
March 7, 2012
The Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society publishes second special issue on the impacts of wind turbines on communities. 


 “– noise pollution may be a problem if turbines are situated close to centres of population.”  

Energy sustainable development and health, June 2004

Welcome to The Society for Wind Vigilance


The Society for Wind Vigilance is an international federation of physicians, engineers and other professionals.


The objectives of the The Society for Wind Vigilance are: 1

  • The safe siting of wind turbine facilities based on human health research.   
  • Education through the dissemination of facts and references on the risk of adverse health effects of human exposure to industrial wind turbines. 
  • To work constructively with interested parties to ensure that guidelines for wind turbine facilities will protect the health and safety of communities; and to achieve vigilance monitoring and long term surveillance regarding the risks to health of industrial wind turbines.

 1 The Society for Wind Vigilance. Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act form 4031 Articles of Continuance. Jun 19, 2012