1. Careers

Career Advancement

By , About.com Guide

Career advancement encompasses everything you do from the time you begin your career to the time you retire. Advancement for some people means climbing the corporate ladder until you reach the executive suite. For others it means doing a great job and being recognized for it. Some people simply want to stay out of trouble at work. Whatever career advancement means to you, this is where you will find the resources to help you achieve it.
  1. Get a Job
  2. Employment Law
  3. Important Skills
  4. Starting a New Job
  5. The Workplace
  1. Negotiating Salary
  2. Work / Life Balance
  3. Losing Your Job
  4. Quitting Your Job

Get a Job


Integral, obviously, to career advancement is being employed. At more than one point throughout your career's lifespan you will have to conduct a job search. And you thought trying to choose a career field was hard. These resource will ease the process of finding a job. Learn about resume writing, job interviewing, networking and researching potential employers. Find out how to evaluate a job offer.

Employment Law

A gavel and law books holding Supreme Court rulings

Laws that help protect you when you look for work, advance in your career and leave your job.

Important Skills

Train for New Career

These basic skills are vital to your success in any job.

Starting a New Job

Dressing for Work

Starting a new job can intimidate even the most experienced person. It's particularly intimidating when you are starting your very first job. Here's help with being the new kid on the block.

The Workplace

A financial planner meets with her clients to help them plan for the future.

Going to work everyday can be pleasant ... or it can be torture. Whether or not you get along well with your boss and co-workers can make the difference between a job you love and one you hate. You may want to blame your colleagues for any problems you have with them, but you too are responsible for this. Find out how to get along with your boss and co-workers, how to deal with any problems you might have with them, and what to do when your own personal issues begin to creep into your work life.

Negotiating Salary

After negotiating contract terms, an agreement is reached.

Don't you wish your boss would just give you a raise — a fair raise — so you wouldn't have to ask for one? Doesn't everyone? While some employers give their workers regular salary increases, without being asked, many do not. And those that do, may give a raise that is less than an employee feels he or she deserves. Learn how to ask for a raise and negotiate one with which you will be happy.

Work / Life Balance

A working mom holds an infant and briefcase

If going to work was the only thing you had to worry about, things would be much easier. Most people, though, have more going on in their lives than work. There are kids to think about as well as aging parents. There are ways to balance it all, so you can be productive and happy in all areas of your life.

Losing Your Job

A depressed man after getting fired

If you have lost your job, or are facing an impending layoff, you have a lot with which to deal. There are the emotional issues that come with getting fired. There are also some practical issue like the loss of income, loss of benefits and the wondering what's going to happen next.

Quitting Your Job

A woman leaves her job

Are you thinking about quitting your job? Maybe your boss is driving your nuts. Perhaps your co-workers are getting to you.

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