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Roger Simon Archives

02/27/13 Sequestration: Bring It On!
02/20/13 Was Obama Afraid to Be Seen With Tiger?
02/15/13 Rubio Is in the Pit
02/13/13 A State of the Union That didn't Drone On
02/06/13 Ed Koch's lucky corner
02/01/13 Guns and Ammo . . . and Gender
01/30/13The 900-pound Immigration Gorilla
01/23/13 Obama's Inaugural Message: Just Do It!
01/18/13 Leave the President's Kids out of It
01/16/13 Silence Kills
01/09/13 Happy Birthday, Tricky Dick
01/04/13 Fools on the Hill
12/28/12 My Hangover Cures
12/14/12 After Fiscal Cliff, Obama to Focus on Immigration Reform
12/05/12 Romney lost, according to Romney, because a secret was kept from him
11/28/12 Political geniuses, political fools
11/16/12 When the flesh is Weak
11/14/12 Petraeus Dumb, She's Dumber
11/06/12 Those dumber than you
10/31/12 Passing as president: Will the electorate see through the presidential pose?
10/26/12 Trump, Mourdock Haunt Romney
10/19/12 Romney and Obama Yuk It Up
10/17/12Obama Snaps Back Hard
10/10/12 Eat Crow and Pray for Joe?
10/03//12 Message to Mitt: Kick Some Tushy
09/25/12 The V.P. candidate is now unleashed, unchained and off the hook
08/19/12 John Boehner Comes Out Smoking
08/17/12 Axelrod: Romney Speaks 'Pious Nonsense'
08/17/12 Republican Conventions: Born in a Wigwam
08/15/12 Paul Ryan Grabs for the Gusto
08/10/12 Shouldn't Mitt Romney be ahead by now?
08/08/12 Shock, Awe, Life, Death
08/03/12 Mitt Needs Veep to Replace Flop
07/25/12 Obama's Gun Baloney
07/13/12 Mitt in the Lion's Den
07/11/12 Why Don't We Love Mitt Romney?
07/04/12 America's Glorious Failures
06/29/12 Our Supreme Court Has Lost Its Honor
06/27/12 Romney 'Between Fear and Greed'
06/22/12 The 'meh'-ing of the president
06/20/12 Obama's Immigration Trap
06/15/12 Of Seduction, Temptation and Thongs
06/13/12 America suffers from a national civility disorder
06/08/12 Two Bills and a Bull
06/06/12 Bill Clinton Is out of Control
06/01/12 Trump Has a Very Large Twitter
05/24/12 Is Mitt Romney Count Dracula?
05/18/12 Poll Results Are 'Massaged' Before They Are Released
05/14/12 Big Problems for Small Pols
05/09/12 Empty Seats Haunt Obama
05/04/12 Obama Tops Mitt's Pizzas
05/02/12 Maintain Your Outrage
04/27/12 John Edwards Is Cool and Despised
04/25/12 Out of College, out of Luck
04/20/12 Man Bites Dog
04/18/12 The Chumps Never Change
04/17/12 Ask Dr. Politics!
04/11/12 'How Much Risk Can You Stomach?
04/06/12 'Mah-velous'Mitt vs. 'Out of Touch' Obama
03/30/12 Leno KOs Romney
03/21/12 The GOP is in like with Romney
03/16/12 GOP Wants YOU for Its Nominee
03/14/12 March Madness: Fun Here, Death Abroad
03/07/12 Santorum Just Doesn't Get It
03/02/12 Santorum Needs Stronger Stomach
02/29/12 Mr. Bumble vs. Mr. Scary
02/10/12 Mitt Romney Is Dazed and Confused
02/08/12 O, how the mighty have swollen!
02/03/12 A Low Road Through a Weak Field
02/01/12 America Don't Back No Losers
01/27/12 GOP Makes Obama Look Good
01/25/12 Newt Gingrich Is Angry
01/24/12 Changing States of the Union
01/11/12 Mitt Romney wants to save your soul
01/10/12 Of pigs, pokes and pious baloney
01/09/12 Santorum in the Lions' Den
01/05/12 Romney goes to heck
01/04/12 It is to weep
01/03/12 Mitt don't need no surges
12/30/11 Mitt Romney Is Wild Like a Stallion
12/28/11 Mount Newt Erupts!
12/21/11 Are Polls Really Magic?
12/16/11 GOP Over-coached and Over-careful
12/13/11 Gingrich Blasts It Out of Park!
