Pragya 's Reviews > Of Mice and Men

Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck

's review
Feb 06, 12

bookshelves: 2012, classics
Recommended for: Tanu
Read on February 06, 2012, read count: 1

Find my full review here-

This is the first Classic that I have read that has such simple language that you don't have to read every line twice or read a non-classic to be able to come back to it. It is a book you finish in one go.

The characters are really well developed, as is seen in all Classics. I fell in love with Lenny, he is very cute, innocent and adorable. Except for the fact that he ends up killing mice and pups. I don't like that, I love animals. But what can you say when he innocently replies "But I was just petting him"? He can't help it, he is a big man.

The story is short and ends up breaking my heart. Seriously, though I didn't cry but oh, it was difficult.

Despite it being a short novella, Steinbeck manages to give us a view into everyone's life and what holds them back.

The book is simply written yet it leaves you thinking a long time after you finish reading.

If you want a Classic to start with, this should be the one. Simply told.

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Comments (showing 1-2 of 2) (2 new)

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Bonnie E. I loved this book. And the story is so heartbreaking that I did cry.

Pragya Oh, it truly was heartbreaking. I adored Lenny.

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