The Talmud and the Jew World Order

The Talmud: An encyclopedic exposition of Jewish law and custom, compiled by hundreds of rabbis over the centuries. The American Heritage Dictionary describes it as “constituting the basis of religious authority for traditional Judaism.” The Talmud was first transcribed in Babylonian times, and the oral tradition is many centuries older. By the Sixth Century AD it was written down, becoming the most important religious work of the Jewish people and the chief canon of their religion. In it they finally codified their most chauvinistic tendencies.

Herman Wouk, the very popular Jewish writer, describes the influence of the Talmud as follows:

The Talmud is to this day the circulating heart’s blood of the Jewish religion. Whatever laws, customs, or ceremonies we observe — whether we are Orthodox, Conservative, Reform or merely spasmodic sentimentalists — we follow the Talmud. It is our common law.

Highlights from the Talmud

• Even the best of the [Gentiles] should be killed. (Babylonian Talmud, Funk And Wagnalls Jewish Encyclopedia. 1907. Gentile. New York. p.617)

• If a heathen [Gentile] hits a Jew, the Gentile must be killed. Hitting a Jew is hitting God. (Sanhedrin 58b.)

• For murder, whether of a Cuthean [Gentile] by a Cuthean, or of an Israelite by a Cuthean, punishment is incurred; but of a Cuthean by an Israelite, there is no death penalty. (Sanhedrin 57a.)

• Only Jews are human. [Gentiles] are animals. (Baba Mezia 114a- 114b.)

• [Gentiles] prefer sex with cows. (Abodah Zarah 22a-22b.)

• If an ox of an Israelite gores an ox of a Canaanite there is no liability; but if an ox of a Canaanite [Gentile] gores an ox of an Israelite…the payment is to be in full. (Baba Kamma 37b.)

• Gentiles’ flesh is as the flesh of asses and whose issue is like the issue of horses. (Funk And Wagnalls Jewish Encyclopedia. 1907. Gentile. New York. p.621)

• All [Gentile] children are animals. (Yebamoth 98a.)

• A Jew may marry a three year old girl (specifically, three years “and a day” old). (Sanhedrin 55b.)

• A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years old. (Sanhedrin 54b.)

• When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing. (Kethuboth 11b.)

• Jews may use lies (‘subterfuges’) to circumvent a [Gentile]. (Baba Kamma 113a.)

• What a Jew obtains by theft from a Cuthean [Gentile] he may keep. (Sanhedrin 57a.)

• God will not spare a Jew who ‘marries his daughter to an old man or takes a wife for his infant son or returns a lost article to a Cuthean [Gentile]… (Sanhedrin 76a.)

• [Gentiles] are outside the protection of the law and God has ‘exposed their money to Israel.’ (Baba Kamma 37b.)

• If a Jew is tempted to do evil he should go to a city where he is not known and do the evil there. (Moed Kattan 17a.)

• A heathen [Gentile] who pries into the Torah [and other Jewish Scriptures] is condemned to death, for it is written, it is our inheritance, not theirs. (Sanhedrin 59a.)

The Deception of Judaism

The truth is that most people and especially Christians have no idea what Judaism really is. The intimate link between Judaism and Christianity is undeniable as the Old Testament contains the five books of the Jewish Torah (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy). Despite what you have been told on the Internet, “Talmudists” are not some heretical sect that branched off of Judaism; the Jewish people hold the Talmud as sacred, and the ideas of the Talmud are elaborations of the original concepts found in the Torah. The constant finger pointing of the “True Torah Jews” at “Talmudists” is a false dichotomy.

Another false distinction is that the disproportionate influence of Jewish individuals in the affairs of the world are Zionists. Usually the argument is framed in such a way that the Jewish people as a whole are victims and smeared because of the actions of these subversive Jews giving other Jews a bad name. In other words, the fact that their Jewishness has nothing to do with it. But does their Jewishness really have nothing to do with it? What exactly is Zionism? The Random House Dictionary states that Zionism is “a worldwide Jewish movement that resulted in the establishment and development of the state of Israel.” Clearly then, a Jewish person can follow the basic tenets of Zionism without being a Zionist themselves. I believe that the term “Zionist” gets used because without identifying its origins and inspiration from Judaism, simply calling them Zionists is a cover and a vague term like the “Illuminati.” In this case, semantics is important. The Gentiles who are mere slaves to the Jewish agenda could be said to be Zionists because they are agents for upholding the lies and the official narrative of the Israeli occupation. The reality is that Zionism is only one aspect of International Jewry; Jewish control over our reality does not end at Zionism.

