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[–]wrenched 149 points150 points ago

I would use it for diaper changing time.

[–]fateweaver 27 points28 points ago

I actually wish I had a few of these. My daughter has an extremely bad case of eczema. She is constantly trying to scratch her face.

Right now we use Scratch me Nots which are pretty awesome. But even with those on she will rub her face till it is red and breaking out.

I have went through about 5 sets of these already (I try to keep at least three on hand) but she tries to scratch so often she ends up scratching straight through them.

Later on tonight I might look into these and see if I can afford a few of them. It would be amazing to have something where I feel safe letting her sleep during the night :/

[–]mousenz 5 points6 points ago

I had the exact same issue when I was a kid. My parents used to have to wrap my arms and legs in glad wrap. All I can say is keep at it, it goes away eventually (by about 3 or 4 the worst of my eczema had gone, although I still have it mildly). Something that may help is trying to keep the room cool, my eczema is at its worst when it gets hot and I start to sweat.

I completely agree that this thing would be amazing for it though.

[–]Brains_n_Boobs 3 points4 points ago

My parents went through the same thing with me. They ended up sewing gloves onto all my pajamas until the age of 8 or 9 because I would scratch so bad in my sleep. No creams or ointments made for eczema have ever really helped me... But vanos cream works wonders. It's made for psoriasis but it clears up my eczema beautifully and provides so much relief. You should look into getting her a script for it if you haven't already!

[–]DiscoJaguar 4 points5 points ago

for some reason "scratch me nots" brought to mind a human sized dog cone, good on you sir first laugh of the new year

[–]brockh01 33 points34 points ago

Amen. Our 11 month old twins are rolling over during their diaper change. It's ok if both of us are doing it, but is quite stressful if only one parent is there to change them.

[–]Nocturin 41 points42 points ago

Mine are 2 now. The secret is to move quickly and during the removal stage of the diaper place your hand on their upper rib cage to prevent twisting. Learning to change the diaper one handed is one of the most underrated talents.

[–]WalterPSobchak 20 points21 points ago

I cross my son's feet at the ankles and hold it. He can't get the momentum to turn and can't kick his feet into shit should the diaper be overly messy

[–]Nocturin 2 points3 points ago

I do this aswell, but they don't squirm around like they used too!

[–]SukaPahpah 18 points19 points ago

Teach me your ways.

[–]MrAbeFroman 5 points6 points ago

Parent of 3 month old twins here. I just put the new diaper under and around the old diaper, as if I were about to double layer diapers. As soon as I pull the old one off, the new diapers goes up on the front side and that's it. Less than 5 seconds pass between removing the old diaper and putting on the new one.

Am I missing something here?

[–]Jake0024 62 points63 points ago

I think you're forgetting to wipe.

[–]MrAbeFroman -1 points0 points ago

Clever reply, but you really shouldn't wipe on every diaper change. Pretty much if it's a poop you wipe, otherwise it's not necessary.

This is according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, if you doubt this advise.

[–]Jake0024 11 points12 points ago

I don't doubt it, I mostly cringe.

[–]MrAbeFroman 3 points4 points ago

Yes, well, most cringed at the thought of swaddling a child in this thread too. The reality is that most people on this website are children themselves and clueless about these types of things.

[–]Jake0024 13 points14 points ago

Oh, to be clear I'm not cringing because I think your advice is bad, just at the thought of changing a shit-filled diaper.

EDIT: Though I'm pretty sure piss is acidic and rather not supposed to be left in prolonged contact with skin (causes rashes and the like).

[–]MrAbeFroman 3 points4 points ago

Gotcha. Yes, if urine is left in contact with the skin for prolonged periods it can cause rashes. With modern diapers, the urine doesn't stay in contact with the skin. Of course, the diapers need to be changed regularly or else they can get so soaked as to be in contact.

[–]Ass_Explosion 9 points10 points ago

I used to sit on the floor with the kid between my legs and, hold my kids arms down with my feet; firm but gentle pressure.

[–]Roomy 1 point2 points ago

Oh thank god. I thought it was being advertised as something you leave on your kid and just leave him there. I can't think of much more worst psychological tortures for a human being than to wrap his arms up and just leave him to struggle until his brain pops. Just seeing someone wrapped up like that puts my brain into panic mode. I would not be able to handle a straight jacket, and would think a baby that grows up in one for long periods of time might have brain dysfunctions.