12/09/11 Who needs pants? Newt has passion
12/02/11 Politicians Are Receding From View
11/25/11 Newt Shocks by Endorsing Mercy
11/23/11 Being smart can be a drawback in presidential elections
11/18/11 Deep in the White House weeds
11/16/11 GOPers debate, Obama just smiles
11/15/11 Bad News for Dems --- Nobody Terrible at Debate
11/11/11 Falling in Like With Mitt
11/09/11 Herman Cain's "Skivvy" Moment
11/02/11 Daley: Uncivil Politics Reflects Us
10/28/11 Daley Says Obama "Frustrated" but Sees Close Re-election
10/17/11 President O'Carter? Nah
10/12/11 GOP debate is wicked
10/07/11 Who Will Be the GOP Messiah?
10/05/11 Can Obama Legally Kill You?
10/03/11 The Four Laws of Politics
09/28/11 Millionaire Asks for Higher Taxes
09/21/11 Eat the Rich
09/16/11 The Mob Takes a Seat
09/13/11 Republicans lash out ---- at each other
09/09/11 Perry gets bitten, bites back
09/01/11 W.H. furious over speech delay
08/30/11 Goodnight Irene, hello Lockerbie
08/26/11 Hope for Here and for China
08/23/11 The summer of our discontent
08/17/11 Ron Paul Remains Media Poison
08/16/11 Perry Wins! Stays Away!
08/10/11 Ames Is the GOP's Grim Reaper
07/29/11 We Are Stuck With the Present, but Responsible for the Future
07/27/11 It's Not the Policy, It's the Politics
07/15/11 Bozo Congress
07/08/11 Obama meets the tweeple
06/29/11 High Court Says Violence OK, Sex Maybe
06/24/11 Leaving Afghanistan Not Quick, Not Easy
06/22/11 Survey: Yes, American Is Going to Hell
06/10/11 Weiner in Hell
06/08/11 Is it illegal to be a pig? Ask John Edwards
06/03/11 Anthony Weiner and the Law's Peril
06/01/11 Laugh at Palin at Your Own Risk
05/27/11 Hug morphs into death grip
05/20/11 The lamentation of Arnold
05/18/11 Huckabee and Trump Will Skip the Bloodbath
05/13/11 Yes, we can fix immigration
05/11/11 Obama Becomes the "Moxie President"
05/06/11 Does Osama Death Make Obama Unbeatable?
05/04/11 Obama Is Now Warrior in Chief
04/29/11 A Party for Pundits and Politicians
04/27/11 Weekend Warriors Want More Mayhem
04/22/11 Stingy at home, but free-spending abroad
04/15/11 Obama to Soak Rich and Please Dems
04/13/11 Obama Faces Problem on Left, Not Right
04/06/11 For David, Who Always Listened to the Voices
04/01/11 Backing the Rebels, No Questions Asked
03/29/11 Obama's BAM! ZAP! and POW!
03/25/11 Icing Gadhafi
03/22/11 Obama Goes for the War Trifecta
03/18/11 Japan's Drama Plays Out on the Small Screen
03/16/11 Why War in Libya?
02/25/11 The stuff of bluff: There won't be a government shutdown
02/19/11 Obama cool on home heating aid?
02/16/11 Liberated from Egypt coverage
02/11/11 Still No Explanations for the Lockerbie Bomber's Release
02/09/11 Ronald Reagan, Forever Young
02/04/11 Anyone Can Be the GOP Nominee?
02/02/11 Can Egypt Handle Its Own Future?
01/28/11 Is Obama Now a Tower of Jell-O?
01/25/11 Unmemorable State of the Union Speeches
01/21/11 Palin Dumb Like a Fox
01/19/11 Is Loughner Nuts or Just Evil?
01/14/11 Obama Challenges America
12/29/10 The Naked Truth About Scanners
12/22/10 Congress displeases on DREAM
12/17/10 Obama Now Vulnerable to Libs in 2012
12/15/10 Hating the rich for being rich flies in the face of the American dream
12/10/10 Elizabeth Edwards Made a Bad Trade
12/08/10 Obama in the Wilderness
12/01/10 I'm now Biracial
11/26/10 Simon Says
11/05/10 In 2012, Could Dean Beat Obama?
11/03/10 Attack! Attack! Attack!
10/27/10 Gov. Moonbeam Comes Back to Earth
10/20/10 Upon whom should Dems fix the blame?
10/13/10 Don't Worry, 2016 Is Just Around the Corner
10/08/10 It's October, so Where's the Surprise?
10/06/10 Obama Should Turn Deaf Ear to Bill Clinton
09/29/10 Obama Without the Magic Wand
09/22/10 Would Barack Obama Endorse Rahm Emanuel Against a Black Candidate?
