King Pilsner - King Brewery

King PilsnerKing Pilsner

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60 Ratings

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rAvg: 3.84
pDev: 11.72%
Reviews: 48
Hads: 12

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King Brewery visit their website
Ontario, Canada

Style | ABV
Czech Pilsener |  4.80% ABV

Availability: Year-round. bottle (42), on-tap (5), cask (1)

An authentic Czech-style Pils Lager brewed with only 100% imported Bohemian malts, Saaz hops and a true strain of Czech yeast.

King Pilsner is bright golden coloured, full-bodied beer with a refreshing taste. It delivers a soft texture, complimented by the proper balance of malt and Saaz hops. Its flavour begins with a pleasing malty taste, imparts a dry bitter tang, and finishes very cleanly. Consumers are quoted saying “there is not a beer in Canada that tastes like King Pilsner”, and “this beer tastes like the true Pilsners in Europe”.
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Photo of SebD

Ontario (Canada)

3.89/5  rDev +1.3%
look: 3.75 | smell: 3.75 | taste: 4 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 4

Appearance: It has a nice golden/orange color to it. It has a nice thick white head that dies down somewhat fast and leaves some lacing.

Smell: The aromas definitely give out hints of grainy and bready malts with some spicy and grassy hops.

Taste: Like the aromas, it has some grainy/bready malts with some grassy hops, some lemon/citrus and a light spiciness.

Mouthfeel: It has a medium carbonation with a nice overall balance and feel.

Drinkability: It's a very smooth drinkable beer accompanied with good flavors and aromas.

Serving type: bottle

01-21-2013 19:50:13 | More by SebD
Photo of Kremlock

Ontario (Canada)

4.15/5  rDev +8.1%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 4.5 | overall: 4

A: Pours a creamy bubbly head. Straw colour with hints of orange with a slight haze to it. none to low lacing

S: Lemon and cut grass with a hint of grain and spiciness

T: Spicy (Czech hops), a bit grainy/bready,

M: Creamy on the palate, crisp flavour, perfect carbonation (IMO)

O: This pilsner has a great flavour with an appealing aroma. The crispness of it makes it a great beer to have when needing something to cut through cheese or strong flavours.

Serving type: bottle

10-03-2012 04:53:26 | More by Kremlock
Photo of papat444

Quebec (Canada)

4.1/5  rDev +6.8%
look: 4 | smell: 4.5 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 4

Thanks to grub for this one.

Poured from a 341ml. bottle.

Appearance: A creamy white head, bubbly, with a pretty clear pale gold body and some clumps of lacing.

Smell: Lemony, grainy, lemon rinds and a bit of fresh cut grass.

Taste: Minerals, a bit earthy, salt, lemon peel, toasted malt and some citrus fruit in the aftertaste (not tart).

Mouthfeel: Some bitterness in the background but overall a clean and crisp feel.

Overall: An excellent post-mowing beer. Worthy of summer.

Serving type: bottle

05-07-2012 15:17:12 | More by papat444
Photo of MattyV

Ontario (Canada)

3.75/5  rDev -2.3%
look: 3.5 | smell: 4 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 4 | overall: 4

Looks pretty spot on for a pils--crystal clear golden colour, thin white head with average retention/lacing. Sweet grains, grass, mineral water, and a faint hit of Saaz hops make appearances in the aroma department. Picking up some sweet bready malt up front with a tiny bit of grassy/spicy hop flavour. Mild bitterness with a crisp finish. Light and lively mouthfeel. This by no means blew me away but am glad I finally gave it a shot, would make for a fantastic quaff in the dead of summer.

Serving type: bottle

04-02-2012 03:16:55 | More by MattyV
Photo of jbonapar

Ontario (Canada)

3.7/5  rDev -3.6%
look: 4 | smell: 3 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 3.5

Never really a huge fan of Pilsner's but I heard great things about this, so tried it!

Poured a soft, slightly haze light gold. Nice creamy head. Very minimal aroma. Perhaps just a touch from the Saaz hops.

Taste is nice, crisp, dry with mild bitterness. Creamy with an enjoyable subtle spiciness.

