
The College of Natural Sciences (COLNAS) is one of the pioneer Colleges of the University. As the institution’s metamorphosis continued, only the College of Natural Sciences remained unchanged, except for some minor changes in nomenclature. As a result of growth and development, the College was re-organized into independent Departments. The story of UNAAB will not be complete without the College of Natural Sciences, as most of the foundation members of UNAAB were sourced from COLNAS.
Considering the fact that science is the bedrock of agricultural and technological development and that modern agriculture in all its ramifications can only be scientifically practiced, COLNAS is therefore, central in the generation of basic knowledge for handling all aspects of agriculture and its mandate. In this regard, it is imperative that all other Colleges must link


with COLNAS for applied research. Presently, it is mandatory that all students passing through UNAAB must pass through the College of Natural Sciences in their 100 and 200 Levels. This is an indication of the important role the College plays in fulfilling the mandates of the University.

Presently, the Departments in the College which offer four years B.Sc degree programmes are:
Department of Biological Sciences (with options in Botany & Zoology)
Department of Biochemistry
Department of Computer Sciences
Department of Chemistry
Department of Mathematics
Department of Microbiology
Department of Statistics
Department of Physics
These Departments have proved their worth in carrying out the mandate of the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. The College has affiliations to various International Associations and has earned recognitions both locally and internationally. The College organizes an Annual Conference on the importance of Science and National Development

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