Sep 12


Are you looking for the most reliable DIY Aquaponics step-by-step guide? If you are then you’re on the right page.

Building the system can be quite easy just as long as you are equipped with the right knowledge and materials in constructing the system.

Steps In Building DIY Aquaponics

  1. The first step is to simply prepare all the components and tools that you will need in building the system. Once you have all the materials you need you may then start digging a hole where you can place your tub into. Placing the fish tank below ground level can help retain  a steady water temperature.
  2. Get an outdoor or waterproof extension cable to establish electrical connection form your fish area to your shed or house. If you intend to place your system inside your house just get a cable that is long enough to connect the air pump to the power outlet.
  3. Drill a hole at the bottom of your grow bed to let the water drip or drain back to the fish tank. Make sure that the grow bed is sitting so close to the fish tank as it will make it easier for the pump to transport water from the fish tank to the grow bed.
  4. Connect a hose in between the grow bed to the pond pump and set it up using a power timer. This digital power timer will help you easily turn the pump on and off.
  5. Fill the fish tank with dechlorinated water and check out if the water flows from the fish tank to the grow bed and back. Try to monitor the flow of the water if it’s too fast or how fast it is. You may also add up the marine animals during this point.
  6. Wash the gravel before you add them to the grow tub. Once you have already added the gravel you can drop some seeds and cover them lightly. You need to be patient as it usually takes a while for the plants to come up.

If you want to know exactly how you can create the system in an easier way you may take advantage of a guide that provides information, video instructions and strategies in intelligently creating the system.

Do you want to plant 10 times more plants in the same space? Visit: DIY Aquaponics Guide

You will gain access to the world’s most useful information about the food production system with the use of the guide.

Learn how you can save an enormous amount of your time and money using this guide! Visit: DIY Aquaponics