jumped on it

jumped on it
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Author Notes:

Owen W 11.26.2011, 12:09 AM edit delete
And now we play catch-up. ♥ On to the next one!

Sarah 11.26.2011, 12:18 AM edit delete reply
You guys are THE greatest! Loving panels two and three of Milo too. His fluffy hair is free!!!

Miss-who?? Oh dear...
Doomy 11.26.2011, 12:21 AM edit delete reply
Eeee we can finally see Liam's cute freckles now.
b3nc0 11.26.2011, 2:54 AM edit delete reply
Do you want me to have a heart attack, freckles+Adam's appel against fluffy hair+dimple ==> too much cuteness on the same page !°[ (post-stroke face)
mooshkin 11.26.2011, 12:22 AM edit delete reply
YAY! they are smiling and having fun. remembering the good old days before Milo had a black eye.
wellpent 11.26.2011, 12:26 AM edit delete reply
Chloe's ears are burning ;)
Such a great page you guys! I feel like I've gotten to know them a lot more in just a few panels <3<3<3
Crube 11.26.2011, 12:27 AM edit delete reply
I take it that Milo is a Doctor Who fan?
b3nc0 11.26.2011, 8:10 AM edit delete reply
Owen W 11.26.2011, 12:13 PM edit delete reply
Truth be told - neither one of us have actually seen the show. We don't have TV, haha! :') We'll have to get back to you on that!
Madidi 11.26.2011, 12:32 AM edit delete reply
Okay.. Yeah I didn't abandon the camp after all..(6:32am.. O__O) I haaad to stay.. And boy was it worth it.. Milo's expressions.. Liam becoming much 'warmer' .. and really.. the cuteness.. not to forget the dorkgasm..xDDD Thank you lovelies! <333
b3nc0 11.26.2011, 2:45 AM edit delete reply
Didn't know what you meant with 'dorkgasm' so just found the subtile subtitle & gonna chek ev'ry page instead of getting back to sleep, damn you & kudos for the camping superpower 8°o
cool 11.26.2011, 12:45 AM edit delete reply
ahhhhh! I just love this comic so much. I applaud your guy's ability to update even with so much going on. It's awe-inspiring and inspirational
Justin J 11.26.2011, 12:50 AM edit delete reply
This for me is one of my favorite pages!
I feel happy for these two! Nothing is more romantic than reminiscing XD
b3nc0 11.26.2011, 3:03 AM edit delete reply
Except maybe sci-fi debating X°D
Ionopachys 11.26.2011, 1:06 AM edit delete reply
The art is great. At the risk of just me too-ing, the facial expressions you draw are awesome.

Also, thank you for not falling into the typical slash trap of a long, drawn out UST. This is much more interesting than most clichéd slash comics.
Ima bee a guest 11.26.2011, 1:36 AM edit delete reply
lol. They're just over the costumes.
I'm really in love with that second panel, his movement and the angle he's facing. I don't know, I'm just really taken with it.
b3nc0 11.26.2011, 3:08 AM edit delete reply
2d panel & 3d... & the details in the background, of course not in those panels, silly, how the white rail behind Milo in the first is back behind Liam in the last!?
MrMonochromatic 11.26.2011, 2:07 AM edit delete reply
I'm just going to tell you that your are one of my favorite comickers out there. You put so much into your characters and even each panel seems to be filled with attention and everything is just right. Totally in love with this page and I can't wait for more. I probably look forward to this comic's updates more than I should, hahaha♥
b3nc0 11.26.2011, 2:36 AM edit delete reply
So loving the disrobing-make-up-removing/naked-truth-confessing parallel<3
[Urgh, facepalm, failed at camping, have keyboard-print on my cheek now & semidryed saliva on my desk (gross), coffee was too late]
2Plantains 11.26.2011, 4:19 AM edit delete reply
"Pffff. Yeah. I and I still hold to the notion that ANY theory is pointless without empirical validation. Science is about gathering data, getting your hands dirty! That's where we differ. You underestimate the value of... experimentation."
Basil 11.26.2011, 7:12 AM edit delete reply
insert wiggly eyebrows.
Owen W 11.26.2011, 12:10 PM edit delete reply
Don't mind me, just laughing myself into stitches over here.
Crube 11.27.2011, 1:05 AM edit delete reply
"Pfft... experiments are conducted in sterile environments unlike a loo!"
2Plantains 11.27.2011, 4:42 AM edit delete reply
"Hey now, be fair - that was an observational study done under real-world conditions! And the preliminary results were quite promising. I mean okay, we've seen some regression to the mean, but that's to be expected. With a little more probing, I'm confident that we can coax out a statistically significant relationship in the meta-analysis."
Crube 11.27.2011, 11:32 PM edit delete reply
"Perhaps, but... The Tripping Barmaid?! Even the library is much more appropriate and rather quiet! Sure, you're not the one to enter such environmen- Wait, what?! Probing?! What did I say about being discrete?!"
Leyounette 11.26.2011, 10:10 AM edit delete reply
Thank you so much for this wonderful comic ! I absolutely love it, your work is intelligent, moving, beautiful and the details are lovely (I re-read it entirely when I discovered that there were "hidden" messages on each page...).
The characters are well-round, the story is not cliché at all and basically, you make my day twice a week !