09/17/10 O'Donnell May Be the Average American
09/15/10 2010 Is ‘Gone,” Says Big-Time Dem
09/08/10 Polls Lie About Obama
09/01/10 A grim speech for a grim war
08/27/10 With Vilsack, out of the spotlight
08/20/10 Four cheers for Blago!
08/12/10 The Press Doesn't Get Gibbs
08/11/10 Graham sharpening the scalpel to cut his own party's throat
08/06/10 Afghanistan Shows Limits of American Power
08/04/10 Ground Zero embarrassment
07/30/10 The 'Watch Me Generation' Should Watch Out
07/28/10 Journolist Was an Offense Against Good Journalism
07/23/10 Sarah Palin at the Top
07/21/10 The End of Democracy As We Know It
07/16/10 Can Obama Get His Mojo Back?
07/09/10 Steele in 2012? Not So Crazy
07/04/10 A Day Worth Celebrating
07/02/10 Larry King Leaves the Stage
06/30/10 Kagan's Vapid and Hollow Charade
06/25/10 Has Obama Run Out of Luck?
06/23/10 Impolite Pols May Face Doom
06/18/10 Obama Promises a Brighter Day (Details to Come)
06/14/10 Obama talks of oil spill, frustration and 2012
06/11/10 The Return of Ask Dr. Politics!
02/17/10 The Weight of Medals
01/15/10 Guy Talk
01/07/10 UFO Myths Hard To Shoot Down
10/14/09 Ex-Parliamentarian's Advice: Cool it
10/09/09 The Hall of Jerks
10/07/09 Calling for Barack the Bold
10/02/09 Brilliance Often Doesn't Always Equal Virtue
09/30/09 Making the List
09/25/09 From Mission Creep to Mission Gallop
09/23/09 The depth of a salesman
09/18/09 Racist!?
09/16/09 Joe Wilson: The Dems' Rude Herring
09/11/09 Line in the Sand, Squiggle in the Mud
09/09/09 Time to Stop the Health Care Tease
09/04/09 Twenty-one presidential Vacation No-Nos
09/02/09 Huckabee: No More Mr. Nice Guy
08/26/09 In the Land Beyond Outrage
08/21/09 The Birth of Political Television
08/19/09 Does Obama have the guts?
08/05/09 The untold story of the 2008 election
07/30/09 Three Amigos Get Suds, She Gets Scorn
07/29/09 21 Things You Can't Say to Obama
07/27/09 Obama: Things stink
07/22/09 The Sadness of Walter Cronkite
07/17/09 On abortion, don't ask, don't tell?
07/15/09 No Diversity With Sotomayor
07/10/09 Political Junkies, the Doctor Is in
07/08/09 The sins of Sarah Palin
07/03/09 Celebrating a Nation of Glorious Failures
07/01/09 Four Reasons Sanford Has a Future
06/24/09 Obama plays Goldilocks on Iran
06/17/09 Seven things Sarah Palin must do now to win later
06/12/09 Dems and the Race Card?
06/11/09 Do We Really Need a New Spy Scandal?
06/05/09 The silent type
05/22/09 Pelosi bewildered, but unbothered
05/15/09 Women Weren't Edwards' Only Problem
05/13/09 Bending Steele
05/08/09 Elizabeth Edwards: Victim or Co-Conspirator?
05/06/09 The endlessness of Jack Kemp
05/01/09 Obama Ages Well
04/28/09 100 Days
04/22/09 The Government Needs a Trip to Costco
04/17/09 It's All Obama, All the Time
04/14/09 Avast, ye pirates! The U.S. has won
04/13/09 Simon Says
04/02/09 An American folklorist
04/01/09 A failing firm may fail. Imagine that
03/25/09 The Wolves of Wall Street
03/20/09 Will GOPers bend Steele?
03/18/09 AIG bonuses: Bring on the lawyers
03/13/09 Obama doesn't like earmarks — except when they are okay
03/06/09 Why Steele just doesn't get it
03/04/09 Obama's bold. What did you expect?
02/26/09 Why turn down Obama-bucks?
02/25/09 We have seen the enemy and it is us
02/18/09 Bad news Burris
02/11/09 After the speech, time for a drink
02/10/09 Obama: Scaring us straight
02/06/09 Nothing new about the new standard
02/04/09 Gingrich sees ‘more pain’ in our future
02/02/09 Why attacking the press never works
01/29/09 The celestial choirs of bailouts
01/27/09 The Rod Blagojevich Show
01/23/09 Is the Worst Really Yet to Come?
01/21/09 Great words are made immortal by great presidents
01/19/09 How did he do?
01/16/09 What if I didn't pay taxes?
01/14/09 In politics, does race trump gender?
