XML transformation using Xslt in C#
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Chapter:   XML
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XML transformation using Xslt in C#
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XML transformation using Xslt in C#
  by: maheshcr

Xml transformation using Xslt in C#

by: maheshcr


Xml is a meta-markup language that provides a format for describing data. Xslt is one way to consume and transform this data into a variety different formats, including Xml, html and wml. In this article we shall learn how to transform a simple Xml document using Xslt.

The .NET framework provides rich support for the manipulation of Xml documents.

The main namespaces that provide us with the needed classes are:


Xml Transformation steps

The steps to transform an Xml document are

1) Load the Xml document
XPathDocument myXPathDoc = new XPathDocument(<xml file path>) ;
2) Load the Xsl file
XslTransform myXslTrans = new XslTransform() ;
myXslTrans.Load(<xsl file path>);
3) Create a stream for output
XmlTextWriter myWriter = new XmlTextWriter("result.html",null) ;
4) Perform the actual transformation
myXslTrans.Transform(myXPathDoc,null,myWriter) ;
Sample Code

Check the code below for a C# command line application that transforms Xml with Xsl.

Compile and run the application. Usage is as follows:
XmlTransformUtil.exe <xml file path> <xsl file path>
You could use the provided sampledoc.xml and sample.xsl to have a go at it. You should see a 'result.html' in the same folder as the application with the results of the transformation.
using System ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Xml ;
using System.Xml.Xsl ;
using System.Xml.XPath ;

public class XmlTransformUtil{

    public static void Main(string[] args){
        if (args.Length == 2){
            Transform(args[0], args[1]) ;
            PrintUsage() ;
    public static void Transform(string sXmlPath, string sXslPath){
            //load the Xml doc
            XPathDocument myXPathDoc = new XPathDocument(sXmlPath) ;

            XslTransform myXslTrans = new XslTransform() ;
            //load the Xsl 
            myXslTrans.Load(sXslPath) ;
            //create the output stream
            XmlTextWriter myWriter = new XmlTextWriter
				("result.html", null);
            //do the actual transform of Xml
            myXslTrans.Transform(myXPathDoc,null, myWriter);        

            myWriter.Close() ;

        }catch(Exception e){

            Console.WriteLine("Exception: {0}", e.ToString());
    public static void PrintUsage(){
		("Usage: XmlTransformUtil.exe <xml path> <xsl path>");

sampledoc.xml (control-a to copy)

sample.xsl (control-a to copy)


Chapter:  XML
Current Lesson:
XML transformation using Xslt in C#
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