I actually like this, i could drink a few of these on a hot summer day with some BBQ ribs int he backyard for sure. Nice.

Serving type: bottle

03-10-2012 01:10:23 | More by jbonapar
Photo of fostachild

Ontario (Canada)

3.85/5  rDev +0.3%
look: 4.5 | smell: 4 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 4.5 | overall: 4

pours a very light yellow/golden colour. tons of foamy head that leaves behind a nice lacing.

smell is strong, grainy, bit of hops.

taste is also grainy and has a malty sweetness to it. also has a nice slight bitterness. very well carbonated.

overall a solid pilsner, pretty enjoyable.

Serving type: bottle

09-16-2011 01:07:53 | More by fostachild
Photo of

4.08/5  rDev +6.3%
look: 4.5 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 4.5 | overall: 4

Appearance - bright gold and very clear with a finger of white, and very long-lived, head.

Smell - Lots of spicy Czech hops and delicately sweet grains.

Mouthfeel - light bodied but mouth-filling andgently carbonated. Excellent texture.

Taste - Bready and grainy with lots of spicy Czech hops. Hoppy but not really bitter. Finishes crisp and clean.

Serving type: bottle

09-13-2011 22:29:53 | More by
Photo of hopsolutely

Ontario (Canada)

4.18/5  rDev +8.9%
look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 4

An excellent Czech style pilsener. Truly reminiscent of beers enjoyed years ago in Plzn...

Beautiful clear and bright golden colour, with a pleasant mouth feel despite the low effervescence. Aroma is crisp and hoppy and lovely: pure Saaz. So is the taste, with the grains and breadiness of the Czech yeast melding seamlessly into the dry, crisp finish. Bitter, clean, hoppy and delightfully “Czech”.

Well done, King Brewery!

Serving type: bottle

08-28-2011 21:43:14 | More by hopsolutely
Photo of dgilks


3.5/5  rDev -8.9%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3.5

Clear golden colour with a small white head. Poor head retention.

Moderately grainy malt aroma with some light spicy noble hop notes.

Nice crisp grainy malt with some herbal hops. Clean and simple.

Medium body with moderate carbonation. Fine.

A simple yet nice pilsner. Good flavour despite the simplicity. Nicely tasty.

Serving type: on-tap

08-15-2011 10:52:30 | More by dgilks
Photo of andrenaline

Ontario (Canada)

3.65/5  rDev -4.9%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 4 | overall: 4

A - Pours a slightly hazy pale straw colour with a finger of head that quickly dissipates and leaves little lacing.

S – Scent is dominated by grassy hops and bready malt with a bit of sweet corn on the finish.

T – Much like the scent with the grassy hops with a touch of bitterness and the bready malts linger on the palette.

M – Medium bodied, smooth and refreshing.

O – Tasty for the style but a bit one dimensional and not overly mind blowing. I've had some more bold flavours on a pilsner, but certainly a worthy effort.

Serving type: bottle

08-07-2011 21:54:10 | More by andrenaline
Photo of canucklehead

British Columbia (Canada)

4/5  rDev +4.2%
look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 4

wow, I love the idea of OCB mixed six pack . It just showed up in BC and it finally gives us a chance to try 6 new Ontatio beers.

This was a ice cold treat from the fridge on a hot day . Bready hoppy nose and a really well balanced lager that hits all the right notes for the style. Not overly hoppy but rather enough complexity to take beyond the craft take on macro lager that dominates BC. Better than Steamwhistle and one day hopefully available in BC by itself

Serving type: bottle

06-21-2011 17:09:56 | More by canucklehead
Photo of bryehn

Ontario (Canada)

3.43/5  rDev -10.7%
look: 3 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3 | overall: 3.5

Pours a typical golden colour, maybe a bit on the pale or watery side. A sizable frothy white head lasts for a few minutes leaving some minor lace and a collar.

Grassy, grainy aroma. Floral notes, some soap and a faint honey sweetness. Wet, sweet malts start to come through about halfway through the glass.

Nice crisp, clean taste with a sweetness coming through on the tongue. Dry aftertaste. Simple, but clean and inoffensive.

