Juggling Tricks
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Burke's Barrage

Difficulty: 3 - Intermediate Trick

Siteswap: 423

Prerequisite Skills: Cascade, Columns

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A.K.A. - Take-outs

Burke's Barrage is a variation of the 423 pattern (same used for the Fake Mess). Burke's is a very visually pleasing pattern where you use the 2 siteswap to carry a ball around the rest of the pattern (this is called the take-out). Most people learn this trick after Mills Mess and before Rubenstein's Revenge, although it can be learned at any stage of juggling.


Some people find this trick frustrating to learn. I've been trying to teach Burke's Barrage to a friend of mine who is an awesome juggler, but for some reason he can not get his mind around this trick (although he came up with a really neat looking pattern by accident when trying to learn this one).

Start by practicing the simple 423 pattern (see Fake Mess for 423 instructions).

Now let's get the arm motion down by practicing with only 2 balls (these will be the siteswap 4 throws). Cross your right hand under your left, and make an under-arm throw, straight up in a column. While that ball is in the air, move your left hand holding the other ball up and around the ball in the air. Complete that circular arm motion with your left hand finishing underneath your right hand. Just about the time that your left hand completes the circle, your right hand will be catching the ball it just threw straight up.

You are now at the opposite position from where you started. You have the left hand this time crossed under the right hand. Now, just repeat the same sequence as above, except you throw with your left hand and circle with your right. You can keep doing this indefinitely. You may notice that you don't even have to release the ball that's being thrown straight up, but you will need that throw when you add the third ball.

Adding the third ball shouldn't be that difficult. Just start with two balls in your right hand and one in your left. Start out with the same steps as the two-ball version, by making an under-arm throw from the right hand, followed by the circling carry with the left hand. Now, you're not going to be able to catch that right-hand ball without getting rid of the other ball in that hand. So, just throw that second right-hand ball up as you're catching the first one.

At this point, your left hand still hasn't made a throw yet, just circled around to underneath the right hand. Now make your left-hand throw, just before it catches that last ball from the right hand. At the same time, your right hand will be circling up and around into position. Now just keep that going continuously.

You have more time than you think to make that circling carry. You don't have to rush it. That 2 siteswap has plenty of time to make it all the way around the pattern.

Burke's is a great trick to follow Mills Mess, because you can transition into it directly using the under-arm throw of Mills Mess (ball #3). Switching back and forth between MM and BB is smooth and very cool looking.


Inside Take-Outs - Some people call this trick Burke's Barrage (instead of the outside take-outs). Either way, it's the same pattern, just different arm locations on the carry. I think the outside take-out looks WAY better though.

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