[–]poorscribbler 9 points10 points ago

Actually, restraining a newborn (first 3 mos of life) in this manner is highly recommended by pediatric doctors. It soothes the baby, who can't yet self-soothe, by putting him/her in a womb-like environment - something familiar and safe feeling. After 3 mos? Not so necessary. If you feel interested, you should google "happiest baby on the block." The doctor that wrote it is amazing, and his techniques worked like magic (read: science) for both our kiddos.

[–]MrXBob 76 points77 points ago

Gotta love the comments from people who have clearly never been around a human baby for longer than 20 seconds.

[–]LongWayToTheTop 33 points34 points ago

I was ready to be angry about it, then I realized I know nothing about babies and should probably shut up

[–]WhoLovesLou 12 points13 points ago

Good call. This is likely only for helping babies sleep through the night.

My daughter smacks the shit out of herself while she sleeps. She jerks and claws herself. When she's swaddled, she gets better sleep.. And so do I.

This isn't a very good design though, honestly. I bet my kid would wriggle out of that thing in 5 minutes, flat.

[–]pestilent_bronco 24 points25 points ago

This is more for /r/wheredidthesodago than /r/wtf

[–]Journalisto 827 points828 points ago

It's called swaddling. Babies like it. It's perfectly normal. Not wtf.

[–]jereman75 91 points92 points ago

"Snuggle Wings" is a hilarious name for a baby straitjacket, but in all seriousness this is a great idea. It's not always easy to swaddle your baby. It takes practice. It's like trying to wrap a burrito when the carne asada is alive and kicking and screaming.

[–]Thumbz8 46 points47 points ago

Especially hilarious because I read it "Struggle wings"

[–]darkdutchess04 365 points366 points ago

Swaddling involves the whole body. Strapping down the arms makes it a straight jacket.

[–]irishfeet78 205 points206 points ago

Pediatricians now say to leave the legs unswaddled.

[–]6thaccount 13 points14 points ago

That's a shit way to keep your captives.

[–]irishfeet78 3 points4 points ago

"They can still run away!"

"Yes, but their innate startle reflex will no longer wake them up after the 3 hour bedtime routine!"

[–]dromedarian 51 points52 points ago

OF COURSE they do. These people can't make up their minds about anything, can they?

[–]TheGhostofWoodyAllen 451 points452 points ago

It's like they keep getting newer and more relevant information as time passes or something.

[–]IHateDolphins 14 points15 points ago

When I was born in the '80's, moms were told to put babies on their stomachs to sleep. In the '90's they sold side sleepers and said their side was best to sleep on. Now it's "back to sleep". Will someone please make up their mind!?

[–]RadicalMuslim 73 points74 points ago

Pretty soon we'll give them plastic fangs and capes and tie up their legs and hang them upside down in a cave during the day.

[–]halpo 52 points53 points ago

Pretty soon? You mean we aren't doing that no... Um... I'll be right back. Unhanging a baby.

[–]Theolore 3 points4 points ago

Welcome to /r/nocontext

[–]k1dsmoke 20 points21 points ago

Back to sleep is fine, but make sure your kid plays and spends time on his stomach or they might develop plagiocephaly.

Basically don't just leave your kid on their back all the time or else they'll end up with a flat head.

[–]cutelilcarly 8 points9 points ago

My mom has this although you can't tell because she has thick hair, she's really insecure about it

[–]mdguy429 7 points8 points ago

Goddamnit, we're having a baby in April, and I feel like there's way too much to remember.

[–]AlpacaFight 4 points5 points ago

The best advice I can give is to stay off of parenting forums unless absolutely necessary. Otherwise you will drive yourself nuts- and that's the baby's job.

[–]universepants 2 points3 points ago

I have a flat back of the head because my mom didn't care about me. :C

[–]CaptainJeff 2 points3 points ago

Welcome to the scientific method. Hypothesis leads to additional testing and data, which leads to either confirmation, revision, or replacement of the hypothesis. More data -> better conclusions.

