Category Archives: Cats Care

How to protect your cat from cold

Although we are in spring, cold these days is still with us and our pets do, too. Today you have some ideas for protecting your cat from cold.

The first thing to keep in mind is that cats do not get as cold as us or as a dog, but if they feel many sudden temperature changes. His Achilles heel is the ears. These are the ones that suffer the low temperatures and bad weather.

cats and the cold

When our cats suffer most is when the temperatures are below zero and very high winds. So the first thing to do is keep our cat is exposed in places of strong drafts.

Mange in rabbits: Causes, symptoms

Today we talk about a topic that interests the owners of rabbits: the itch. Even just talking about this subject makes us itch, it is a psychosomatic reaction, but involuntary. Several rabbits suffer from these problems, especially those just taken should be observed for a certain period of time before being brought into contact with other animals.

This is because the itch is not host specific, which means that it sticks to everything and everyone, including the people. So this is a zoonosis, but remembers that man is the host of choice. So, let’s get to know better mange in rabbits, assessing causes, symptoms and treatment.

mange in rabbits

The cause of mange in rabbits is a parasitic mite, microscopic. Indeed, there are several types of mites that can cause this disease. This is a very common disease, especially among young rabbits just purchased. One of the most common forms is the itch caused by the parasite Psoroptes ear tunnels. As the name suggests, is localized at the level of the ears.

The first days of the cat

During the first weeks of life, kittens are very weak and need much care, love and attention from us. If we see them through our satisfaction will be great, because, it is very tender beings that need our support to survive.

To raise newborn kittens need only consider two key factors, as are patience and time to do so. Basic needs should be covered are those usually provided by the mother, ceiling and need for contact, adequate nutrition, breastfeeding, cleanliness and hygiene.

cat home care

Home and need to contact

At birth, the cats do not develop yet neither sight nor hearing, but the sense of smell, which play a central role in their lives. The view is totally develops five months, while the other senses the year.

The first thing we do when born is locate in an enclosed space, warm and well ventilated, that is outside of the air currents. Ideally, either in a cardboard box or basket, inside which we place remains of bedspreads, towels and a hot water bottle to keep the right temperature.

Ear infections in dogs and cats

Ear infections may involve bacterial or yeast overgrowth in the outer, middle or inner. In addition, they can permanently damage the ear canal and cause pain, deafness, ruptured eardrums, etc…For that, and for our pet does not suffer, here you have some tips to prevent it, how to detect and cure.


Normally it is another problem which results in the ear infection. For example allergies, bacteria, mites, skin disorders, thyroid tumors or polyps in the ear or infection.

ear infections in dogs

It is common to come caused by inflammation of the external auditory canals leading to the reproduction of bacteria and fungi until it becomes a problem for the large number of external agents. It begins to create a lot of wax and ears start to hurt. At this time, it is only an external infection. As bacteria are introduced by the ear, the symptoms will be more severe and more difficult is to cure the infection.

The management of a cat after sterilization

  • The cat should be kept at home. After surgery, the immune defenses are lowered, so do not expose her pussy in constant contact with other cats potentially sick. Also, if the cat is in the house will be more calm and quiet, not jump left and right: remember that will have an abdomen and if it moves too the wound may swell.
  • Actually a small swelling of the wound is preventable. This is partly due to the reaction of the points on the muscle wall, it is also due to the movements of the cat, in part to lick chin: the language of cats is rough, and the repeated passage on the wound (itchy during the healing process) causes redness and swelling.

cat care after sterilization

  • The same day that should not be given food and water to the cat: if you eat, you may vomit (anesthesia slows intestinal transit and reflections), and vomiting could go sideways, causing aspiration pneumonia. In addition, retching may cause tension on the wound.

Feeding older cats

As our cats get older, the nutritional needs may change and the fact feeding them will be different. Their behavior may be different due to old age or health problems. So, here we explain the reason for some of these changes.

If you notice your cat continues to eat as before but is losing weight, there might be a health problem. It could be the result of heart disease or simply one’s mouth. You’d better go to the vet if you lose weight and keep eating to diagnose the problem.

feeding old cats

On the other hand, if you notice that your cat has loss of appetite may be because you are not feeling well or taste of the food is reduced as the sense of taste diminishes with age. Sometimes also be due to a decrease in glucose tolerance, renal function…

Prevent toxoplasmosis during pregnancy if you have cats in the house

Toxoplasmosis is a disease caused by a parasite (Toxoplasma gondii) which has as its definitive host cats. The parasite enters the body of the cat when it is fed with raw or undercooked meat containing the larvae of the parasite, and later, the cat for a few days eliminates the “eggs” of the parasite in the feces. Touch the contaminated feces of the cat and then move inadvertently hands to his mouth without washing them, is one of the ways to be infected by the disease.

To avoid this type of transmission enough so you do not feed your cat raw meat or undercooked meat and wash your hands after changing the cat’s litter box (or wear gloves while cleaning).

toxoplasmosis in cats

Other important routes of transmission to humans are the ingestion of raw or undercooked meat containing the larvae of Toxoplasma gondii or vegetables contaminated by feces of an infected cat.

Tips when adopting a cat

When it comes to the determination of wanting a pet at home, you have to evaluate the different factors that allow a better match between the character and behavior of the animal and the family in question. Both dogs and cats can become excellent companions but each has a different customs and obligations, not everyone can afford.

We must take full advantage of the human-animal relationship and fostering human contact game. When you adopt a cat to be taken into account a number of issues for future life is satisfactory to both parties, and it is forever:

adopting a cat

Tips for bathing your cat

We all know that water and cats are not very good friends. But on the other hand, we know for a fact that cats are very clean animals and do not need excessive hygiene. This makes the bathroom not needed frequently, but is beneficial to avoid parasites and remove dirt that is not natural. So since we have to perform a few times, we will try to do it the best way possible. Here are some tips:

- Get them to the bathroom: If you bathe him since it enters your home, you will become accustomed since childhood and not be surprised. It is best to start in their first months of life. There are cats that even come to enjoy the water and spend good time playing.

tips for bathing a cat

Gestation in young cats

You never know when our cat cub will suffer their first heat, although it depends on the time of year where you born: the range between five and twelve months of age. And the first heat of the pound not gets pregnant. So if you do not want this to affect their growth, controls that do not leave home, or ask yourself sterilization. Leaving aside the risk that during copulation the cat can get a disease from feral cats, there to take into account the risk that if a cat is still unfolding become pregnant, stop getting energy and food needs for growth for the benefit of her kittens. Their own development will be delayed, and even braking.

gestation in young cats

Sterilization premature
Until recently recommended waiting to happen that the first zeal to carry out sterilization in females in cat. But recent studies have shown that it is not necessary, since growth would not be affected. So if you’re thinking that your cat will eventually procreate, might be a good idea to carry out that sterilization premature, when the animal is two or three months. This decision is to be taken, especially when we live in an unsterilized cat’s home when our cat can go outside, or if we have a patio that can pass the other cats. If, however, we live in a flat that can not go, or do not have other cats, we can wait a few more months.

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