01/08/09 Don't just do something, stand there
01/07/09 Team Obama dabbles in drama
01/02/09 Curing the New Year's Eve Hangover
12/31/08 Caroline Kennedy can't cakewalk into Senate
12/26/08 Obama Avoids Blagojevich Poison
12/19/08 Memories of the 2008 campaign
12/17/08 Is there something in Illinois water? The air? Or the culture?
12/15/08 The real lesson of Watergate
12/10/08 Is Caroline Kennedy senate material?
12/04/08 Will demonizing Nixon after all these years still sell?
12/03/08 Drama and Hillary go hand in hand
12/01/08 The hidden costs of war
11/25/08 GOP senator: We haven't learned
11/17/08 Dean: Dems ‘big tent’ party now
11/14/08 Barack the Youthful
11/12/08 Who can replace Obama?
11/07/08 McCain at ease after loss
11/05/08 Audacity wins
11/04/08 The sad campaign of John McCain
10/30/08 On guns, McCain misses the mark
10/30/08 Is Sarah Palin preparing for 2012?
10/22/08 Dems' gloom deepens
10/17/08 McCain, Obama try to be funny...on purpose
10/16/08 McCain fails, Obama is not rattled
10/09/08 How McCain could pull this one off
10/08/08: McCain loses by not winning
10/03/08: You betcha Sarah Palin can debate
10/02/08: 10 answers for Sarah Palin
09/29/08: The Mac is back
09/26/08: McCain gambles with his political future
09/24/08: Can't we just hold the election now?
09/23/08: In debates, may the best actor win
09/18/08: Can Obama really pull it off?
09/16/08: Wall Street greed hits Main Street
09/11/08: Real Change for a Change?
09/04/08: Why the media should apologize
09/03/08: Can the GOP stop talking about Palin?
09/02/08: GOP convention opens with a bang
08/28/08: Bill and Hillary, at last, leave the stage
08/27/08: Did Hillary heal the wounds?
08/26/08: When Joe Biden really showed what he is made of
08/08/08: McCain vs. Obama ad wars heat up
07/30/08: Simon says
07/24/08: Obama's Iraq Trip Backfires on McCain
07/17/08: ‘Idiot's Veto’ not worth the cost
07/15/08: Suck it up, America
07/14/08: A Dark Prediction — and a Way Out
07/10/08: Obama running in place on Iraq
07/08/08: Out of failure, America finds success
07/02/08: Obama not running as movement
07/01/08: In This Year's VP Search, Boring Is Better
06/27/08: Obama will do anything to win
06/24/08: Simon says
06/23/08: Cracking the ‘confusion’ code
06/16/08: Remembering the kid from Buffalo
06/12/08: The Myth of the 50-State Campaign
06/05/08: Would the dream ticket be a nightmare?
06/04/08: Handling Hillary
06/03/08: Hillary packing it in now? Not quite
06/02/08: Process, process and more process
05/30/08: Huge drama gap between Hillary and Obama campaigns
05/28/08: Avoiding a political meltdown
05/23/08: Can Hillary muscle to a VP nod?
05/21/08: What is Hillary's argument now?
05/20/08: Meet Obama's go-to guy
05/16/08: Obama's learning rules of the game
05/15/08: How McCain will win
05/14/08: Hillary wins — does anybody care?
05/09/08: Hillary's Death Star strategy
05/08/08: A fond wish wrapped in a desperate hope
05/06/08: GOP seeks order to primary chaos 05/05/08: Obama can't bluff past Wright issue
05/01/08: Hillary playing by her own set of rules
04/30/08: The wrongs inflicted by Wright
04/29/08: Obama: The know-too-much candidate?
04/25/08: Don't stop believin', Hillary
04/24/08: Obama's failure to close
04/22/08: A measure of racism: 15 percent?
04/16/08: People who cling to guns vote, too
04/15/08: Hillary the straight shooter
04/11/08: McCain not yet golden in California
04/10/08: Where did the tables turn?
04/09/08: Obama's happy, drama-free appeal
03/19/08: Obama's damage control speech didn't pander; does it explain?
03/18/08: Obama camp: HRC is taking the low road
03/13/08: Didn't Spitzer ever hear of interns?
03/12/08: Obama seems like the guy who brings a Nerf bat to a knife fight
03/07/08: How Hillary can win
03/05/08: Even in defeat, Mike Huckabee thinks he's a stronger candidate than McCain
03/04/08: Clinton plays victim and victimizer
02/28/08: Nadir comes clean
02/27/08: Ickes has new love for superdelegates
02/25/08: Does Hillary even have a Plan B?
02/21/08: Jackson to Dems: Play nice
02/20/08: Hillary has emergency delegate plan in place
02/15/08: Clinton's past is not through haunting her
02/14/08: McCain uses laugh lines in his speeches to act as an inoculation against age
02/13/08: Can McCain actually make it happen?
