Page last updated at 14:12 GMT, Tuesday, 8 September 2009 15:12 UK

Curtis to pen Doctor Who episode


Richard Curtis talks about writing one of the new episodes of Doctor Who starring Matt Smith

Screenwriter and film director Richard Curtis has agreed to write an episode of the new series of Doctor Who, his agent has confirmed.

The Blackadder creator told The Sun newspaper he had signed up for a single show because his children were fans of the BBC One programme.

"It's tremendously good fun and a treat for my children," he said.

The 52-year-old is better known for romantic comedies like Four Weddings And A Funeral than for science fiction.

"These days the things you can watch together as a family are much fewer," he explained of his decision to step on board the Tardis, "so when you get something like Doctor Who or the X Factor, it is such a pleasure to sit down as a family".

Curtis also revealed he was fascinated by time travel and was currently working on a low budget film about the subject.

"Maybe it's a desire to get out of being old. Sometimes you do just love the idea that you could go back in time and change things."

The Vicar Of Dibley writer also said he thought he may have "one more sitcom in me before I die".

In July, Doctor Who fans got their first glimpse of the 11th Doctor, Matt Smith, in costume as the Time Lord.

The character's new look consisted of a tweed jacket, bow tie, rolled up trousers and black boots.

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