[–]Razoride 0 points1 point ago

Book sales stagnate. Gotta keep the revenue rolling in.

[–]jesse_h 22 points23 points ago

Babies are much more comfortable when their arms are secured close to the body.

I'm a baby, and a mathologist.

[–]snotboogie 17 points18 points ago

Its difficult to swaddle a wriggling newborn. They will often wiggle their arms out of a blanket and then they have no idea what to do with them, and cant sleep.

[–]SarahMakesYouStrong 6 points7 points ago

They have no idea what to do with them so they smack themselves in the face and scratch their eye lids and shit...and then they can't sleep.

[–]Pinksockathon 2 points3 points ago

As a new parent I second this statement.

[–]ginx2666 41 points42 points ago

Babies scream for no reason, laugh for no reason and are prone to shitting themselves - typical symptoms of lunacy, thus straight jacket .

[–]The_mrs 6 points7 points ago

Omg, do you think they come in teenager size?!

[–]mrlanious 50 points51 points ago

No, your adult mind makes it a straight jacket. It's just a system for swaddling arms.

[–]Thefar 6 points7 points ago

Its whole purpose is to restrain the arms. so those things make sense. But it looks more wtf, than the classic version.

[–]fullmetal_cylon 5 points6 points ago

My newborn wants his legs free and arms swaddled. It's still swaddling.

[–]FetiMeatPie 89 points90 points ago

Confirmed that just arms is a baby straight jacket.

[–]Chizomsk 92 points93 points ago

Confirmed that you both can't spell 'straitjacket'.

[–]wcstick 24 points25 points ago

I thought you were weren't. TIL.

[–]TesticleToe 7 points8 points ago

Back in my day they were strait-waistcoats. Everyone knew and it everyone liked it.

You damn kids and your changing everything.

[–]0six0four 33 points34 points ago

For a hot climate, wrapping a baby with cloth might not be so comfortable.

[–]SFXBTPD 24 points25 points ago

you are supposet to have there legs free but arms tight, trust me, it was on GMA

[–]Waylaid_By_Reality 28 points29 points ago

Yeah, swaddling is awesome, it's like those pressure jackets for dogs, but with something so much more precious and awe-inspiring. My only experience with newborns has been nephews and neices, whenever I got the chance to hold them or soothe them and calm them down my brothers and sisters were just like "Here, take them for a while!" Then I heard the stomping of feet, slamming of doors, and a car peeling out of the drive-way.

Point being, I can see how if it was yours this could come in extremely handy and the baby doesn't care, it's a fucking baby, it exists to soak up warmth, food, sense of security, and output all manner of fascinating feces deposits or ear-splitting audio barrages if those needs aren't being met.

But yeah, holding a baby is awesome, especially once you figure out how to do it properly and get good at calming them down when they're having conniption fits. Makes you feel really good.

[–]mynameisalso 34 points35 points ago

Baby crazy^

[–]vmos 27 points28 points ago

do they really like it? Or do they just shut up because the struggling to escape tires them out?

[–]Etteril 172 points173 points ago

No, they actually calm down almost immediately when swaddled. Newborns go from being in a dark, noisy, cramped womb to a huge, bright world. Things like swaddling, rocking, and shushing bring back a few comfortable elements and make the whole experience less overwhelming.

[–]purenitrogen 53 points54 points ago

You can also calm a baby with a vacuum cleaner. The white noise calms them, similar to what they'd hear from muffled external sounds in the womb.
Edit for clarity: do not vacuum your baby.

[–]LarrySDonald 5 points6 points ago

This is a pretty counter intuitive part of parenting. You somehow imagine that having things be quiet and still is good sleeping conditions. To a baby, it isn't. In nature, if you hear nothing and feel no movement, shit has gone majorly bad if you're a baby and it's imperative to make as much noise as possible. If people are walking around you talking and doing things, or even holding you while they're doing it, now it's safe - the bigger humans got this so it's ok to be quiet and chill.

And yes, swaddling seems to calm many babies as well (both of the ones I've raised from scratch and plenty I've helped with). Not all like it, but if they don't, they'll let you know. At once and repeatedly.

[–]joshthephysicist 9 points10 points ago

1) You didn't actually edit anything. There is no star by your name. 2) I've vacuumed my baby and it's cleaner than ever.

