Gaia Health


Junk Science Falsely Claims New Antipsychotic Is Safe

Junk Science Falsely Claims New Antipsychotic Is Safe

Antipsychotics are notoriously dangerous drugs, causing life-threatening diabetes, along with severe neurological damage. Authors of a new study claim that Saphris is harmless, but examination shows that their study doesn't come close to showing safety. It's pure junk science.

January 17, 2013 with 0 Comments
The Autism Epidemic and The Broken Window Fallacy

The Autism Epidemic and The Broken Window Fallacy

The lives of autistic children are treated as nothing more than an economic stimulus, like a hooligan-broken window providing more business for business. Destroyed human lives become profit centers.

January 1, 2013 with 0 Comments
Two Minutes in the Life of an Autism Mom

Two Minutes in the Life of an Autism Mom

As you go into this holiday season, run ragged by all you must do and keeping up with your kids, keep in mind what parents of autistic children deal with day in and day out. Then take an oath to assure it happens to no other families—or your own.

December 24, 2012 with 9 Comments
This Is Autism: Video of the Reality

This Is Autism: Video of the Reality

The Thinking Mom's Revolution knows what autism is about. A recent congressional hearing left many with the impression that it's not such a bad thing. After all, look at those people they trotted out as if they were representative of people with autism. Here's the reality.

December 8, 2012 with 1 Comment
US Government Blocks Info that Vaccines Cause Autism

US Government Blocks Info that Vaccines Cause Autism

Here's proof that the US government is blocking information that vaccines cause autism—and your opportunity to do something about it. Will you speak out now? Or will you let this developing trajedy hit more of our children as the vaccine schedule increases?

December 4, 2012 with 3 Comments
Autism, Cooking, and Most of All, Love

Autism, Cooking, and Most of All, Love

Here's the voice of a mother trying to help her autistic son. It's not a simple matter of picky eating. Every bite has implications. But what are they? How to you figure it out? Where do you get the information? And where do you find the time?

December 2, 2012 with 1 Comment
Research for Autism Gene Shows Absurdity of the Search

Research for Autism Gene Shows Absurdity of the Search

Autism research is directed into genetics because it's a hot research topic, so it sounds convincing. And sounding convincing is the goal. Finding the cause has nothing to do with all the genetic research surrounding autism.

November 24, 2012 with 0 Comments
Aluminum Adjuvant Blasts Genetics to Create Autism

Aluminum Adjuvant Blasts Genetics to Create Autism

Tweet Autism is created by a perfect storm. The vaccine storm sends a lightning strike of aluminum into the wrong genetic ground, blasting autism into existence. by Heidi Stevenson A new study documents a very strong link between aluminum adjuvants in vaccines and autism. We are seeing more and more research diverted into the idea [...]

November 16, 2012 with 2 Comments
Aluminum in Vaccines Is an Autism Trigger: New Study

Aluminum in Vaccines Is an Autism Trigger: New Study

Autism is a perfect storm of genetics triggered by vaccine toxins. However, blaming the genes is like blaming a dry field for causing a fire. In autism, the spark that triggers the conflagration is usually aluminum in vaccines.

November 16, 2012 with 5 Comments
Action Alert for All Thinking Autism Parents!

Action Alert for All Thinking Autism Parents!

The Thinking Mom's Revolution is one of the most informative sites on the autism battle. They've called an alert for all thinking parents on this unique opportunity to be heard on the issue. ALL thinking parents should respond!

November 12, 2012 with 0 Comments
Treatment for Enterocolitis Brings Huge Benefits in Autism: Wakefield Vindicated?

Treatment for Enterocolitis Brings Huge Benefits in Autism: Wakefield Vindicated?

Dr. Wakefield was vilified for his research demonstrating a connection between enterocolitis associated with the MMR vaccine and autism. His work, though, is now producing results in the life quality of children afflicted with autism and its entercolitis pain.

November 12, 2012 with 2 Comments
Fun with Autism While Dad Goes on His Mancation

Fun with Autism While Dad Goes on His Mancation

Lisa Joyce Goes can describe like no other what it is to live the life of a mother whose child has autism. She speaks with humor and wisdom that goes well beyond her years. As hard as her life is, she explains how it can be even harder for others.

November 2, 2012 with 1 Comment
Autism: A Conspiracy of Silence

Autism: A Conspiracy of Silence

The millions of children whose lives have been circumscribed by the autism pandemic are collateral damage to a medical system mad with greed. Jagannath Chatterjee summarizes what would generally be known if it weren't for a Conspiracy of Silence.

August 13, 2012 with 4 Comments
They Say …

They Say …

With all the talk of autism's rarity, one would think these few martyrs of the vaccine schedule would be honored. Oprah would clamor for a chance to interview these rare families and capture their real story of ultimate sacrifice for the world herd. ... You'd think.

August 9, 2012 with 0 Comments
The Only Credible Cause of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Is Vaccines

The Only Credible Cause of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Is Vaccines

There seems to be little investigation into the SIDS phenonmenon, in spite of the fact that it is the leading cause of death in babies born healthy! Could that be because it's caused by vaccines?

July 15, 2012 with 16 Comments
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