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Profile Data

1Interim position.

2Tripoli was made the capital in the early 1970s.

Official name Al-Jumhūriyyah al-Lībiyyah (The Libyan Republic)
Form of government interim government
Head of state President of the General National Congress: Muhammad al-Megarif1
Head of government Prime Minister: Ali Zeidan1
Capital Tripoli2
Official language Arabic
Official religion Islam
Monetary unit Libyan dinar (LD)
Population (2012 est.) 6,469,000
Total area (sq mi) 647,184
Total area (sq km) 1,676,198
Urban-rural population Urban: (2009) 77.7%
Rural: (2009) 22.3%
Life expectancy at birth Male: (2011) 61.7 years
Female: (2011) 65.1 years
Literacy: percentage of population age 15 and over literate Male: (2006) 93%
Female: (2006) 83.1%
GNI per capita (U.S.$) (2009) 12,020
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