[–]Teristella 45 points46 points ago

If you edit it soon after posting, there's no asterisk.

[–]Touch_Me_Elmo 15 points16 points ago

You have a minute or so before the star kicks in.

Edit: see?

[–]purenitrogen 12 points13 points ago

I edited it within 10 seconds of posting it. I believe there's a leeway time, and after reading the comment over I realized I claimed vacuuming a baby helps.

[–]turbo 2 points3 points ago

It's called

Edit: ninja edit.

[–]vmos 153 points154 points ago

If they like dark, noisy and warm why not just put them under the bonnet of your car when you drive to work?

[–]ninjafaces 82 points83 points ago

Clarkson is that you?

[–]clonetek 14 points15 points ago


[–]zaswsaz 6 points7 points ago


[–]mmomjian 27 points28 points ago

Protip for US redditors: bonnet = hood

[–]thetheist 14 points15 points ago

Thanks. For a second, I thought he was talking about the boot.

[–]ForgettableUsername 9 points10 points ago

No, that's a lift.

[–]LLv2 16 points17 points ago

Silly American! You don't put a lift in a motorized rollingham!

[–]ForgettableUsername 2 points3 points ago

Isn't Rollingham a soccer team or something?

[–]LLv2 2 points3 points ago

[–]Mistaken_Indemnity 3 points4 points ago

Thank you. I didn't understand that sentence for a moment until your comment.

[–]downvotethisnow 10 points11 points ago

God I hope you have kids.

[–]ghjm 2 points3 points ago

How do you know I don't?

[–]paulhodge 43 points44 points ago

Or do they just shut up because the struggling to escape tires them out?

Trust me, being tired does nothing to stop them from crying.

[–]supkristin 17 points18 points ago

This is a lesson best learned the hard way, I think. When you realize an 8 week old can out-stamina you, it's an important moment in parenthood.

[–]higgimonster 3 points4 points ago

I remember thinking "Well she has to eventually fall asleep. I can win this in the long run." I then spent the next two hours trying to calm a screaming newborn.

[–]mdguy429 2 points3 points ago

We're expecting in April. This thread is not helping.

[–]YetiLucha 85 points86 points ago

As a parent I agree that they like it. I watched all my babies poke themselves in the eye or scratch their face only to look astounded as to how I could let that happen.

[–]peetee32 42 points43 points ago

father of 3 1 HAD to be swaddled, and we used a similar product to contain him because he broke out of our normal blanket swaddles pretty easily and startled himself and couldn't go back to sleep. baby #2 would not tolerate being swaddled at all. she would break free, flail her arms around, then go to sleep. baby #3 was a mix of the two, but normal blanket swaddles worked fine for her. if she broke out, she didn't wake herself up.

[–]bahhamburger 70 points71 points ago

I shouldn't laugh but I imagine that as "OMG my arms are moving! Moving! Ohshit my legs too! SOMEBODY HELP ME I can move my legs"

[–]othersomethings 13 points14 points ago

Exactly that but add in not knowing what arms and legs are, that you have them, and that you are the one controlling them. It's just scary movement.

[–]Taleron 2 points3 points ago

I'm now imagining the whale from Hitchhiker's Guide having to deal with suddenly sprouting arms and legs. Thank you.

[–]synachynadodiechodie 9 points10 points ago

AH! Oh, I'm sorry, I startled myself.

[–]cdwboozell 4 points5 points ago

You have obviously never seen one of those moments -- such as an infant's own fart -- that turns their face into a look of surprise and fear.

[–]lysealoo 10 points11 points ago

Yeah pretty much. And in "I CANT TOP THE MOVEMENT!"

[–]Evilllamas 4 points5 points ago

I watched a documentary on how a baby's brain develops, and apparently it's quite a lot like that for a while.

[–]SaltyBabe 2 points3 points ago

Babies are so fucking weird.

[–]El_Tejon 9 points10 points ago

Same. Mom of three and each kid was completely different making each experience brand new. Haha

[–]corellia40 5 points6 points ago

Mom of two, same. My first loved it, though she didn't freak out too terribly if she wasn't swaddled. She stayed in the blanket pretty well, and she always slept better that way. Baby 2 HATED being swaddled, and we had a terrible time during our hospital stay because the nurses refused to understand this, and would always swaddle him when he fell asleep. Cue him waking up shortly after, and struggling his way free. He was a long baby, I always just though he was a bit too crowded in the womb and had was enjoying finally having some space to move.

