
Anxieaty disorders and depression in children

children counsellingAnxiety disorders are common in children. Specific phobias usually develop sometime during childhood. A phobia of dogs, for example, can severely restrict a child’s enjoyment and ability to play at friends’ houses. Other extreme anxiety experienced by children is related to separation anxiety from their parents, sometimes in conjunction with panic attacks. This frequently means anxiety about going to school, and can result in difficulties in getting the child to school (school refusal). The child may be excessively “clingy” and want to sleep with the parents every night to quite a late age.

As some anxiety is common and normal in children, parents would be advised to seek professional help from a psychologist with their child if:

  • The anxiety is extremely distressing for the child
  • The anxiety has been going on for more than a few months
  • The anxiety is stopping the child or the family from doing normal things like attending swimming lessons, going to birthday parties and so on.

The earlier that anxiety disorders are treated with professional counselling, the easier it is to recover, and the child is less likely to develop strong habits of avoidance, low self esteem or depression.

Sometimes quite young children present with depression. This may be related to their difficulty coping with anxiety, or may have more to do with other factors such as family, school or social stress. Children may also have personality characteristics which predispose them to depression.

If you think your child may be suffering from an anxiety disorder or depression, please call or email Reconnexion to discuss your needs. Click here for more information on counselling and how we can help.

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Anxiety disorders and depression in children
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