02/08/08: Picking up, putting aside the poor
02/07/08: McCain crowned — now what?
02/06/08: Dems head for messy nomination process
02/01/08: Obama continues to whack Hillary
01/31/08: McCain learns that, to be a front-runner, you must stick to your guns and blow by your mistakes
01/29/08: Ted Kennedy's endorsement wasn't just a nod to Obama
01/17/08: Who will manipulate the Race Card most effectively?
01/16/08: Dems love each other so much
01/09/08: McCain, the geezer, isn’t taking a nap until he comes back all the way
01/08/08: Hillary, can you win on dull?
01/07/08: Hillary changes tactics expanding their options
01/04/08: Christian conservatives expanding their options
01/03/08: Should Hillary Clinton have skipped Iowa?
01/02/08: What is Edwards so mad about?
12/31/07: Huckabee says Romney owes him apology
12/28/07: Joe Biden says he wouldn't trade places with front-runners even if he could
12/24/07: Romney knows bupkis
12/21/07: Clinton crowds are taking their shoes off
12/20/07: Fred Thompson: Lazy as charged
12/18/07: What happens if the entrance poll results differ from the official tally this time?
12/13/07: GOP debate: Information, not entertainment
12/12/07: How about a GOPer for Obama's veep pick?
12/07/07: Welcome to the most daunting political process in America
11/30/07: Debate questions chosen for entertainment value fail to include important issues
11/28/07: Buzz eludes McCain despite efforts
11/26/07: Huckabee running race like a marathoner
11/21/07: Obama puts blind item in his sights
11/14/07: Memo to Clinton staffers: Trust your candidate or find a new one
11/13/07: Edwards, prevented from speaking his mind, must resort to code
11/12/07: Jefferson Jackson tests supporters' mettle
11/01/07: Hillary can't claim she was stabbed in the back
04/13/07: Rudy is glad to oblige
04/11/07: Giuliani: Take Me or Leave Me
04/05/07: Too much money, too little joy
03/30/07: In Sin City, more than you wanted to know about health care
03/28/07: The Politic of Instant Gratification
03/23/07: Schwarzenegger Speaks! Presidential Candidates Shvitz!
03/21/07: The Dems turn tough — on each other
11/10/04: Eight Thoughts
11/02/04: The Risk We Take
10/28/04: What's in a Name? Everything
10/26/04: Fear this year
10/12/04: Round Two
10/05/04: Gloom in the Sunshine State
09/29/04: Defining moment? That's debatable
09/27/04: Kerry has finally decided he wants to be Dean
09/20/04: Cycle of violence
09/14/04: A new Kerry campaign?
09/07/04: Two conventions — one bounce
08/31/04: To serve or not to serve
08/17/04: No Profile in Courage
08/16/04: Turning point?
08/13/04: Turning point?
08/09/04: Simon says
08/03/04: Vietnam redux
07/29/04: TV blackout
07/26/04: What Kerry Has to Do
07/13/04: Dean comes clean
06/22/04: Ready from Day One
06/15/04: Hangin' with McCain
06/10/04: For the Good Life!
06/03/04: Heeeere's Laura!
05/25/04: Unconventional
05/21/04: The McCain Swoon
05/18/04: American Krakatoa
05/17/04: Bill Clinton & Me
05/05/04: Chief strategist for Bush
05/03/04: In the mud
04/28/04: Something about nothing
04/26/04: The cruelest month? April turning out well for White House
04/21/04: Performance anxiety
04/19/04: Simon says ...
04/15/04: The buck stops where?
04/11/04: The Return of John Sasso
04/05/04: Two for the price of one
03/30/04: Stubbing toes
03/18/04: Willie Horton Redux?
03/16/04: Ads that subtract
03/11/04: Vice President McCain?
03/09/04: Black Like Kerry
03/05/04: Running Mates
03/03/04: Smarts
02/26/04: Dumb politicians and the fools who vote for them
02/24/04: SIMON SAYS ...
02/12/04: Southern (un)comfotrable
02/10/04: Gravitas or not?
02/05/04: Replicant
02/03/04: A Southern love affair
01/29/04: A conversation with John Kerry
01/27/04: Hearts and guts
01/22/04: Dean is gonna squeal like a squirrel again
01/20/04: The gumdrop kid
01/09/04: Dick and Jane
01/06/04: Skywalking
12/30/03: Flying high with Howard Dean
12/18/03: What's good for the country is bad for the party?
12/16/03: Can Dean still win?
