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Journal of Logistics
Journal of Logistics

The primary mission of the Office of the Air Force Journal of Logistics is to publish the Air Force Journal of Logistics, the Air Force's only professional journal for logistics. In addition to publishing the Air Force Journal of Logistics, we also publish a variety of monographs and books.

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Purpose:  The Air Force Journal of Logistics provides an open forum for the presentation of issues, ideas, research, and information of concern to logisticians who plan, acquire, maintain, supply, transport, and provide supporting engineering and services for military aerospace forces. It is a nondirective, quarterly periodical.
Disclaimer:  Views expressed in the articles are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the established policy of the Department of Defense, the Department of the Air Force, the Air Force Logistics Management Agency, or the organization where the author works.
Approval:  The Secretary of the Air Force has determined that the publication of this periodical is necessary in the transaction of the public business as required by law of the Department. Use of funds for printing this publication has been approved by the Secretary of the Air Force, 17 July 1986, in accordance with applicable directives.
Distribution:  Department of Defense organizations or other US Government agencies should contact the AFJL staff to be added to the distribution list. The AFJL is also for sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. Limited back issues are available from the AFJL staff.
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Manuscripts from any source--civilian or military--are always welcome. Articles and essays should be from 1,500 to 5,500 words. We also welcome manuscripts for books, monographs, and similar publications. All manuscripts should be sent via e-mail to the following address:

Manuscripts can also be submitted in hard copy if e-mail is not available. They should be sent to the following address: Air Force Journal of Logistics, 501 Ward Street, Gunter Annex, Maxwell AFB AL 36114-3236.

If you submit a manuscript in hard copy, a 3.5-inch disk, zip disk, or compact disk containing an electronic version of the manuscript must accompany the hard copy. All manuscripts must be in Microsoft Word or WordPerfect format, and all supporting tables, figures, graphs, or graphics must be provided in separate files (preferably created in Microsoft Office products). They should not be embedded in the manuscript.

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Subscriptions to the AFJL are available from the Superintendent of Documents. Air Force or other Service members, Department of the Air Force organizations, Department of Defense organizations, or other US Government agencies should contact the AFJL staff ([334] 416-2335/2353/2357/2385) to order the Air Force Journal of Logistics.
Please contact us at:

Air Force Journal of Logistics
501 Ward Street
Gunter Annex, Maxwell AFB AL 36114-3236

Editor E-mail:  Commercial: (334) 416-2335/2353/2357/2385

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