Action Center

The patent system is in crisis, and it endangers the future of software development in the United States. Let's create a system that defends innovation, instead of hindering it.

Right now, the Supreme Court is considering a case called Kirtsaeng v. Wiley, and their final decision could help shape the future of "first sale," the legal doctrine that underpins our rights to sell, lend, or give away the things we buy, even if those things contain copyrighted elements. Speak up now to defend your first sale rights.

Join EFF and the Public Participation Project in calling on Congress to support the PETITION Act, strong federal anti-SLAPP legislation. The concept is simple: when a blogger faces a legal threat for legitimate online content, she can file a motion to get the case dismissed quickly. If the case is found to be frivolous in court, she won't have to pay the legal fees.

Sign the Declaration of Internet Freedom to join a growing movement fighting for rights in the digital world. Join EFF in calling on elected officials to safeguard free expression, privacy, and innovation online.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement is a trade agreement currently being negotiated by the United States and eight other countries. Like ACTA, the TPP is being negotiated in secret, and on a fast timetable. We don’t know what’s in the TPP IP chapter, and that’s what worries us. Entertainment industry executives who are members of the Industry Trade Advisory Committee will likely get to see the agreement drafts – again – but the rest of us will be kept in the dark unless we speak up now.

If the government wants to track our cell phones, or see what web sites we’ve visited, or rummage through our Gmail, or read our private messages on Facebook, it should be required to go to a judge and get a search warrant based on probable cause.

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If the govt wants your Twitter info, it must meet the highest due process standards available under the law, says PEN

Jan 14 @ 11:06pm

275 users have used @MuckRockNews to file records requests about their local police agency's drone use. You can too:

Jan 14 @ 5:52pm

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