Capital Weather Gang

Capital Weather Gang


Stay on top of D.C. area weather & other weather news with PostWeather's Capital Weather Gang blog from the Washington Post.

Washington, DC ·

  1. Saturday's digit: 8/10 - Main issue is a healthy breeze. Sunshine on a Saturday is worth a +1 itself (unless I've just jinxed it). Ian, CWG

  2. Absolutely MT : I love NOAA/NWS. I think on avg they have the best forecasters in the country. Just for the record.

  3. People don't know diff in many cases. Just focus on potential for 5"+ snow MT : but it was a watch, not a warning.

  4. Don't think snow bias, think this was a fluke MT : NWS Sterling seems to have a snow bias. Part wishcasting/part extreme CYA?

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