Free Telematics Definition

A collaborative definition of "Free Telematics", similarly to the "Free Software" definition

The text in the next page is a first proposal of definition inspired by "The Free Software" definition published by Free Software Foundation.

Our intention is to collect suggestions from everyone interested in taking part in this process to end up with a really shared and collectively approved definition of what "Free Telematics" should mean.

Our work implied a context change from "software" to "telematic service", making an inclusion of both hardware and software inside the term "telematic service".

The points of debate are mostly around the fact that we need to include the "hardware" freedom within the "telematic service" context.

These problems seem not to be easy to handle because we intend to reach a definition both easy to understand and easy to apply in the real world to verify if a given telematic service matches the definition requirements.

It's the very same problem emerging from our "User-Verifiable Telematics" project.