How to teach your dog the order of call

The order of call, or “come”, is essential in the training of our dogs to avoid inconvenience and possible problems if we disobey. The dog that in times of need demonstrates a good response to his master, can wander more freely and more quiet than one who ignores the call. Therefore it is very important to this order.

It is not easy to get, but also has a great complexity. The idea is to start training in a place where it is quiet, without a lot of distractions and starting with the command “stay”, for example at home. In general, you can start teaching this command from different points.

dog training

The first is when our little one is in the position to “stay”, i.e. still sitting. In this case, we must move away a bit of our dog, stop and say “come”. The dog should move and come with us. When you do you can rewarded with a prize in the form of kind words and gestures of affection, and that is that there is nothing so much as a dog thank his master’s touch. Well, some cookie never hurts;)

If the dog is distracted for any reason or if we do not do much, we could use the movement of our arms to get his attention and say “come”.

The second option you have to carry it out when our dog does not stay in the position before us away. In this case where our furry does not stand still, we can ask for help from someone else to keep it quiet until the magic word to rule. Then, you must follow the steps above.

The last case is when you can’t perform the previous two. We must seize the moment in which the dog is busy doing anything, we turn away and say “come”. Coming quickly is rewarded.

Some mischievous puppies ignore these orders and are more difficult to train. In these cases, you can have in your hands something they love to encourage and reward approach. So, little by little, anger associating the word “comes” with something good.

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