5 Dofollow Blogging Community websites

There is a very familiar saying in blogging community that “Content is King” but what if your great content is unseen and hidden in the archives of your blog than its just a scrap for you. If you are not promoting your blog posts than you are wasting your time by only writing great content. You may get some free organic traffic but not all your blog posts will get traffic from search engines so you have to promote your unseen blog posts with the rest of the world specially with bloggers. But how do you tell the word about your great posts, well there are few places like Blogging community websites where bloggers meet and share there great content.

Dofollow Blogging Community
Now you may be wondering that if i am getting traffic from search engines than why i have to do all these things. Well the thing is that one should not depend upon only single source of traffic what if Google changes its algorithms again like Google panda update and suddenly your traffic drops than what will you do. Its always to have more than 1 traffic source so if one let you down than you should carry on with other and continue your journey. I am not saying that you must totally neglect SEO but one should also promote his or her blog on social media websites and blogging communities. Here is a list of some Dofollow blogging communities.

1. Blog Engage.

One of the best blogging community website you will ever find with lots of categories like SEO, Blogging, Technology and social media. Its the best platform  to promote your blog posts with other fellow bloggers and webmasters. They have also enabled the chat function which is really helpful making new friends and getting new ideas. Blog Engage is a adsense revenue sharing website which means not only you get traffic from this website but also earn money when some one clicks on your ads. BE has only paid memberships and only paid members can invite 5 free members every month to join this website via invite.

2. Blokube.

Same like Blog Engage but its free to join and second it has quite specific categories to choose from like blogging, WordPress, SEO, Social Media etc. Its not an old website so you may not find lots of bloggers but still good for newbie bloggers to start their journey. Blokube is good for specific niche based websites so if your blog meets the requirements than join the website now.

3. Indiblogger.

Mainly you will find Indian bloggers on Indiblogger and it is best suited for How to’s and technology related blog topics. It has more than 25000 blogs indexed which means you can connect with lots of new bloggers related to your blog niche. Every blog is manually checked by moderator.

4. MMOSocialNetwork.

MMOSocialNetwork is a community for bloggers where only blogs related to Make money and social media are submitted. Making money ideas can be 8 ways to create google adsense account or top 10 google adsense alternatives etc. MMOSocialNetwork is working since 2010 and hence not as much activity as you would have like but still recommended for money making blogs. Its also a Google Adsense revenue sharing blog so that you can also earn with your posts as well.

5. BizSugar.

As the name initials says this dofollow blogging community is all about business related topics like marketing, social media, business terms etc. BizSugar has some huge number of active users so you can except some great results.

Every blogger must join all above mention dofollow blogging communities and the golden rule is same for all in to remain active. Not only you will get vote’s for your posts but eventually our blog traffic will also increase.

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19 Responses to “5 Dofollow Blogging Community websites”

  1. Becca says:

    I agree, we should not only focus in one way of getting traffic. there are many ways that may help
    our site to increase traffic if we want to get our goal of rank 1.

    • Mohsin Ali Waheed says:

      Becca after Google Panda update many bloggers see huge drop in their blog organic traffic so its necessary to find alternate traffic sources.

  2. Amit Shaw from Itechcode says:

    Yes Mohsin you are right that we can able to get a good traffice but community is not only for traffic we can share our ideas and get ideas from there. Joining Community means exposing yourself to other blogger. Its really awesome idea to expose. Thanks for the list. I know only Blog Engage and IndiBlogger.

    ~ Amit Shaw

    • Mohsin Ali Waheed says:

      Amit who knows the power of social media better than you. Community websites are just another way to find bloggers and free traffic.

  3. Marsh @ Los Angeles SEO Expert says:

    So true! Content is only king if people can see it!

  4. Nimsrules says:

    Thanks for sharing this great list. I’m already active on BlogEngage shall look up to the other communities too..

  5. Aziz@techpcnews says:

    So far I only joined the bloggers.com, because I do not have much time :(

  6. Gautam @ Domainbd says:

    Nice blog post. We are agree with you Mohsin. You are a good thinker. I will follow your blog daily. Please update it.

    • Mohsin Ali Waheed says:

      Thanks Gautam i try my best to update this blog but i have some other blogs to manage as well so some days i may not be able to publish posts.

  7. Alexandra says:

    DO follow links are very important for making backlinks more worthable for a website, because it share the site authority to the linking site.

    • Mohsin Ali Waheed says:

      Community websites are the heart of free traffic source and one should join atleast 5 of them. Search engines still respect these websites and a back link from them would be a handy one.

  8. lidya says:

    This is really good information which i haven’t heard before.

  9. Muhammad Saleem says:

    Thanks for sharing such a wonderful Post.

    It is always better to post comments on do follow blogs as these are very useful for the inclusion of your site in the search engines. If you leave your website’s link with the comment on these blogs, the chances of your website getting indexed would be more.

  10. Thanks for sharing the great list bro… I am just active on indiblogger and will surely join the other communities which you have listed.

  11. Mujibur Rehman says:

    I am new to blogging and I want to create backlinks with dofollow blogs and social bookmarking sites.I am really happy to get quite a good information from you. Thanks a lot for sharing. regards- Mujibur Rehman.

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