Very light-bodied with a medium carbonation. Goes down very easily, maybe a bit watery on the back end. Very clean though.

Not a bad effort at all and one of the better Ontario-brewed pilsners I've had. Very nice as an "ice cold on a hot day" beer, but lost something when I tried it with a couple meals.

Serving type: bottle

06-08-2011 16:12:17 | More by bryehn
Photo of Ardon

Ontario (Canada)

2.45/5  rDev -36.2%
look: 2.5 | smell: 2 | taste: 2.5 | feel: 3 | overall: 2.5

Was interested in trying this as it has some interesting reviews and its average score places it near the top of the pilsener style but I'm here to knock it down a bit cause I just don't see it. Simple appearance, generally what I would expect from a macro. Smell is pretty muted, sweet bready malts, but not too much coming through. Flavour is subtle with that same malt character and a light citrusy saaz like hop character. Refreshing, in a simple way. Light weight feel on the palate. Overall, nothing I would seek out again. If it were a macro, I'd give it top scores in that vein.

Serving type: bottle

06-05-2011 01:21:02 | More by Ardon
Photo of Roke87

Ontario (Canada)

3.73/5  rDev -2.9%
look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 4

341 mL bottle from the OCB spring discovery pack, chilled and poured into a pilsner glass.

Appearance- Pours a nice golden straw colour that is perfectly clear with two fingers of fluffy white head that quickly dissipates to a nice ring leaving below average lacing throughout the glass till finish.

Smell- Nice bready malt presence that is common in many great pilsners mixed with a bit of grassy hops but not overpowering what so ever, and a slight hint of fruity citrus aromas in there as well.

Taste- Very similar to the aromas, the taste comes through with a big bready malt forefront, followed by very mild grassy hops and an almost none existent fruity taste but it’s still there, the bready malts really do dominate the palate on this one.

Mouthfeel- Light bodied with a below average carbonation for a pilsner, very easy drinking pilsner, goes down very smooth and crisp, nice refreshing pilsner for the summer months that’s for sure.

Overall- This one ranks right up there with some of the best of them, although I would have liked to see a bit more on the taste aspect, it’s very much dominated by the bready malts and not much of the other smells that you get really come through on the palate. Happy that I got to try this one because without the OCB 6-pack I probably would have overlooked this one and not even given it a try, but I could definitely see myself enjoying this one this summer while relaxing on the patio.

Serving type: bottle

05-30-2011 04:10:38 | More by Roke87
Photo of spinrsx

Ontario (Canada)

3.55/5  rDev -7.6%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 4 | overall: 3.5

341ml Bottle

Appearance - Clear gold/yellow colour with an average size fizzy and frothy white coloured head. There is an average amount of carbonation showing and there is a fair/good amount of lacing. The head lasted for around 5 minutes before it was gone.

Smell - Grains, malts, corn, light hops

Taste & Mouth - The beer has an average amount of carbonation. I can taste grains and lemons mixed with malts and some corn. It finishes with a grainy and lightly spicy aftertaste.

Overall – I was pretty impressed with this beer. For an Ontario beer, it has a great pils taste that rivals some of its European counterparts. I’d buy this beer again and it will be perfect for the warmer weather.

Serving type: bottle

05-10-2011 14:19:50 | More by spinrsx
Photo of JohnnyBarman

Ontario (Canada)

4/5  rDev +4.2%
look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 4

Single bottle picked up at a Toronto LCBO. The brewery's logo looks like a hybrid Lion/Cthulhu creature from dread R'lyeh...

Poured into a pilsner glass. Golden in colour, with about an inch of fluffy head. A good thick ring survives along with some flecks of lacing.

The nose is quite pleasant, and is among the best examples of a pilsner nose I've come across outside of Europe. Freshly-baked bread with honey, floral hops and citrus come across wonderfully.

The taste is not too far off the nose - big malt, honey, citrus and floral notes, with a lovely crisp finish. This beer is remarkably easy to quaff, with thin, but tart cream soda-like carbonation and a thin, but not watery texture.

This is a terrific Czech pilsner, among the best I've seen in North America. Full of flavor, and a delight to drink. Shame that this beer isn't more readily available outside of the Toronto area. Shame!

