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Should Sleeve Insignia: IMCOM IMCOM Mission: To provide the Army, with the installation capabilities and services to support expeditionary operations in a time of persistent conflict, and to provide a quality of life for Soldiers and Families commensurate with their service.

IMCOM Vision: The Army’s Home. We provide a source of balance that ensures:

  • An environment in which all Soldiers and Families can thrive, no matter where they are located or which command they serve;
  • A structure that supports unit readiness in an era of persistent conflict, and
  • A foundation for building the future.

IMCOM Goals:

Sustain Strengthen Soldier and Family Readiness to make the Army Family Covenant a reality
Prepare Maintain and improve facilities, services, infrastructure, environmental and energy sustainability
Reset Provide Army standard, predictable support services that optimize available resources and support the Total Army
Transform Adapt Army Installations, programs, and services to support an expeditionary Army, and the Future “Army Community”

IMCOM Values: WSMR Garrison values reflect the Army’s enduring commitment to loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity and personal courage. The following qualities particularly inspire the sense of purpose necessary to sustain, support and defend our soldiers, families, civilian employees and veterans wherever they live, work and play in service of our nation.

S-TEWARDSHIP: Ensure good stewardship of all resources entrusted to us.
E-FFICIENCY: Deliver best value to our customers
R-ESPECT: Treat people with respect, a caring attitude and a can-do approach. Treat others as we would want to be treated
V-ISION: Open to new ideas, innovative and forward thinking and dedicated to continuous process improvement – agents for change
I-NTEGRITY: Do what’s right, legally, morally and ethically…always
C-ONSISTENCY: Provide consistent and equitable standards of service for everyone living and serving on our installation
E-MPOWERMENT: Work as one. Enable people. Share authority and take responsibility. Communicate freely and honestly.

Last modified on: 8/25/2010 7:58 AM 
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