The state of Israel is a Jewish state. It is not a Zionist state, so the main proponents and supporters of Zionism would be the Jewish people. The God of the Old Testament made an unconditional covenant with the Jewish people in order to establish national Israel (recommended reading). The God of the Old Testament also promised the Jewish people that they would rule over the Gentile nations. Is not what the Jewish state of Israel and its people doing to the Palestinians a fulfillment of the Talmud that states “even the best of the [Gentiles] should be killed”?

Here is what Jewish terrorist and former Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin has to say about non-Jews:

Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves.  Menachem Begin, Israeli Prime Minister, 1977-1983. Nobel Prize Winner for Peace

As you can see, the Jewish people have an atavistic hatred for non-Jews (their words). One of the many problems with Judaism lies in the fact that it is an exclusive religion, meaning that there are no Jewish people that come door to door asking you to join their religion. In other words, Judaism is a ethno-religious ideology. You can only become Jewish by being born into the world as one. Under this premise, simply being born a Jew invokes a sense of superiority over others even if that person does not follow Judaism, though that can change on a personal level. A person only becomes a Jew through their practice of Judaism. If a Jewish person ceases to practice Judaism, they effectively renounce their Jewishness and cease to be a Jew. Whether the Jewish people are a distinct race set apart from non-Jews is a hot-button issue that is still debated.

Because of the exclusionary practices of Judaism, the Jewish people, to an extent, have isolated their gene pool through endogamous practices and are separate from non-Jews. I argue that Judaism came about by a tribal group of people with the intent of subverting and usurping humanity through a man-made religion. These ideas may indeed have evolved as a group evolutionary strategy, as Dr. Kevin MacDonald suggests. These controllers and usurpers have been controlling us with their banking systems and manipulations through war for the past two and a half thousand years, using Judaism as a vehicle to legitimize their position in society as the “chosen people” of God. As I read the Old Testament it became obvious that Judeo-Christianity was not ordained by God, as a God like the one in the Old Testament would not condone murder and genocide. That does not mean that I do not believe in a higher being. I have concluded that Judaism is a global criminal syndicate that is hiding under the façade of religion and their self created victim narrative. Evidence shows that Jews think you (non-Jews) are an animal, that you are chattel to serve them in their world. This essay will deconstruct the notion that Jews are sacred cows.

Religion and the way it is used is only one aspect of Jewish control over our lives, let us now look deeper.

Jewish Involvement in Political Movements

The Jewish people are social and political engineers that have used their power and influence to transform Gentile reality. Karl Marx (Jewish, real name Mordecai Levy) pioneered communism. Moses Hess (Jewish) pioneered socialism. Jews funded and orchestrated the Bolshevik Revolution that killed sixty million White Russians. Jews have been kicked out of Europe countless times (109) for their subversive control of the countries they invade and infect. They brought us the social movements of: feminism, multiculturalism, and the mainstream acceptance of homosexuality. Jews have invented liberalism to destroy the goyim (animal) societies.

Jews control our Western money creation system, media, and schools (supplementary book chapter from Dr. Kevin MacDonald). Once Jews gain control of the monetary system and the media they effectively own and run that country. Jews use the media to manipulate the public opinion of political candidates and fund the ones that will be loyal to International Jewry. No political candidate even gets media exposure until they are pre-approved by the Jewish bankers and funders. Is it any wonder then why one of the most powerful lobbying groups in America, AIPAC (The American Israel Public Affairs Committee), with its sixty three million dollar annual budget, calls most of the shots to serve Israeli interests? Keep in mind that lobbying is just a polite word for bribery.

We see evidence of this influence today with America’s government being chock full of American-Israeli citizens, and in particular the American-Israelis in the President of the United States’ cabinet. Of course this would include political figures in government who are non-Jews working solely for Jewish interests (these people are called Shabbos goy), but the point is that Jews are grossly overrepresented in regards to their proportion in society. Now, with the United States government full of their fellow tribalists and non-Jews who are loyal to Jewish interests and Israel, it sends three billion in aid a year to these parasites. Not a bad return for a sixty three million dollar investment!

