
Massage Therapy

In all types of massage therapy, the intention is to relax the soft tissues, increase delivery of blood and oxygen to the massaged areas, warm them, and help the body to relax.

In a typical massage therapy session, the practitioner will discuss symptoms, medical history and the desired results. The practitioner generally performs some evaluation through touch before beginning the massage. Oil or powder help reduce friction on the skin and the therapist may use other aids, such as ice, heat, fragrances, or machines.

Massage may be found to bring relief from everyday aches, reduce stress, increase relaxation, address feelings of anxiety and tension, and aid general wellness. It can also be used in support of other therapies to assist in the rehabilitation of muscular injuries.

Choosing a practitioner

It is important to choose a qualified massage therapist who has undertaken all the necessary training to understand the theory and practice of massage therapy.

You can check whether a massage therapist is registered with the Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) by searching the register at By choosing massage therapists registered with the CNHC you can be confident that they are properly trained, qualified and insured.


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