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Broken Promises of ObamaCare

Kibitzer Wrote: 1 hour ago (8:52 PM)
Anyone that believes that the Federal Government could reduce the cost of healthcare or any other service available in the private sector should turn them-self in for voluntary commitment in a mental health facility. The only things the Government adds is cost and disruption caused by excessive regulation.
"There is a whole group of potential allies out there – the Millennials who grew up familiar with technology but chafing at their helicopter parents and the politically correct hypocrisy of the education establishment. Many of them think of themselves as “liberal,” but they have little use for bums who want to lay about sponging off producers." Young people have been trained to be dependent by their unwitting parents who have given them all sorts of "free" things. No wonder that they lean towards the dependency of the political left. They don't know any better.
Look for an exodus of the wealthy from Cyprus. The liberals will see this idea as a way to accelerate their confiscation of wealth and avoiding having to wait for people to die and have their wealth taken through the inheritance tax.
"Why Pay Physicians Anything At All For Providing Healthcare?" Simply so that there will be Doctors to treat patients. Cut doctors pay enough and there will be no new Doctors, and many existing Doctors will retire. Then where will you get healthcare?
"Congress’s JCT has adopted the static assumption that tax changes have absolutely no impact, for good or ill, on total production, employment, investment, consumption, and other macroeconomic aggregates." Yet when the Congress wants to encourage certain economic activities, they use the tax code to provide incentives for that behavior. Does Congress have a cognitive dissonance problem or what?
"When the data doesn’t go their way- which is almost always- they either re-write the science, the history or rely on an Obama executive order." Or they just change to mathematical model to produce the result they want. There is an old joke about Mathematicians, Engineers, and Operations Research Analysts. How do you tell the difference between them? Ask them all how much is 2 times 2. The Mathematician would immediately say 4. The Engineer would get out his slide rule and eventually say its about 3.99. And the Operations Research Analyst would look you in the eye and say, what would you like it to be? Operations Research Analysts develop mathematical models. Need I say more?
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Washington Post blasts Dems Budget

Kibitzer Wrote: Mar 18, 2013 1:37 PM
Did anyone really expect the Democrat controlled Senate to come up with a real responsible budget? I don't think so. Spend, spend, tax, spend, tax, spend... is all they know, and too many voters fall for the promises of big benefits that they don't have to pay for. This will not end well, but the end is coming.
" Is Returning to Clinton-Era Levels of Fiscal Restraint Really Asking too Much?" For liberals it is absolutely too much to ask. Neither the Ryan nor the Murray budget will be accepted by both the House and Senate, and I wouldn't bet on there being any joint House and Senate budget resolution adopted.
So who is ever going to be able to fully comply with this abomination? No one! And they are still writing.
The Ryan budget will not be agreed to by the Senate Democrats. The Patty Murray budget will not be agreed to by the house republicans. This is the first round in a protracted battle. Nothing more than that.
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