Monday, June 17, 2013

Times Topics

Lakhdar Boumediene

Ed Alcock for The New York Times
News about Lakhdar Boumediene, including commentary and archival articles published in The New York Times.

Highlights From the Archives

My Guantánamo Nightmare

I spent seven and a half years at Guantánamo, without explanation.

January 8, 2012opinionOp-Ed
Ex-Detainee Describes His 7 Years at Guantánamo

An Algerian given a new home in France says he was interrogated for 16 straight nights in 2003.

May 27, 2009worldNews
For 20 at Guantánamo, Court Victories Fall Short

Some detainees’ lawyers are now appealing directly to President Obama, arguing that the federal habeas corpus cases are failing to deliver the only justice that matters: freedom.

February 26, 2009usNews
Justices, 5-4, Back Detainee Appeals for Guantánamo
Justices, 5-4, Back Detainee Appeals for Guantánamo

The court repudiated the fundamental legal basis for the Bush administration’s strategy of housing prisoners at the United States naval base in Cuba.

June 13, 2008washingtonNews


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Gitmo's Other Prisoner

President Obama has become imprisoned not at Guantánamo but by it.

May 29, 2013, Wednesday
    Judge Won't Give Gitmo Lawyers Helpful Information

    A federal judge ruled Wednesday that lawyers for an Afghan man held at the Guantanamo Bay naval brig cannot see top secret information that she acknowledges would be helpful to his case.

    January 9, 2013, Wednesday
    The Face of Indefinite Detention

    Adnan Latif, who died in his cell at the Guantánamo Bay prison camp on Sept. 8, was the ninth detainee to die. He was cleared three times for release, but there was no way to get out.

    September 14, 2012, Friday
      The Court Retreats on Habeas

      In rejecting the appeals of Guantánamo detainees that challenge the legality of their imprisonment, the justices are denying the prisoners a basic right.

      June 14, 2012, Thursday
        The Supreme Court Retreats on Habeas

        In rejecting the appeals of Guantánamo detainees that challenge the legality of their imprisonment, the justices are denying the prisoners a basic right.

        June 14, 2012, Thursday
          Justices Reject Guantánamo Detainees’ Appeal

          Human rights groups said the detainees’ cases presented questions about whether an earlier ruling giving detainees a right to challenge their imprisonment was being followed.

          June 12, 2012, Tuesday
            Word of the Day | gaunt

            This word has appeared in 195 New York Times articles in the past year.

            June 08, 2012, Friday
            Lakhdar Boumediene Starts Anew in France After Years at Guantánamo
            Lakhdar Boumediene Starts Anew in France After Years at Guantánamo

            Lakhdar Boumediene, who spent seven years at Guantánamo Bay before being released for lack of evidence, says he still does not understand why he was detained and just wants a return to normalcy.

            May 25, 2012, Friday
              Goodbye to Gitmo

              We may be reaching the end of the Guantánamo litigation.

              May 16, 2012, Wednesday
                Delaying Justice at Guantánamo

                The Supreme Court must reaffirm the legal right of prisoners who are held without charges to challenge their detention.

                May 9, 2012, Wednesday


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