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Far Cry 3 + Neon Skin + Awesome Soundtrack + Stupidity = Blood Dragon

Before the press could sit down and play Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, Dean Evans, creative director on the project, wanted to make one thing clear: the script is terrible, the characters are one dimensional, and make no mistake, "the game is stupid." He said this proudly; the approach was a bullet point.


What Can You Glean From This Dark Souls II Fact Sheet?

You saw a bit of Dark Souls II yesterday, thanks to IGN's stream of a 12-minute demo. I saw that same demo a few weeks ago, and was given some screenshots and a trailer (below) to show to you today. But the screenshots are all what you've seen in video form already.


Challenger Approaching: Triple Threat

Hey, Look! What's that!? Why it's another edition of Challenger Approaching! Can you guess this masked hero by his silhouette, or must you gaze upon his childish face?


Prince of Persia is Back (Yay!) It's a Re-make (Oh.)

Coming to smartphones and tablets, a remake of 1993's Prince of Persia: The Shadow and The Flame. The awkward thing here is that, well, the graphics of the 20-year-old game look cooler than the remake's—at least to me. That can't be right, can it?


A Rare Look at the Blazing-Fast Hands of a StarCraft II Champion

Korean players excel at StarCraft, putting enormous effort into improving their game. We see the results of those efforts in game replays, but rarely do we get to peek over the shoulder of one of the world's top players as their supernatural hands do horrible things to their opposition.


My Little Age of Empires II: World Domination is Magic

With the release of Age of Empires II HD, Ensemble Studios' classic strategy game is re-capturing the hearts of PC gamers everywhere. Turns out some of those hearts have gotten a tad bit more colorful since 1999. Youtuber Yudhaikeledai has taken the game's distinctive intro and ponified it.


Japanese Gamers' Worst Game of 2012 Is...

I think it's safe to assume that popular opinion rankings are viewed by most people as just that: Popular opinions, not holy writ carved into stone. That's partly why I enjoy when people reflect on the year past and rank their favorite and least favorite entertainment.

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