Serving type: bottle

04-04-2011 22:48:03 | More by JohnnyBarman
Photo of Mit

Ontario (Canada)

3.93/5  rDev +2.3%
look: 3.5 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 4

a-pours a nice golden clear with a decent head.

s-Nice yeast notes present in a normal pilsner. Crisp smell similar a cider.

t-malty but nicely balanced by hopes. The bready notes are def present.

m-perfect for the abv.

d-oh pretty drinkable. I will def be buying this again.

Serving type: bottle

01-24-2011 02:27:19 | More by Mit
Photo of ZorPrime

Quebec (Canada)

3.9/5  rDev +1.6%
look: 4 | smell: 3 | taste: 4 | feel: 3 | overall: 5

Received from liamt07 in a recent trade (September 2010).

The beer is pale yellow color, almost golden. Nice white foamy head. The head is similar to a cloud. The aroma's intensity is medium. Cereal and malts. The taste is malty with a nice bitter finnish. A little bit thin in the mouth, feels almost like water. Very refreshing and well balanced. Quite easy to drink too. A nice beer on its own. I like it. Cheers Liam!

Serving type: bottle

11-15-2010 01:21:56 | More by ZorPrime
Photo of wordemupg

Alberta (Canada)

4.18/5  rDev +8.9%
look: 4.5 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 4.5 | overall: 4.5

341ml bottle poured into pint glass nov1 2010

A clear golden yellow with heavy carbonation feeding a thumbs width of bone white head that slowly falls leaving lots of unorganized lace as it falls

S grassy and floral hops a little dry cereal and faint citrus

T not too far from the smell but with a little bread and more of mild spicy aspect with some lemon, pretty good for the style

M light and crisp with a little bite too it, quite refreshing and lots of bubbles to fluff it up a little

D very easy too drink and a great example of the style, this could work for summer session for sure

a great brew I've never knew existed and from my own backyard, thanks liamt07 for this one it's a winner

Serving type: bottle

11-01-2010 21:44:25 | More by wordemupg
Photo of biegaman

Ontario (Canada)

3.65/5  rDev -4.9%
look: 4 | smell: 3 | taste: 4 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3.5

It may have been the only bottle in the six pack to produce any head but luckily it's the one I decided to sit down to review (although most all of it abdicated and the strands that didn't were cast away to the perimeter). No complaints with regards to colour or complexion though; this is brilliantly golden and glossy, with an immaculate clarity.

The aroma gives air of pale malts and... nothing else. Czech Pilsners are renown for their zestful, spicy, floral, overtly aromatic Saaz hops but this example has seemingly dispensed of them - too bad, they're always my favourite part! A confident breadiness marches forth without mention of a single strand of lemon zest, flower petal or blade of grass.

Some of those soapy, spicy suds can be found in the taste which, fortunately, allows more hoppiness to bleed through. The overall character, however, is still largely grainy and bready; it falls relatively flat on the palate without sufficient hoppy spice to enliven it. The malts are exceedingly plain but, to their credit, admirably clean tasting. The bitterness, although greatly perceived, is relatively modest and short-lived.

I prefer Czech pilsners that lean towards the hoppy side but it warrants mention that some of my most purchased brands are more malt-forward German examples. The German style, I find, can easier get away with a lighter hop profile; for my palate, its maltiness seems more complex and attenuated. Pilsners like this can come across as too ordinary and dull.

King Pilsner could better distinguish itself from other mediocre, mainstream lagers on the market by boasting about its specially imported Czech ingredients (namely, the hops) less on its packaging and more in its beer. On its own, this stands fine but in comparison with authentic Czech examples (and many American renditions) this falls a little short.

Serving type: bottle

07-28-2010 23:46:09 | More by biegaman
Photo of ritzkiss

Ontario (Canada)

4.28/5  rDev +11.5%
look: 4.5 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 4.5 | overall: 5

12oz bottle from the rapidly disappearing six-pack, bought from the LCBO.

Pours a crystal clear light to medium golden with a hint of copper, a couple fingers of head build and then leave small patches of lacing down the glass.