[–]girlnamedgeorge 16 points17 points ago

My baby hates being swaddled. She busts a fit if we lock her arms or legs down. It's probably because she spent the first week of her life in an incubator wearing only a diaper. They're temperature and humidity controlled and I think she liked it. Freedom and optimal comfort.

[–]ShadowL42 14 points15 points ago

I have a feeling she is going to be your toddler who randomly strips off all of her clothes. At Church, in the supermarket, at the zoo, in the middle of the night, when you boss comes over for dinner...

[–]minaj 9 points10 points ago

my baby always hated it! we never swaddled her. but, one reason why it soothes them is because they have this reflex when they get startled their little arms will flair (sort of like "come at me bro") and they will wake up from it. that is, in addition to be reminded of being inside a tight womb all scrunched up.

[–]texas_star 5 points6 points ago

Most like it but not all. My son hated it and would scream but baby's I've worked with love it!

[–]bustin_chopss 4 points5 points ago

If at any point a baby becomes displeased, (s)he most definitely scream at you. Shutting up is the opposite of what a struggling baby would do. Crying is their instinctive way of getting help when they need it.

[–]Reann 3 points4 points ago

They like it, after they are born babies do not have full control over their limbs. The constant, mostly automatic movement makes a baby tired and makes it hard to find rest. So it's very calming to use. But it's not good to use it 24/7 ofc.

[–]carace777 4 points5 points ago

I've been told that I hated it when I was a kid. Every time my mom would wrap up my arms, I would scream until they were free

[–]HAVANA_OMELETTE 274 points275 points ago

Fuck your normal swaddling ways, here's a straight jacket.

[–]Afroemo 63 points64 points ago

do the time , before the crime .

[–]numbertoo 11 points12 points ago

and then after the crime.

[–]bkraj 100 points101 points ago

Snuggle wings does sound better than "baby's first straight jacket."

[–]AdzyBoy 32 points33 points ago


[–]Kuroto 61 points62 points ago

Idk, you don't wanna risk giving your baby a gay jacket. Way too impressionable

[–]Mack488 76 points77 points ago

I'm not gonna lie I'd strap one on my kid.

[–]baculine 265 points266 points ago

When my son was born, we got one of those zip up sleeping bag things that are supposed to keep babies warm and from rolling over on their stomach.

Now, I like to keep my house cold during the winter. Everything is dark and dead outside, no use in trying to keep things warm and cheery indoors. But my wife complains about being cold all the time. She wears sweaters and sits around with a blanket on her all through the cold months.

When she saw this kid's sleeping bag, she got an idea. She wanted me to buy her one of those mummy sleeping bags that are rated for subzero temperatures so she could sleep without shivering. Whatever. I obliged, ordered one off of Amazon.

It worked out great. Only problem was we couldn't have sex when she was using it and she was too cold to go without it at night. This was a particularly concerning issue because she was horny ALL THE TIME after our son was born. So, she cut a hole in the back, put a button flap on it. I could fuck her in the sleeping bag without her having to actually get out of it.

Logistically, the only good position for this thing was doggy style. I'd unbutton the back, we'd fuck, then I'd button her back up. Good to go. I mean, sure, I didn't get any visual stimulation and we couldn't even look at each other when we were fucking, but it beat not doing it at all.

Spring time came along. Time to put the sleeping bag in storage. The first night we tried to have sex without it, though, I could barely maintain an erection. Watching all that woman flesh bouncing around as I slammed into her just seemed so visceral, so raw. Like watching an autopsy or something. Nightly sex turned into weekly. Then monthly. Then barely at all. All I could do was wait for winter to come again.

When winter finally came, I felt a huge relief. We started copulating all the time again. My wife's little head sticking out of the end of a huge canvas sack was so fucking hot. That little flap the only skin contact I actually had to have with her. It was like fucking a burrito with a human head. I'd drop a load in her, button her back up. So fucking convenient.

