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Archive for July, 2007

FBI, Congress: Sibel Edmonds case ‘unclassified’

Former FBI translator and whistleblower Sibel Edmonds is the most gagged woman in US history. Attorney General John Ashcroft twice invoked the rarely used States Secrets Privilege in her case under the guise of classified secrets and protecting national security. In a recent speech, Sibel again emphasized that the reason that she has been gagged [...]

What a novelty? A Libertarian talks Peace

Christine Smith discusses peace activism on the Liberated Space.

Robert Novak Endorses Ron Paul

Read all about it.

John DerbyShire on Ron Paul in the National Review

“With the positions he has, it’s easy to see why he’s not ahead with the media or the polls, but why isn’t he leading the pack among conservatives? “I doubt it’s his anti-war stand. Outside a dwindling band of administration loyalists in the wagons circled around George W. Bush, I can’t detect much enthusiasm for [...]

The Show

for today: Andy Worthington, The Plot to Seize the White House. Listen live here from 11am to 1pm Central. Update: David Beito writes: “Been listing to the FDR plot stuff. My sense is that it was much ado about little but could be wrong. The show was not very objective or fair and related a [...]

Antiwar Radio: Max Blumenthal

Max Blumenthal discusses the theology and politics of John Hagee’s Christians United for Israel as he documented for the Huffington Post.

Tex MacRae

I am so happy that Tex is blogging again. And I thank Tex for this:

Speed up the Internet: Use OpenDNS

Yesterday, I switched my network away from using the DNS servers provided by my ISP, and started using OpenDNS instead. It doubled the speed of my web browsing. DNS servers translate the domain you’re trying to go to into an IP address. Humans tend to think in terms of names, while computers are based on [...]

The Show

for today:News, Bill Barnwell re-run, Max Blumenthal. Listen live here from 11am-1pm Texas time. 92.7 FM in Austin. MP3 here.

Prescott Bush was in on the Fascist Plot to Seize the White House

Now his grandson is the President. Says the Other Scott Horton while turning his readers on to this new BBC documentary about it. For those not familiar, Chris Floyd has the whole book by Jules Archer online here.

Ron Paul in San Antonio

Thanks to Tex.

What do ya’ll think about this crazy sounding shit?

I’m no fan of the Rockefellers, and this certainly has some off-the-deep end stuff in it, but I’m trying to keep my mind open here.

Centrifugal Force book


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