
August 2012

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Recently in Tupolev Category

Today's Movie Monday is in honour of a trip to Moscow your blogger will not be making next week.

As of two weeks ago, the trip was all set up: my seat on British Airways, my room in the Aerostar Hotel, my interviews with the heads of Irkut and MiG, even my personal visit to the Monino air museum (thanks anyway, Grigory!).

Then, Jon Ostrower got a new job at the Wall Street Journal.

So much for my long-awaited, one-week tour of the Russian aerospace industry! My colleague Craig Hoyle courageously accepted that assisgnment on short notice. Meanwhile, this blogger prepared to take on the role of replacing the founder and formerly sole contributor of FlightBlogger. Luckily, I will have some help. John Croft, Flightglobal's Americas Editor, will be taking over coverage of Boeing twin-aisles. I will focus on the commercial single-aisles produced in the US, Canada and Brazil. We'll both be posting updates here, along with our European and Asian colleagues as events warrant.

We understand we inherit not just an aerospace blog, but a true labour of love by a now-former colleague whom we greatly respect.It's our goal to honour Jon's work here by preserving and continuing that legacy.

Even if it means cancelling our trip to Moscow. 

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