Pretty soon, the tortilla section of the grocery store started giving me a half chub. My wife would sort through the stacks of tortillas to find her brand and I'd have to tuck my hard on in my waist band. Chipotle was off-limits. We tried it once. The smooth creaminess of all that sour cream and guacamole enveloped, protected from the outside world by the sexy flour tortilla meant I spent 20 minutes in the restroom jacking off furiously. I couldn't even eat my lunch.

I love Mexican food. Getting a chunk of jalepeno or even a piece of a black bean stuck in your urethra is a small price to pay for experiencing heaven.

[–]zaaaaaa 35 points36 points ago

this is why i love reddit

[–]Sohcahtoa82 12 points13 points ago

I watched this a bit longer than I should have.

[–]BatsintheBelfry45 5 points6 points ago

Me too. I laughed so hard my stomach hurts.

[–]parkman 26 points27 points ago

This is the best post of 2013.

[–]HansCool 11 points12 points ago

The pacing was perfect.

[–]doctorgirlfriend84 4 points5 points ago

That made me laugh, cry, and get horny all at once. I'm so confused!

[–]Good_Housekeeping 8 points9 points ago


[–]Blackbeard_ 4 points5 points ago


[–]two_worded 3 points4 points ago


[–]Guvmentcheeze63 83 points84 points ago

I would too, and he's 7.

[–]I_AlsoDislikeThat 25 points26 points ago

I would to and he's 31.

[–]hawkxcore 9 points10 points ago


[–]SECRETLY_STALKS_YOU 3 points4 points ago

Go home sonny, you're insane.

[–]torturousvacuum 10 points11 points ago

Leave him alone for an hour and he'd find a way out anyway.

[–]coocoocachoooo 5 points6 points ago

they always do. always

[–]Mack488 4 points5 points ago

Don't blame you.

[–]GIGGA_NIGGA_5000 5 points6 points ago

yeah, i could use one for my neighbors 12 year old daughter too

[–]hopsonpop 33 points34 points ago

yeah i bet you could.

[–]cowtow 6 points7 points ago



[–]Follow_Follow 8 points9 points ago

If that's enough to make you need to clear your history you don't come to WTF often.

[–]Guvmentcheeze63 7 points8 points ago

That sounds really creepy

[–]Clara-Oswin-Oswald 24 points25 points ago

We need to make this for drunk people!

[–]peaksy 21 points22 points ago

Kids actually love these. They just came from the womb where they where tied up tight like this - Source, all four of my kids slept the best when wrapped up in one of these for the first 5 months of their lives.

[–]Buttraper 66 points67 points ago

[–]FabulousLastWords 36 points37 points ago


[–]calibrated 33 points34 points ago

Not needed for infants.

Entirely necessary for children aged 3 - 15.

[–]Ranger_Rose 30 points31 points ago

I think I'm ready to have babies now

[–]Guvmentcheeze63 13 points14 points ago

Quick checklist. Do you have a toddler leash? Tube where you suck out a baby's boogers? And finally, tequila.

[–]SaveAS 57 points58 points ago

Your checklist seems to be in reverse order

[–]lookatmyrangsmyrangs 7 points8 points ago

I don't get why this is WTF. This is a brilliant invention.

[–]VoxSecundus 14 points15 points ago

[–]VonBacon 37 points38 points ago

Newborns need to 'wrapped' like that or they don't sleep. They aren't used to space.

[–]kittenkat4u 36 points37 points ago

i think "sometimes need" would be a better thing. i've known many babies that weren't swaddled and slept perfectly fine.

[–]Ippy_Nutsmasher 5 points6 points ago

As an owner of one of these type of garments (as well as a person in possession of a 7 week old) these are fucking amazing. It's like an instant nap, they really like the warmth.

[–]makingpickles 6 points7 points ago

Holding a baby's arms to their chest is a method to relax them.
It is similar to the concept of swaddling but doesn't involve wrapping them up completely.
It is just one thing to do when you are trying to soothe a baby.
Not bizarre. Quite common and natural.

[–]XLSRyan 7 points8 points ago

this is in no way wtf

[–]dcarl 5 points6 points ago


It is a unique form of swaddling, which can be very sooting for newborn to 2 month old babies. Learn something, see link at

[–]OccamsElectricRazor 20 points21 points ago

Baby's first straight jacket.

