Natural Remedies for
High Cholesterol

These days nearly everyone appears to be concerned about cholesterol. Natural remedies have been increasingly popular. They often complement a drug therapy.

It is possible to lower cholesterol naturally.

My own brother did exactly that, using natural remedies among other things. (With great success, I might add...)

At one point in his life he was told he would need to take cholesterol- and blood pressure pills for life. He said something like: "we'll see". Today he is healthy. No cholesterol, normal blood pressure. All this was accomplished through exercise, diet and natural cholesterol remedies for high cholesterol.

My brother's story

My brother has been a truck driver for many years. He travels thousands of miles across North America every month.

He used to be like every other average truck driver. Overweight, stressed out and ate anything that came his way. Truck stop sort of food. A pound of fries with gravy on them, for instance, would be a typical meal, plus a bucket of coke. It was a sedentary life style and he was too tired to exercise. Instead spending his free time on the cushy couch in front of a TV set. Got the picture?

My bro has made a very serious decision

He just could not imagine taking drugs until his deathbed day. Not a chance, he said, to the amusement of his family and friends. And he worked his plan hard.

First: he said no to killer foods. Then he started a pretty rigorous exercise program. He ate right, moved a lot. He took all kinds of remedies he'd earlier thoroughly researched. Natural remedies for high cholesterol, red rice yeast extract, guggulipid, hawthorn, garlic, herbs lowering cholesterol (see links on the bottom of this page) and other home remedies for cholesterol, coq10 supplements etc. etc.

He educated himself. To this day you'll find heart healthy tips taped on the piece of plastic in his truck cabin. It did not take him a long time to become nice and slim. And his lab results surprised everybody.
Yes, it can be done.
Natural cholesterol supplements plus the right dietary choices along with exercise produce results (miracles... if you will).

So, how to lower cholesterol naturally? See links on the bottom!

Silent killer?

There exists substantial evidence that hypercholesterolemia (high cholesterol) increases the risk of death. Circulatory system suffers a lot. Heart attack and stroke to this day remain the leading killers.
(This fact alone should make you think hard about natural remedies for high cholesterol).

High cholesterol is sometimes referred to as a silent killer.
It quietly builds up deposits on the walls of arteries. They become stiff and harden over time. The plague on arterial walls is composed of mostly oxidized cholesterol, fats, calcium, sodium, cellular debris. Natural remedies may help prevent these maladies.

What is cholesterol?

Found in humans and animals (but not in the plants) cholesterol is a fatty, waxy substance made in the body.It is used by the body, stored in the body, needed by the body.

What do cholesterol and sex have in common

Cholesterol is really not such a bad thing in and of itself. The human body needs it for a number of reasons. For example, without it there would be no sex hormones, no bile acids and salts. Cellular membranes need cholesterol. Nerve fibers need it too.To name the few.

Cholesterol may actually protect you

Yes, in the right amounts and certain forms cholesterol may even prevent the hardening of arteries, stroke and heart disease. It is truly an essential component of all live organisms except for plant life. Natural cholesterol remedies should be used to keep already normal cholesterol level where it is.

Why then do I need natural remedies for high cholesterol?

You see, your liver makes enough cholesterol. You are not required to have it in your diet. This is where the problem usually starts. See by brother's story above.

Excess cholesterol in your body is implicated in a multitude of disorders, not only cardiovascular. Gallstones, impotence, mental impairment, high blood pressure, colon polyps and tumors have been connected with excessively high cholesterol in the blood.

Time for action.
Yes, drugs control cholesterol in most cases. But there more to be done. You do need natural remedies for cholesterol.

Often people just resign to their fate. Their actions to support their own health ARE limited to just drugs, drugs and even more drugs. "Too busy schedule" is the most common excuse they offer. They are too busy to exercise, watch their diets or educate themselves, too busy to learn and use natural remedies for high cholesterol.

Is this you? Please figure this out:

What fits your busy schedule better:

a) exercising half hour a day,


b) being dead 24 hours a day

In the links on the bottom of this page you will find information on natural remedies, foods, herbs etc. for high cholesterol.



Most physicians immediately recommend drug treatment for high cholesterol. There exists little room for multi-dimensional therapeutic strategies in medical minds today.
Most medical to this day and age do not require even a single nutrition course. Natural remedies for high cholesterol are regarded as insufficient.


Research evidence strongly supports non-drug approach to high cholesterol issues. The first step in solving the problem is always to reduce/eliminate the cholesterol in the diet. Lifestyle modification must follow. Natural remedies for high cholesterol are equally useful. Do not delay. If your cholesterol is already borderline, this is the time to take steps in the right direction.

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(this page shall be further expanded and updated, please check back soon)>

Since 1993 Natural Remedies Pro Helping People to a Happier, Healthier Life
United States, Canada, European Union

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