This problem is not just contained to the United States alone; it is just an example of Jewish influence in one of the most powerful countries in the world. Once you figure out who controls high finance, the media, and the lobby groups, it becomes obvious as to where the real source of power comes from. Former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was so confident of Jewish control of America, that he was quoted saying:

Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.  Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001

The Jewish people must have such a hard life controlling all those governments, banks, and media outlets. Clearly then, the narrative of Jews as victims that the Jewish mainstream media perpetuates is a bold faced lie.

Let us now take a look at how disproportionate Jewish influence and ideas have invaded and changed the Gentile psyche and perception of the world today.

Feminism and Jewish Communism

The founder of Feminism, Betty Friedan, real name Naomi Goldstein (Jewish), was educated as a Communist agent. She started the brainwashing of generations of women with her second-wave feminism book The Feminine Mystique, saying that the complementary order of the patriarchal structure was oppressive and degrading. Now, women are free to roam around as nomadic unpaid prostitutes under the guise of women’s emancipation. As with all Jewish ideologies, nothing is as advertised; freedom is slavery. What have been the ultimate repercussions of feminism?

Feminism makes men and women equal in the economic sphere. It has destroyed the traditional female-male relationship because men and women are competing in the economic sphere when they should be co-operating to start a family or to maintain a relationship. If they do decide to have a child, they leave their child in daycare where the state and someone they do not even know takes care of them; therefore it is not feasible for the average Joe and Jane to raise a child. Why raise a child when you cannot be involved in that child’s life?

Feminism destroys the complimentary order of male and the female and nature’s con-game of the woman taking care of children. Feminism also destroys a woman’s natural state to be empathic and caring, and instead brainwashes women to act like men. The result of this is that we live in a world without warmth and the removal of the female archetype.

Aside from the fact that gender roles have been destroyed by feminism, is that the supposed benefits to society from the surplus of labor that were promised never came to fruition. This has destroyed the family, as the nuclear family that was once so stable needs dual-income earners just to stay afloat.

This new economic reality has destroyed the bargaining power of the common worker because the influx of women in the economic sphere has diminished the value with an oversupply of cheap labor that does not require much physical effort in the service sector, which is more prominent than ever now that most of our manufacturing jobs have been outsourced overseas to Third World hell holes with worse working conditions than ours. Both genders have been neutralized to work as drones, striving for the same economic goals. Both man and woman slave away at their service (servitude) job just to make what a man himself used to make.

Now, with feminism in full force, the Jewish oligarchs can take the unpaid labor that women did that was confined to the domestic sphere and financially gain from it, collect usury on it, and tax it. Now, no one is free from exploitation. Society has been lied to by Jews to be their worker bees.

Before feminism had a strong grip on Western society, Jewish subversives already had the plans in place to destroy it and the family unit.

The Frankfurt School

Georg Lukacs [Jewish] a Hungarian aristocrat, son of a banker, who had become a Communist during World War I, a good Marxist theoretician he developed the idea of ‘Revolution and Eros’ — sexual instinct used as an instrument of destruction and Willi Munzenberg [Jewish] whose proposed solution was to ‘organize the intellectuals and use them to make Western civilization stink.’. This ‘School’ (designed to put flesh on their revolutionary programme) was started at the University of Frankfurt in the Institut für Sozialforschung. To begin with, school and institute were indistinguishable. In 1923 the Institute was officially established, and funded by Felix Weil (1898-1975) [Jewish]. Weil was born in Argentina and at the age of nine was sent to attend school in Germany. He attended the universities in Tübingen and Frankfurt, where he graduated with a doctoral degree in political science. While at these universities he became increasingly interested in socialism and Marxism. According to the intellectual historian Martin Jay, the topic of his dissertation was ‘the practical problems of implementing socialism.’ Carl Grünberg, [Jewish] the Institute’s director from 1923-1929 was an avowed Marxist, although the Institute did not have any official party affiliations. But in 1930 Max Horkheimer [Jewish] assumed control and he believed that Marx’s theory should be the basis of the institute’s research. When Hitler came to power, the Institut was closed and its members, by various routes, fled to the United States and migrated to major US universities—Columbia, Princeton, Brandeis, and California at Berkeley. One of the main ideas of the Frankfurt School was to exploit Freud’s [Jewish] idea of ‘pansexualism’ — the search for pleasure, the exploitation of the differences between the sexes, the overthrowing of traditional relationships between men and women.