[–]Wolligepoes 4 points5 points ago

I think these are to prevent babies waking themselves. You see they sometimes fling their arms around in their sleep they could slap themselves that way...

[–]kitttykatz 5 points6 points ago

(Note: None of these ideas are mine. The science at work was successfully researched and taught by Dr. Harvey Karp of UCLA.)

Swaddling is important to babies, especially in the first three months. Think of it as the fourth trimester.

Best to consider newborns as fetuses who have left the womb and are only barely capable of surviving. Human babies are born early when compared to other mammals due to our relatively enormous brains (and equally huge heads). As is, the birth is super rough for the mother's nether regions. Were our brains / heads smaller, we wouldn't have the intellectual capacity that sets humans apart but we could otherwise develop further and be born later, better able to fend for ourselves. That's why horses and deer, for example, can walk directly after birth, while human newborns can barely see.

Swaddling is an important part of keeping a baby calm and happy. They've lived their whole lives in a tiny space, and prefer being warm and curled up over having their limbs moving around, willy-nilly.

This is most important during sleep, as babies have a startle reflex, where their arms shoot out the sides. This reflex is akin to tapping your knee to kick out your foot. The startle doesn't mean that anything is wrong, but it often will wake the newborn up.

Using a swaddling technique with a blanket or using a specially-designed swaddling blanket like the one posted by OP looks and feels like you're putting the baby in a straight jacket, but the point is to keep the baby in a cozy position while also not allowing their body to accidentally wake them up.

Have a colicky baby? (Meaning that they'll cry / scream for nearly the entire time that they're awake and not eating -- might be because they have acid reflux, might be that they've never digested before and hate the feeling, might be no real reason at all. Hours a day for weeks, usually peaking at around 6 weeks but often continuing for many more months.)

If so, some sort of swaddling technique is absolutely necessary to help the baby sleep at all. The more colicky, the more they'll thrash. The more they thrash, the less useful a swaddle with a regular blanket (especially at 3am after weeks of little sleep for the parents).

To help people in this situation, there are a number of blankets that all work in similar fashion -- some combo of baby's own weight and/or velcro to make sure that the baby is snug and can't wiggle out of the swaddle, allowing the baby to sleep without waking itself up.

In other words, this crazy looking tool does not harm the baby but instead helps the baby feel cozy and allows the baby to sleep. In turn, this helps the parents sleep and saves their sanity.

[–]Baron_Von_Kissalot 6 points7 points ago

This isn't really all that wtf. You swaddle newborns. That's what makes them comfortable. They just came out of a enclosed environment and they like to have their appendages close to them. This thing just makes it easier.

[–]Puffy_Ghost 3 points4 points ago

As a parent whose child was nearly impossible to swaddle, this is fucking genius, I wish I had this 4 years ago.

[–]uberlupus 3 points4 points ago

From birth to about three months our baby would constantly smack herself in the face while sleeping. Then she'd wake up and cry. This product actually makes perfect sense.

[–]druek 3 points4 points ago

It's just like swaddling. Not WTF.

[–]Cepheia 4 points5 points ago

Not WTF worthy if you've had a kid, been in the process of having a kid or been close with somebody who has had a kid.

Babies love to be wrapped up. For many reasons.

My son used to throw out gang signs every time I changed his butt.

[–]ludarue 3 points4 points ago

How is this WTF, and how is this any different than swaddling them in a blanket?

[–]PPCwarren 4 points5 points ago

I'm sure someone else has said this but swaddling calms a baby and keeps them from startle re-flexing awake. It is a life/mind saver, as soon as the arms are "tucked" the baby clams down. AMAZING

[–]FuckingMike 5 points6 points ago

ITT: people who aren't parents that don't know about swaddling.

[–]jrooster13 5 points6 points ago

Its 4am, you have been up for 2 days straight dealing with a screaming baby. You are sleep deprived, sanity hanging on by a thread and you finally, FINALLY got the baby to sleep through a frantic mix of rocking, singing, blubbering, pleading with whatever Gods are in charge of baby insomnia. You creep slooooowly into the baby's room and slooowly, oh so damned slowly put the little hellion into their crib and breathe a soft pathetic sigh of relief in eager anticipation of a much needed 3 hour sleep marathon. You tip toe away and as you quietly close the door only to see the baby randomly bitch slap themselves awake and into an instant 80 decibel rage fit. No sleep for you today!

