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Medical Devices
The Safe Imager 2.0 Blue-Light Transilluminator is designed for viewing stained gels on the laboratory bench top, or within a gel documentation system.
For the detection of DNA, stained with Ethidium Bromide, UV-Transilluminators are still the first choice.
Super-Bright table is a multi-dyes UV transilluminator. For instance, it works for both Syber-Green and Ethidium bromide gels.
MD-25 and HD-25 comprises with 6X8W, 312 nm or 365 nm UV tube, 25X25 cm filter size, low background black glass, UV radiation blocking cover, high/low select switch, and reflection aluminum plate popularly for visual gel stained by EtBr, SYBR Green, Coomassie Blue, SYBR Gold, SYPR Ruby, and SYPR Orange.
Only DNR's innovative D-Transilluminators feature built-in interchangeable drawers makes loading, removing, and cutting different types of gel samples easier than ever before. Choosing a white light drawer for colorimetric applications or a UV drawer for fluorescent applications can be completed without any interruption to the workflow, while maintaining clean work environment.
FOTO/Flex transilluminators provide the largest - 28 x 25 cm - UV viewing surface and highest intensity.
Blue light transilluminators are often used as an alternative to UV transilluminators when users wish to use ‘safe dyes’ instead of Ethidium Bromide.
Economical FOTO/UV 15, 21 and 26 Transilluminators save valuable bench space, are easy to maneuver and have an optimized filter glass area with uniform illumination.
The E-Gel iBase Power System gives all the convenience of the original E-Gel® Power Base with even more power and control.
The BlueView Transilluminator uses super bright blue LEDs to illuminate electrophoresis gels stained with SYBR Safe stain.
The Unique design of FirstLight UV Illuminator provides extremely uniform UV illumination, which is critical for accurate quantitative analysis.
MaestroGen UltraBright LED transilluminator provides safer blue LEDs and easy gel cutting amber filter. Higher sensitivity leads to compatibility with most of the stains.
The FOTO/Phoresis UV Transilluminator is ideal for safe visualization and photography of DNA mini-gels without leaving the lab bench. A UV-blocking, safety interlocking cover makes it possible to safely view the gel without the use of UV blocking eyeglasses.
For the optimum visualisation of agarose or polyacrylamide gels, UVItec offers what is probably the widest available range of ultraviolet transilluminators.
These UV Transilluminators are multitasking workstations which offer an ultra-violet source for the analysis of fluorescently stained DNA, RNA, and Protein electrophoresis gels.
Available with a single/Dual UV illumination source, DNR’s Transilluminator is a cost-effective solution for UV applications.
MD-20 and HD-20 comprises with 6X8W, 312 nm or 365 nm UV tube, 20X20 cm filter size, low background black glass, UV radiation blocking cover, high/low select switch, and reflection aluminum plate popularly for visual gel stained by EtBr, SYBR Green, Coomassie Blue, SYBR Gold, SYPR Ruby, and SYPR Orange.