12/11/03: Boo-hoo for Joe
12/09/03: Dean heads South
12/04/03: Spin Alley
12/01/03: Real or plasma or does it matter?
11/25/03: It's debatable
11/20/03: General confusion
11/18/03: Who let the dogs out?
11/11/03: Dr. Superman
11/04/03: Just buzz me
10/30/03: Found in translation
10/28/03: Turkeys in the straw
10/22/03: Iowa or not?
10/17/03: No cheering in the press box
10/14/03: President Schwarzenegger?
10/09/03: The Nice Man vs. The Ice Man
10/07/03: Arnold gets a pass
10/05/03: Hang 'Em High
10/02/03: It doesn't matter what you say. just say it quickly
09/26/03: Grab a little gusto?
09/17/03: The anti-war general
09/17/03: Almost Total Recall
09/15/03: Sometimes not having any opposition in your own party can be a drawback
09/09/03: Dean is discovering a hard political truth
09/05/03: Fresh tombstones in the graveyard of broken dreams
08/28/03: Davis is a uniter, alright — everybody hates him
08/26/03: More Dem candidates? Political celebrities, blank slates
08/13/03: Daley's kid is a force to be reckoned with in American politics
08/08/03: A journo's eye view
08/06/03: Up close and personal with the Flavor of the Week
08/04/03: From a different world, legislators have a hard time adjusting when running for president
07/29/03: Avoiding The Question
07/25/03: The race is on to define Dean
07/22/03: Joe Lieberman, genius
07/15/03: A war without sacrifice
07/09/03: Redefining likeability
07/03/03: What I've learned about America
06/17/03: If a tree falls in the forest and I hear it, but it doesn't get on TV, did it really make a sound?
06/10/03: The seeds of Raines' destruction
06/05/03: Secret Service would have helped Hillary wring Bubba's neck
06/03/03: Running for pre$ident: A Dem's lament
05/29/03: Should we be the ones going postal?
05/23/03: Presidential candidate interviews you'll never see
05/16/03: And how did prez's flight play out at the U.S. Army War College?
05/14/03: Simon Says
05/08/03: Dem candidates say — and do! — the funniest things
05/06/03: Dem frontrunner Lieberman seems to have a serious sprain
05/02/03: Gary Hart still can't get his story correct
04/30/03: Let the political slaughter begin
04/28/03: Only Hart is taking Hart seriously now
04/22/03: Why is Congress allowing our country to be so blissful?
04/15/03: Kerry one-ups Clinton?
04/10/03: On our side? Imagine that!
04/09/03: Michael Kelly was a seeker of truth and eyewitness to history
04/07/03: Riding the war as an analyst
04/01/03: A different sort of fog
03/26/03: War is about dead bodies
03/24/03: There is only one certainty about this war
03/18/03: On the stumps, Dem hopefuls getting booed
03/13/03: Combat for likeability
03/10/03: Dick Gephardt's world
03/05/03: Howard Dean's world
03/03/03: This presidential bid has edge with humble upbringing
02/26/03: Overconfident Dems?
02/24/03: Gephardt struggling to be standout
02/19/03: The terrorists struck!
02/13/03: Candidate combat: Not a hit, a punch
02/07/03: Our mourning will soon - justifiably - give way to anger
02/04/03: Why do we do it? Because we can
01/28/03: JFK confronts Saddam
01/24/03: The Dem "six pack" is already flat
01/21/03: If Iowa is America
01/15/03: How many of them are guilty? How many of them are innocent?
01/13/03: Presidential run is more of passion than of reflection
01/09/03: You must deny wanting to be veep in order to become one
12/30/02: Friendly impostor enjoyed flying free
12/23/02: Presidential candidates in search of authenticity
12/02/02: To pick a rising political star
11/27/02: From "no gloat zone" to "no vote zone"?
11/25/02: Uncovering the warmer, fuzzier, funnier, more likable and . . . more authentic Gore
11/20/02: Al Gore has stopped the sighs. But has he stopped the lies?
11/18/02: Duh!-bya? How the prez beat the Dems at their own game --- again
11/13/02: Gephardt's people would like to regroup on Gore's windpipe
11/05/02: Making sense of American politics: A lesson for Jerry Lewis lovers
10/31/02: Politicians - and the reporters who cover them -- are learning to sacrifice
10/25/02: Times change: At least the cops got somebody!
10/21/02: Oh, no! Geraldo has arrived
10/17/02: In the racial Twilight Zone
09/21/01: An order we can prepare for, an order that gives us time to accept death?
08/10/01: Furious yet fascinated
07/25/01: Hey, Condit: Wanna stay in office? Encourage all of your 'friends' to give TV interviews
07/06/01: That's debatable
02/27/01: This Clintoon circle member said 'no'
02/23/01: Let's be humanitarians: It's time to ice Saddam once and for all!
