Possible Side Effects

As with any food, beverage, dietary supplement, or other consumable product, side effects can occur, even when taken in small amounts, especially if an allergic reaction is involved.

Side Effects

Side effects are common among foods and dietary supplements. Some occur predictably (such as sleep disturbance after consuming coffee, irritability after consuming Vitamin B6, and loose stools after consuming magnesium), whereas others may not be predictable (such as fever, rash, headache, diarrhea, gas pains, constipation, nausea, vomiting, lethargy, or muscle cramps after eating any food or supplement).

Allergic Reactions

Allergic reactions to any food or supplement can be purely symptomatic (such as a rash, watery eyes, or itchy throat). However, severe allergic reactions are also possible, including anaphylaxis, which may occur in response to any supplement or food, but which is most commonly associated with exposure to peanuts or shellfish. Keep in mind that there is no food or supplement that is safe in everyone. If you develop any symptoms in response to any food or dietary supplement, then stop that food or supplement and contact your physician. Do not attempt to consume that food or supplement in the future.

Yeast and Fungal Conditions

OSR#1TM has a high affinity for disulfide compounds. Because Candida Albicans (a common yeast condition in humans) is known to release byproducts that contain disulfide bonds, OSR#1TM may theoretically bind to them. As a precaution, people with suspected yeast problems and people who are on antifungal medications should avoid OSR#1TM until their yeast conditions are under control.

Thyroid Conditions, Hypertension, and Diabetes

Because thyroid disease, hypertension, and diabetes are associated with low glutathione levels, people with these conditions should be monitored closely by their physicians when they take any antioxidant to help maintain a healthy glutathione level, such as OSR#1TM

Reactions to Sulfur-Containing Compounds

Oddly enough, certain elements (such as sulfur) which are recognized as essential may cause allergic reactions in some people. OSR#1TM does contain sulfur, so if you have a known sensitivity to sulfur, then you should not take OSR#1TM

Whate to do if you think you have a reaction to OSR#1TM

If you have a reaction to OSR#1TM (or any food or supplement), then please do the following:

  1. Stop taking OSR#1TM immediately.
  2. Take activated charcoal, which will bind OSR#1TM. Activated charcoal is available at most local pharmacies without a prescription. It should be taken in the recommended amounts.
  3. Report your symptoms to your physician.
  4. Do not take OSR#1TM in the future.

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