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People in Kansas City Metro Area, Missouri

Overview, People, Health, Economy, Housing, Rankings, Climate
Crime, Comments, Transportation, Cost of Living, Religion, Voting

PeopleKansas City, MOUnited States
Pop. Density26087
Pop. Change10.85%8.07%
Median Age36.537.3
Household Size2.512.58
Male Population48.95%49.27%
Female Population51.05%50.96%
Married Population50.23%47.02%
Single Population49.77%52.98%

Marital Status

The 2012 Kansas City Metro Area, MO, population is 2,035,334. There are 260 people per square mile (population density).

Family in Kansas City Metro Area, MO

The median age is 36.5. The US median is 37.3. 50.23% of people in Kansas City Metro Area, MO, are married. 11.90% are divorced.

The average household size is 2.51 people. 31.98% of people are married, with children. 14.96% have children, but are single.

Race in Kansas City Metro Area, MO

78.45% of people are white, 12.50% are black, 2.27% are asian, 0.51% are native american, and 6.27% claim 'Other'.

8.19% of the people in Kansas City Metro Area, MO, claim hispanic ethnicity (meaning 91.81% are non-hispanic).

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