How did the Frankfurt School set out to achieve this goal of making the West “stink?” By the Jewish people’s monopoly of the media.

The Jewish Controlled Media

The Jewish Frankfurt School inspired Jewish controlled media disseminates garbage through music, music videos, and film.  For example, the messages that are sent in mainstream music do not reflect reality and perpetuate the agenda of ‘Revolution and Eros’. The songs are lyrically weak and have the theme of: Life is a party, just live for today–a nihilistic view that nothing really matters in the world. This party music relies on the average person’s ignorance to the condition of their immediate surroundings and the general happenings of the world. Its purpose is for the person to live in an imaginary fairy land that does not congruent with reality. Then there are the messages of moronic “gangsta” rap artists that do not believe in the violent gangster life that they preach, because they have millions of dollars that they have obtained from their Jewish handlers. These “artists” send messages to young people who idolize them to “pop bottles”: Just drink yourself into a drunken stupor on the weekends until you pass out and go back to your slave job at the beginning of the week. Young impressionable people who listen to these “thugs” are brainwashed into a degenerate culture that idealizes having sex with multiple women, violence against women, gun violence, and illicit drug use. They are told to focus on aesthetic beauty, to worship the flesh, to idolize, and to lust after beautiful women.

The television show, Jersey Shore, which airs on MTV and whose parent company is Viacom, is owned and founded by Jew Sumner M. Redstone. Viacom is one of the Jewish media conglomerates that is contributing to and aiding the demoralization of Western culture through the array of filth that it disseminates on its television channel. Jersey Shore is a society-damaging program that is a reflection of the times we live in, however, it is only one piece of the puzzle that is contributing to the “stinking” of Western civilization that the Frankfurt School laid the groundwork for. Jersey Shore is a program that sets the stage for, reinforces, and encourages promiscuous sex. The program is based on a self-coined term, calling the embodiment of this behavior “being DTF” (down to f@*k).  By imitating the behaviors of the participants of this program, this Jewish filth is sending a message to young impressionable people that heterosexual relationships are on a level of an animal. Participating in these behaviors that are not just found on this program alone subverts a real connection between people down to a physical act without emotion or love, robs both sexes of meaningful relationships due to the aforementioned actions, and as a consequence of these actions deprives the human soul of true human connection.

The “stinking” of Western society is further achieved by the pornography industry, which is dominated by Jews in both producing and performing. Some of the most notable porn moguls, such as Steven Hirsch of Vivid Entertainment and Hugh Hefner of Playboy, are Jewish. This is not surprising as the same activities of prostitution and sexual exploitation have been documented and perpetrated by Jews in the Old Testament. Jews are the main offenders of organ harvesting, human trafficking, and sexual slavery around the world, which Israel happens to be a major hub for.

The Jewish controlled media has brainwashed non-Jews around the world to be fixated on Jews as a falsely persecuted group of people with no power. Non-Jews are kept in the dark about Jewish monopolies, crimes, and subversion. World history has consisted of Jews repeatedly meddling with, enslaving, and killing non-Jews by manufactured wars and economic depressions.

The Jews finally codified their sinister and ambitious plans for world domination in the nineteenth century, writing a book called The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. It is contested that the Protocols were authored by Adolphe Crémieux, who was a member of the Mizraim Masonic lodge in France. After Adolfe Crémieux’s death in the late nineteenth century, it is alleged that a woman called Miss Glinka was sent by Czarist Russia to the Mizraim lodge to obtain a copy of the Protocols through bribery. Once the Protocols were obtained and translated to modern English, they were subjected to intense debate in the early twentieth century, at a time when ordinary citizens started to question the authenticity of it and the true nature of Jews. After the Jewish Bolshevik takeover of Russia in 1917, being in possession of the Protocols resulted in a death sentence. Clearly, if the Protocols were a forgery and a fraud, the Jewish Bolsheviks would be able to provide the proof it the being so, however, they could not, so they used their totalitarian power to silence the people. If the Protocols were not just another literary piece that revealed the sinister motives of the Jewish people, there would be no reason to hand out such harsh penalties during the reign of Jewish Bolshevism. We see the same Jewish behaviors of silencing honest debate on Internet forums today, where posters who point out the facts of Jewish hegemony and subversion are called liars, libeled, and have their posts deleted by these Jewish sayanim (volunteers) and Hasbara agents.

