙有人說˙為什麼我的臉寫一蟲˙朋友幫我回答:{一蟲飛上天˙就會變成一條龍˙其實我是用一個__風__字做自畫像˙}子曰:君子之德˙風˙小人之德˙草˙草上之風˙必偃˙我也很想有君子之風˙雖然眼前困難重重˙我依然滿腔熱血˙執意勢在必行˙以上˙是我的自畫像的創作理念˙同意請轉發分享 please try put my oil painting on your t shirt . then you will know how cool it is [希望這是2012年世界名畫]因您而成名
    See Translation
    Photo: 我希望我能像風一樣!自由自在˙沒有固定的形狀˙能任意前往我想去的地方˙溫柔卻有強大的力量˙我不在五行之中˙卻能影響{金木水火土}五行˙但看看我的胸部˙滿是傷痕˙看看我的臉˙都綠了˙而且心中滋味更是五味雜陳˙有人說˙為什麼我的臉寫一蟲˙朋友幫我回答:{一蟲飛上天˙就會變成一條龍˙其實我是用一個__風__字做自畫像˙}子曰:君子之德˙風˙小人之德˙草˙草上之風˙必偃˙我也很想有君子之風˙雖然眼前困難重重˙我依然滿腔熱血˙執意勢在必行˙以上˙是我的自畫像的創作理念˙同意請轉發分享 please try put my oil painting on your t shirt . then you will know how cool it is [希望這是2012年世界名畫]因您而成名
  18. Criminals have neither nationality nor religion, over 200 Serbian criminals in court in The Hague, but the same court acquitted all Croatian criminals. How to trust each other, when you dispense justice global politics. Voice against this injustice is the voice against future wars.
    Photo: Criminals have neither nationality nor religion, over 200 Serbian criminals in court in The Hague, but the same court acquitted all Croatian criminals. How to trust each other, when you dispense justice global politics. Voice against this injustice is the voice against future wars.
  19. Great idea comes to Denver

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