
Of issues covered by the Basic Human Needs Dimension, Canada does best in areas including {{sub1-best}} and has the greatest opportunity to improve human wellbeing by focusing more on {{sub1-worst}}. Of issues covered by the Social Infrastructure Dimension, Canada excels at providing building blocks for people's lives such as {{sub2-best}} but would benefit from greater investment in {{sub2-worst}}. Of issues covered by the Opportunity Dimension, Canada outperforms in providing opportunities for people to improve their position in society and scores highly in {{sub3-best}} yet falls short in {{sub3-worst}}.

Performance in Comparison

Census Data in Comparison

* Table cell format: Country Score, where min is 0 and max 100, followed by Global Ranking (in parentheses)

The Social Progress Network for this country is currently in development. If you are interested in exploring partnership opportunities with the Social Progress Imperative, please contact us.