McChrystal’s Former Colleague Speaks Out

Eric Garris, June 29, 2010

Col. Douglas MacGregor appeared on Judge Napolitano’s Freedom Watch show over the weekend.

Judge Napolitano asked him if we should be spending a trillion dollars to import democracy to the Muslim world:

“Absolutely not, it’s a hopeless endeavor. This is a bottomless pit for our resources. Nothing good is going to come from it.”

Watch the video:

21 Responses to “McChrystal’s Former Colleague Speaks Out”

  1. "It should not be forgotten that hierarchical power is inconceivable without transcendence, without ideologies, without myths. Demystification itself can always be turned into a myth: it suffices to 'omit,' most philosophically, demystification by acts. Any demystification so neutralized, with the sting taken out of it, becomes painless, euthanasic, in a word, humanitarian. Except that the movement of demystification will ultimately demystify the demystifiers."

    Raoul Vaneigem

  2. The spectacle demythifying the spectacle–but notice: only so far and no farther, and all very slick.

    So now you have the story behind the story right?

    Dream on, mes enfants.

  3. Thousands upon thousands of GI lives have been wasted and hundreds of billions of dollars have been flushed down the toilet in Afghanistan. And for what purpose? Oil pipelines, minerals and the dope trade, that's what. Afghanistan…where empires go to die.

  4. The secret for sitting through a lousy movie-

    Good Rum.

  5. Wow, that is like really far out man.

  6. If a coutry or a person becomes powerful then his collective wisdom does,t work and is crippled. This is the case with American politics as they try to change the course of every country through bribing the elite and common man is crushed. This is the short description of US policies. As a student in Germany they used a term use the girls like a handkerchief and then through out. This is what the americans are doing.
    You can,t win heart and minds of people by killing them. This is american democracy they imposed Saddam then when he did,t obey was killed. It is democracy what the americnas are promoting all the dictators were supported by americans. Look almost 90 years old dictatoer in Egypt Dr. Mubarek is american democraty.
    In Pakistan Musharraf was US democrat and now Zardari was installed with the help of US. Americans should learn not to interefere in other countries. Are these wars in Irak and Afghanistan for democracy. Americans are only working for their interest and multies have forced them for these wars to ocuppy natural resources.
    Best nation in the world is still americans but worst politicians are americans who spoiled the immage of their people. Americans love only one song war war war——–

  7. no comment

  8. 剑灵ol官方网站:

  9. Judge Napolitano asked him if we should be spending a trillion dollars to( import democracy to the Muslim world:).

    The question should have been as follows:
    Judge Napolitano asked him if the US should be spending a trillion dollars to (impose democracy on the Muslim world)

    Another fallacy that seems accepeted by almost everyone is the nottion that the US is really interested in seeing democracy florish in the Muslim World.Any one who who would believe in that should look no farther than Egypet.

  10. "Another fallacy that seems accepeted by almost everyone is the nottion that the US is really interested in seeing democracy florish in the Muslim World."

    Indeed. The question should actually have been "if the US should be spending a trillion dollars to impose regime change on the Muslim world".

  11. So how come he didn't get around to asking just WHO is forcing the POTUS down this dead end road, and to what end for the country ?

  12. It for graft, corruption and power for the CORPORATISTS. This is what the whole Iraq Afghanistan misadventures are about. Even the MSM carries stories about USG/CORPORATIST corruption openly. Their is complete disdain for the American public, and this is trumpted loud an clear. We're[USG] corrupt and their is nothing you[the American public]can do about it, so screw you. This country has become surreal as evidenced by the SCOTUS decision that declares corporations to be person which must know be referred to as who and/or whom now. Corporations by law must be amoral without principles.

  13. Americans get a distorted and skewed arguments when they hear " spending dolllars on exporting democracy". It will be nearer to reality if we described the war- money earmarked as expenses for running an intellectual fraud perpetrated on the entire universe for the media-military-political complex of US. The debate then can start. Otherwise we all go home blaming the stupid reaclcitrant muslim.The show goes on.

  14. Please, just keep that American "Democracy" for yourself!!
    We have had enough of that in Germany and are sick and tired of those corrupt Politicians who selling the interests of our nation to the US!
    And I think so tthink most people in countries like Egypt, Jordan, … etc

  15. Please, just keep that American "Democracy" for yourself!!

    We here in Amerika don't want it either; look what's it's gotten us so far! Maybe Antarctica is the best place for it; it can't hurt anyone there.

  16. The Empire will never let anyone forget the "sacrifices". In their minds you must pay tribute in this life, and, if they had their way, the next.

  17. Sorry, Mr. Reagen. It is not “morning in America”, actually the Sun is going down. Your
    miracle of trickle down economics has bankrupted the American middle class. No-one with any wealth left chooses to pay a cent more in taxes. Manufacturing jobs have been traded for Wall Street jobs at an exchange rate of 100:1. and millions of Americans are waiting for the day that they can get on Social Security. Good Luck, by the time they get on, the wheels will fall off – actually they will be yanked off.
    And the proud imperial armed forces that you commissioned can’t defeat a bunch of fourth world itinerants in Afghanistan. Your legionaires did get lucky (or crafty) in Iraq as we got the Sunni and Shiite factions to fight each other instead of us. Plus Saddam fell for a sucker-trap by destroying his missile supply because we said that if he did that, we would let up. HA HA jokes on you!
    We won’t be near so lucky with Iran. They have some formidable anti-ship missiles, but let’s not ruin their little surprise. Our Israeli buddies will never warn us of that but they will gladly hold our coat while we get take one on the chin.
    A ruined economy, an immoral useless army, a dumbed down, populace battered by bullshit, and unpayable debts –not much to show for your leadership, Old Gipper. Any more bright ideas from the great beyond, Mr. Reagen?

  18. Democracy in Afghanistan will consist of a Knesset. That is what this bloodshed is all about. A zionist-controlled Afghanistan the ultimate goal. A Fourth Reich.

  19. You have something against penguins, liberranter? ;-)

  20. Hey, we could all tune in to Amer’kan Idle and watch Faux Noize and get out the bon-bon’s and or the cheetoh’s and just get out the clicker.

    how’s that?? I mean, we iz Amer’kans! Why worry??

    Rock on, Amer’ka! You iz on top! Just ask yer puppet, I mean, presdink who lets BP run the whole show and gush poison and murder into the Gulf and does nothing to stop it, and murders people with drones, and is doing what all good Amer’kans want, that is, KILLING EVERYTHING IN SIGHT FOR DEMOCRAZY!!!!!

  21. "Judge Napolitano asked him if we should be spending a trillion dollars to import democracy to the Muslim world:

    “Absolutely not, it’s a hopeless endeavor. This is a bottomless pit for our resources. Nothing good is going to come from it.” "

    so, er, why was this guy silent when bush was president?