A simple 68HC08 "programmer" board

This is a compact board with a RS232 plug, MAX232, crystal oscillator, DIP switch and 7-pin header for attachment to a board with a Motorola 68HC08 MCU. The HC08 can be programmed or debugged via the 7-wire cable (not all wires are necessarily required).

Connector pinout

2 - IRQ (VPP)
4 - TX/RX
5 - SWITCH 1
6 - SWITCH 2
7 - SWITCH 3


Some the components need to be changed a bit from what is shown in the file. The 1K resistor for the high IRQ voltage should be changed to 4.7K. And to increase drive capability of switch outputs, in case the pins are loaded on the board, the pull-down resistors on the switches can be reduced from 4K7 to 1K.

The switches are for attaching to the HC08 pins for controlling the bootstrap program parameters such as baud rate. They can be left disconnected on the target board if this is not required. The 4th DIP switch controls the high IRQ voltage (on or off) and there is a jumper at the lower-left for enabling the crystal oscillator (necessary if the target board's crystal is not the right frequency).

The board is really a quick hack that I put together in one night ready for manufacture the next day, and it is not perfect but it works fine and that is the important thing.

The files

Here are the EAGLE files for the HC08PGMR board. The files are also available via my HC08 FTP archive. The designs are copyright in 1999 by Mario Becroft, but are available free for personal use.

  • Schematic file for EAGLE
  • Board file for EAGLE
  • Schematic in GIF format
  • Photograph

    The image is of the board from above. In this case I have replaced the 78L05 with a wire link, since the boards I am working on already have a stable 5V supply available.


    I use the free ICS08 software from P&E; Microsystems with the programmer. You can get it from http://www.pemicro.com/.

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    Mario Becroft <mb@gem.win.co.nz>