02/02/01: Is 'soft money' the real problem?
01/31/01: Wealthy people and corporations will always find a way to influence politics but...
01/26/01: Democrats are sitting around dividing up the blame
01/24/01: Summing up Clinton's presidency in a single word
01/18/01: Love or hate him, Clinton was perfectly in touch with the temperament of his times
01/10/01: Paying for democracy
01/04/01: Buy stuff now!
12/29/00: AlGore's divorce
12/20/00: It ain't over just yet
12/12/00: About that concession speech, Mr. Gore
12/08/00: Why didn't Bush do better?
12/04/00: Watching Gore disintegrate
11/28/00: Politics isn't for sissies
11/23/00: We've switched over to mob rule
11/21/00: Election maybe a mess, but at least it's is an American original
11/17/00: The latest edition of Mr. Answer Man!
11/14/00: Apportioning votes by a coin flip
11/10/00: Gore's Waterloo: The beginning of the end?
11/01/00: The Al and Tipper show
10/26/00: Running on empty
10/20/00: Dubyah chills out
10/18/00: Will the candidates ever 'get real'?
10/16/00: What exactly does Gore do with all that debate prep time?
10/11/00: Gore the shark?
10/05/00: In Beantown, Jesse was the real entertainment
09/29/00: The power to bolster or destroy
09/26/00: It's high time for Boy Bush to do some serious kickin'
09/21/00: Press is circling Bush like vultures searching for road kill
09/15/00: What Bush has learned
09/13/00: Bush: "I hope they under-estimate my competitiveness"
09/11/00: Playin' with AlGore's mind
09/06/00: When Bush comes to shove
09/01/00: AlGore: 'We're ordinary people'
08/30/00: AlGore: Wealth and power are intrinsically bad
08/23/00: Charming AlBore? Yeah, right
08/18/00: Hollywood to Bubba: 'You are a mirror for all of us'
08/16/00: Gotta have the funk
08/08/00: To lead -- and save -- America
08/03/00: Buddha is back
07/28/00: "Sanitized" political conventions ruin politics
07/26/00: If you believe those polls ...
07/19/00: The tyranny of the suit and tie has been replaced by the tyranny of the blue jeans
07/17/00: Dubyah's dumb move
07/14/00: ... And the winner is: Has America's next president already been determined?
07/10/00: The truth about AlGore is beginning to spread --- even in the Times
06/30/00: When AlGore will know it's all over
06/22/00: At home with AlGore
06/16/00: Gore tries to save face
06/14/00: Dick's dollars
06/12/00: Journalists, street walkers and other ethical 'professionals'
06/06/00: A real democracy needs headless leaders!
06/02/00: Are you a virus?
05/31/00: Lazio's secret weapon
05/26/00: Disbarment? Heck, I didn't know they HAD lawyers in Arkansas
05/24/00: Why AlGore is self-destructing
05/19/00: The luck of the Clintons
05/12/00: No Bush bear-hugs for John Skywalker
05/05/00: 'You really should 'leave home without them'!
05/03/00: 'Those bones could be human'
05/01/00: McCain stands on the spot where he first fell
04/24/00: Dream on, John Skywalker
04/18/00: Weren't those protests swell?
04/07/00: The bumbler's brilliance --- or AlGore gets mad
04/04/00: AlGore strikes out again in credibility dept.
03/31/00: You've got hell: Deflating AlGore's confidence
03/29/00: Battle of the underachievers
03/22/00: Afraid of Pat?
03/16/00: Gore owes Bradley --- big time!
03/14/00: What the primaries have wrought: Seven lessons
03/07/00: "The election campaign is going to be brutal, incredibly negative, nasty, dirty, slimy, sleazy and one of the worst in history," says Gore honcho
03/03/00: Bradley's believers
03/01/00: When the geniuses screw up
02/18/00: Drunk on politics: McCain's bar buddies
02/16/00: Bush's should never have told daddy the truth
02/11/00: Life on Planet Campaign 2000 --- 'Hey, I'm a member of the press'
02/09/00: When journalists annoint the wrong candidate
02/03/00: Gore's goons 02/01/00: Battle of the babies --- or why Gore needs Bradley
01/27/00: Bradley running on formaldehyde
01/26/00: Bauer's desperation
01/20/00: Bradley's position on breast-feeding and other welcomes in Iowa
01/13/00: Bradley's secret weapon
01/11/00: McCain as the anti-Clinton?