Nose reveals a bold biscuity malt, a hint of soapy lemon and a dash of lovely Saaz hops.

This is a top-notch pils. Clean biscuity malt that is perhaps a level heftier than many in the style, a hint of soapy lemon, a slight spiciness, a slight floral sweetness, a very balanced and yet sharp grassy bitterness, dry clean finish, clean crisp carbonation. My only wish would be to raise the bitterness a notch to Prima Pils levels but in all honesty, it's probably not necessary.

This is incredibly drinkable, very clean and flavorful. I love me a good pilsner and this is one of the best out there.

Serving type: bottle

07-24-2010 18:19:39 | More by ritzkiss
Photo of vikingmike

Ontario (Canada)

5/5  rDev +30.2%
look: 5 | smell: 5 | taste: 5 | feel: 5 | overall: 5

Purchased from King Brewery in Nobleton.

I picked this up once from the Beer store on a whim. Thought it had a neat-looking box and was probably drinkable. Little did I know that I had found the best pilsner Canada had to offer.

The brewmaster, Phillip, is a great guy who truly loves making beer, and he's spared no expense to create an incredible expression of the Czech pilsner style, from importing the malts and hops to adjusting the mineral levels in the water.

The result is simply awesome. It's very hard to brew a faithful representation of many foreign beer styles in a different country, but he's done that and more.

TRY THIS BEER. Seriously!

Serving type: bottle

07-01-2010 18:59:58 | More by vikingmike
Photo of ludachris

Ontario (Canada)

3.95/5  rDev +2.9%
look: 3 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 4

Pours a crystal clear bright golden hue with about a finger of whispy egg white head that quickly falls to a ring, leaving spots of lace.

The appearance is somewhat disappointing and comparable to a standard adjunct, but the nose really separates it from that class with fresh notes of doughy bread, a kick of chewy floral hops, and that classic dose of orange zestyness. Simple but very inviting.

Doughy through and through with a streak of citrus zest in the back that is quickly subsumed by an almost pungent fresh floral hop character that really lingers.

Mouthfeel is light to medium bodied with its weight coming from the doughy malts and bitter floral hops. The latter provides a dry and refreshing finish. Drinkability is great and well suited for the summer months.

Overall, a great Czech pilsner. It sticks to tradition but really emphasizes and pronounces each characteristic while managing to keep itself well balanced and highly drinkable. This leaves me excited to try more of their offerings. Thumbs up. Another solid brew from Ontario.

Serving type: bottle

06-29-2010 02:39:21 | More by ludachris
Photo of cratez

Ontario (Canada)

3.68/5  rDev -4.2%
look: 4 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 4 | overall: 4

341ml bottle from a 6-pack purchased at the Cooper Street LCBO in Toronto, ON. Currently ranked as the 9th best Czech Pilsner on BA.

A: golden yellow in colour with one finger of bubbly white head. Strands of lacing wrap around the pint glass.
S & T: honey sweetness, oats, toasty, doughy and grainy malts, funk, mild grassiness, wheat cereal, spicy Saaz bitterness on the tongue, somewhat soapy aftertaste. A very true-to-style pils.
M: crisp, medium, lots of bite, nice hop tang, dry and lingering finish.
D: the standard by which other Ontario pilsners are evaluated, but I personally prefer more hops. Having said that, King's version is an accurate and respectable take on the style, and I'll happily buy this whenever I'm looking for a tasty, quaffable lager.

Serving type: bottle

06-22-2010 20:10:04 | More by cratez
Photo of kwjd

Ontario (Canada)

4.38/5  rDev +14.1%
look: 3 | smell: 4.5 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 4 | overall: 4.5

Pours a straw-yellow colour with white head. The head did quickly dissipate with a very small amount of lacing. Smells strongly of grassy Saaz hops. Taste is quite Saaz forward with some bready malts. Very smooth. This is one of the best Ontario pilsners and I'm glad I always have access to it.

Serving type: bottle

04-19-2010 03:56:58 | More by kwjd
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King Pilsner from King Brewery
86 out of 100 based on 60 user ratings.