I wish i had known about this awesome thing back then. It may or may not have worked but damnit it would have been worth a try.

[–]Mjaugarrley 5 points6 points ago

When I tucked my daughters arms in her blanket I was told it's dangerous to make babies feel like they're in the womb again because they might stop breathing, like they did in there. Bullshit?

[–]Chuymatt 13 points14 points ago

Totally. Just look at studies for SIDS and that is nowhere in there. The only issue would be if they were rolling and did not have their arms free to right themselves if they are face down in bedding.

There is a question about apnea, but last I read, the being I the womb thing had nothi g to do with it.

[–]Whiteblackheart 8 points9 points ago

It's like a straitjacket...

[–]thinkslow- 6 points7 points ago

but looks pretty comfortable

[–]Whiteblackheart 3 points4 points ago

Hmmm.... I know I wouldn't like wearing that.

[–]0six0four 5 points6 points ago

But you are not a baby...

[–]Whiteblackheart 7 points8 points ago


[–]TheEnigmasSon 2 points3 points ago

"If you order now we'll throw in an adult sized snuggle wings because if your child needs one you probably do too!"

[–]dwohio 6 points7 points ago

They need this for all ages.

[–]educatedconsumer 5 points6 points ago

So is there a REAL wtf subreddit with actual mods who do their work?

[–]Fancy_Pantsu 0 points1 point ago's a straight jacket for infants...

[–]NinjaTheNick 2 points3 points ago

actually this is awesome! my son is calmer when he's swaddled but doesn't always need a whole blanket over him

[–]Appetite4destruction 2 points3 points ago

That's brilliant. Great for arm control getting a baby to sleep. We had a different method, but I would have bought this if I knew it existed.

[–]drumrave 2 points3 points ago

Why is this wtf?

[–]invalidredditor 2 points3 points ago

Swaddling is a great thing to reminds baby what it felt like in the womb. I see nothing wrong here.

[–]mwhite1249 1 point2 points ago

I needed that for my daughter. She sucked her thumb and twisted her hair until she was 16.

[–]Miaoudeminou 4 points5 points ago

Well it'd prevent them from scratching up their face. When they're crying and want to be comforted, you're supposed to put their feet& arms in. It reminds them of the womb. I guess I don't see anything wrong with this.

[–]pogopooper 4 points5 points ago

I'm beginning to wonder if OP is sheltered like the rest on this sub..

[–]purpleRN 3 points4 points ago

This is fairly brilliant. I'm a Mom/Baby nurse and there are some parents that are horrible at swaddling. Pretty much hopeless. But if there's a product out there that can keep their kid quiet and happy....

I'm all for it. Plus I agree with the warm-weather comment. Not WTF. Brilliant.

[–]Incompatibert 3 points4 points ago

In addition to the swaddling aspect, newborns also have very sharp fingernails and little or no real motor control, so they frequently scratch their faces. You can temporarily solve this with socks on their hands, but this would work much better at night.

[–]someredditorguy 3 points4 points ago

This is actually great swaddling for babies. Sure, swaddling cloths work, but the arms are always the most important to keep down and the first to get loose. Whoever posted this must not have much contact with babies

[–]audaciousterrapin 1 point2 points ago

And this is how claustrophobics are created.

[–]Renovatio_ 3 points4 points ago

ITT: people who aren't or should be parents

[–]l_RAPE_GRAPES -1 points0 points ago

It's like you're hugging a dinosaur

[–]BLUEequalsRED 1 point2 points ago

Makes me feel claustrophobic!

[–]MessWithMeOnce 0 points1 point ago


[–]orlandojnf 0 points1 point ago

you could say this is a Straight Jacket Fashion

[–]imacx7535 1 point2 points ago

This isn't /r/wtf, perhaps you should try /r/wheredidthesodago.

[–]DarkKassanova 0 points1 point ago

My kid has that onesie >.>

[–]Marzipan_Badger 0 points1 point ago

Take my money!