01/05/00: Deciphering 'Beltway' talk and fashion
12/18/98: Busy, busy Bubba
12/08/98: "Doing the people's business"
12/04/98: Censure-plus
11/24/98: Bubba's brilliance
11/24/98: See Bubba run; Run, Bubba, run
11/20/98: Lost in Japan
11/17/98: Saddam will strike because we did not
11/12/98: Too bad we can't just blow Saddam away
11/10/98: Will the Republicans ever learn?
11/05/98: Monica? Monica who?
11/03/98: Telling the truth about journalists
10/30/98: The vanishing president
10/27/98:Bubba's last hurrah?
10/23/98: Podesta is used to cleaning toilets
10/15/98: Glenn will once again be an American original
9/24/98: The greatest political actor of our time
9/17/98: Bubba's 'weasel words' --only a partial list (There's only 24 hours in a day)
9/17/98: Hah, I told ya so!
9/08/98: Orthodox Jew Lieberman's moral outrage: Why religion matters in politics
9/04/98: Bubbasky
8/27/98: Cigars?
8/25/98: Why it's all-Lewinsky-all-day-all-night
8/21/98: From magnifying glass to microscope
8/19/98: Let's be blunt: Bubba really needs a shrink --- and fast!
8/13/98: At home, with real, live FOBs
8/11/98: Bubba's new secret weapon: the Marine Band
8/07/98: Has the presidency been reduced to a 'Leno' joke?
8/05/98: Tell the truth?
7/30/98: All ya need is luv...and to deny, deny, deny
7/28/98: 'Man-of-da-people,' huh?
7/23/98: Can frequent-flyer miles alone earn Bubba a Nobel Prize?
7/21/98: San Francisco: not only 'gay,' but happy
7/17/98: Why Bubba claims Y2K is US' biggest problem
7/14/98: Close Amtrak --- PLEASE!
7/9/98: Flag burning is for nuts!
7/7/98: Forget about his legal defense fund, buy Bubba shirts!
7/1/98: Wall-nuts
6/26/98: Perks and the press
6/23/98: There's a good reason Bubba wants gun-control...
6/19/98: Why Clinton can get away with going to Tiananmen Square
6/16/98: Maybe Big Brother ain't so bad after all
6/11/98: He claimed responsibility for Rwanda, so why isn't Bubba stopping Serbian genocide?
6/9/98: The Internet president?
6/4/98: You can call me ‘slick;' and you can call me ‘sick;' but never call me ‘Dick' .... as in Nixon, that is
6/2/98: Being a 'talkin'-head' is hard work
5/29/98 Pay the pol, pick the policy
5/27/98 A 'loo' in London
5/21/98Buba is back from Europe ... but what did he accomplish?
5/18/98Roses for Buba
5/12/98: Just who is "Mr. Republican" these days?"
5/7/98:"Why Clinton keeeps "going and going and going""
5/1/98:"Bubba v. Tabacka"
4/29/98:"You may ask, but should they tell?"
4/24/98:"McCurry and the kids from the ‘hood "
4/23/98: "NOW" should change its name to "THEN"
4/20/98: Freedom to be a jerk?
4/14/98: Bill is Hef's kinda guy
4/7/98: South African memories --- and a paradise not yet found
3/24/98: Bill's 12-day safari
3/20/98: Peace for Ireland?
3/18/98: Flat tire? Spare me
3/13/98: Latrell Sprewell's genius
3/10/98: On truth and reality
3/5/98: No, I'm not harrassing Hillary
3/3/98: The Unforgettable Henny Youngman
2/26/98: Grow up, boys!
2/24/98: Go get 'em, Bill!
2/19/98: My 15 minutes
2/17/98: The manic-depressive presidency
2/12/98: Drip, Drip, Drip
2/10/98: Clinton tunes out the networks
2/5/98: The flight of the Beast: America's love-hate relationship with scandal
2/3/98: Speaking Clintonese
1/29/98: What the president has going for him
1/27/98: Judgment call: how Americans view President Clinton
1/22/98: Bimbo eruptions past and present
1/20/98: Feeding the beast: Paula Jones gets the full O.J.
1/15/98: Let's get it over with: it's time to deal with Saddam, already
1/13/98: Sonny Bono is dead, let the good times roll
1/8/98: Carribbean Cheesecake: First couple has cake, eats cake
1/6/98: PO'ed: a suspected druggie jumps through the employment hoops
1/1/98: Cures for that holiday hangover
12/30/97: Buy stuff now
12/25/97: Peace to all squirrelkind
12/23/97: Home for the Holidays: Where John Hinckley, never convicted, will not be
12/18/97: Bill's B-list Bacchanalia: Press and politicos get cozy, to a point
12/16/97: All dressed up... (White House flack Mike McCurry speculates on his next career)


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