I just have one question : how old are you when you are in third year ?
(please excuse this stupid question and any mistake I may have made, I'm french)
Owen W 11.26.2011, 12:09 PM edit delete reply
Oh gosh - thank you so much for saying so! ♥ Much appreciated! In third year Liam would have been 14, and Milo would have turned 14 halfway through the year. :)
TobiAnderson 11.26.2011, 10:14 AM edit delete reply
Oh God, Liam's face in panel five, how do you NOT kiss that?! Very well worth the wait Ladi~es, the page is great!

Oh Milo, making him break curfew, you been a bad influence from the start... YAY!
lorry 11.26.2011, 2:46 PM edit delete reply
i just want to say that i love that they're doing other things while having their conversation, you've very nicely avoided the "floating heads talking" problem that many comics seem to have. i'm really impressed with this comic!!
nestoria 11.26.2011, 4:35 PM edit delete reply
I see Liam is a fan of Hawking's chronology protection conjecture. Loved this page by the way!
Raichi 11.26.2011, 6:28 PM edit delete reply
They are so cute ~♥ glad they're just talking and not avoiding him or the subject anymore :) talking solves everything ^-^
totallyuke 11.26.2011, 6:44 PM edit delete reply
OMG i think they are so good for each other :P lol
PockyPuck 11.27.2011, 12:15 AM edit delete reply
Oh dear god the nerdiness. I love it so. Look at them in their adorkability. <3 And the mobility of both their faces is absolutely wonderful. I adore their expressions, always.

Also, for some reason, Milo's eyebrows. Don't ask.
AvitalzCartoonz 11.27.2011, 1:55 AM edit delete reply
My god. You just put into words everything I was feeling right now
you are correct in every way, sir
Shiruy 11.27.2011, 3:53 PM edit delete reply
Hayzel 11.27.2011, 5:34 AM edit delete reply
Please....just kiss now....so want <3
Hayzel 11.27.2011, 5:35 AM edit delete reply
Also http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQObWW06VAM
I can't believe no one has made that joke XD
Owen W 11.27.2011, 4:02 PM edit delete reply
... Woah! I've had this song stuck in my head since we uploaded this strip, and I couldn't figure out why! I'm-- a little dense, haha!
Guest 11.27.2011, 6:03 PM edit delete reply
I've had this song stuck in my head http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5MF27tdWPQ&list=FLKiGxpRgYC9gDi2Brrto7cg&index=21&feature=plpp_video
Hayzel 11.27.2011, 6:47 PM edit delete reply
Glad to help XD
MilkChan 11.28.2011, 2:06 AM edit delete reply
hahahah im glad im not the only one that thought of Jump on it
Tyrror 11.27.2011, 1:45 PM edit delete reply
My heart just melted, reformed, shattered into a million tiny pieces, reformed again, and melted a second time.

I believe this is my new favorite page since the original moment in the bathroom at the bar. Just the utter perfection of admitting the length of his attraction to suddenly reminiscing about time travel paradoxes (a topic which I thoroughly approve of). Gah! I want to hug you both...I'm gonna sit over here and be less creepy now...
Allison 11.27.2011, 7:04 PM edit delete reply
Gosh darn it, each panel is beautifully executed and their expressions are so natural and cute. And Liam is older than Milo? That's pretty interesting :)
SilverSpark 11.27.2011, 10:00 PM edit delete reply
If you ever print and sell these like Teahouse, please, PLEASE include the alt-text; it kills me every time. You guys ROCK!
Acerbus Equinomin 11.27.2011, 11:18 PM edit delete reply
I have been out of town for the past few days, and I was elated when I realized that I had not one, but TWO updates to look forward to.

And were they worth it!

I undoubtedly love Milo's hair. In all its glory. And its corona of awesome curls.

Liam's locket-like personality is just fun to watch. Simple secrets meant to be seen that mean the most to those that share the locket.

Ah, how I love this comic...you have done well not only to depict a relationship, but to transcend mere cuteness and wonderfully portray romance.

And now! I wait for the next installment.
twincast 11.28.2011, 7:53 AM edit delete reply
how utterly adorkable. it warms my heart. (^_^)
Drae 12.18.2011, 2:41 PM edit delete reply
Three years is a long time to pine after someone at that age. I hope Liam appreciates it.

(And now I'm conflicted between 'aawww all that waiting, so romantic and One True Love' and 'I kind of hope Milo experimented elsewhere during that time so that at least one of them knows what they're doing'.)
KittyLitter 9.17.2012, 8:46 PM edit delete reply
Milo, in that last panel, looks like a freaking ANIMAL. About to pounce on his prey.~
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