The dominant theme of unjustified persecution of Jews that you are always reminded about in the Jewish mainstream media, a prime example being the six million number of the Holocaust, is passed off as the single most important event in the mass death of a group of people. Alleged Holocausts of Jewish people have been reported and written about in newspapers prior to the twentieth century. In fact, the gas chambers and the supposed number of dead were not known until years after the conclusion of World War II. Jews did die in the concentration camps, but so did others, and not from the supposed gas chambers and their reported numbers.

Hitler was a Jewish puppet of Jewish banks that created a false anti-Semitic uprising that ultimately destroyed the German people and killed far more people than the supposed Holocaust. You, the reader, having just read some quotes from the Jewish Talmud, now know that non-Jewish life is worthless, so it makes sense why we must focus on fake Jewish suffering.

The sooner you free yourself from the burden of White guilt (assuming you are White), the sooner you will realize that the Holocaust was a scam by International Jewry and their Historical Revisionists to further the interests of Zionism, to create sympathy for Jews all over the world, to extort money in the form of reparations from the German people under the fraudulent premises of the Holocaust, impetus to create the state of Israel, and to make Israel an ethno-religious state for the Diaspora Jews. Zionist Jews in Israel now carry out the same Nazi policies of racial purity and racism that they were supposedly persecuted of. Jews in Israel ethnically cleanse their Palestinian neighbors on the land they stole as a result of the Holocaust myth. Even if the Holocaust was real, the six million number pales in comparison to the total amount of deaths in the twentieth century alone (estimated at around 250 million), which the Jewish bankers and Jewish Communists were largely responsible for, anyway. The Jewish state of Israel and its peoples’ actions today are despicable and inexcusable for a people who have supposedly suffered so much.

Jewish Created Ideas Used as Tools of Subversion

Society is based on the foundation of the political economy perspective. In other words, the citizen exists to serve the state and ruling class (Jews). It is then understandable why we have a society that condones sex divorced from love (consequence of feminism), pornography, prostitution, strip clubs, and the wide acceptance of alcohol but not other drugs because society is based on arrested development. Society is not designed for you to be self-actualizing (being the best version of yourself possible), but for you to remain stagnant and to be occupied with vices. Think about all the time you wasted being demoralized by pornography, when you could have been outside enjoying nature or reading a book and gaining valuable knowledge about the world. This Cultural Marxist reality that we are facing has created a culture of depravity for the proletariat that is being prophesized in the pages of the Jewish Talmud, which states that non-Jews are animals that should be robbed, enslaved, and killed. In essence, they are giving us a horrible framework for success as young people become adults by polluting our minds with this sewage through the mainstream media.

The purpose of all these Jewish ideas is for the working class not to form proper bonds with each other, because proper bonds make us strong. When we are strong we do not put up with being treated poorly and are not easily controlled. Feminism and the acceptance of homosexuality weaken our familial bonds and we become too isolated, worrying about ourselves and our own survival than worrying about others. Our controllers manufacture this reality for a reason and package it to us as liberalism.

The Jewish ideology of liberalism, containing ideologies within it like multiculturalism weaken community strength when we allow cultural and moral relativism. Multiculturalism is unsurprisingly a failed experiment; it was intended to be that way. The main problems of a true multicultural community are a sense of belonging and identity. The reason why gangs are so prevalent in Western society is because there is a severe lack of integration into the community. This disembedded reality that a lot of young people face makes them turn to loosely associated groups of people who share a similar culture to them. Mainstream culture and true multiculturalism does not offer much in the context of meaning. Another problem is that Western mainstream culture is a superimposition of a person’s existing culture, that is if they are not completely naturalized to begin with. A non-naturalized person is constantly struggling between the norms and values of this superimposed culture and their actual values. Because of this struggle within themselves and with others in society who do not share the same culture there is no community, because there are no clear and concise goals. Western multicultural society is based on secularism, where we have no guiding principles to live by (anomie), and are thereby vulnerable to the Jew’s liberal brainwash.

Jews have always been the main proponents of liberalized immigration legislation as it benefits them the most. Liberalized immigration is pushed in Western countries because of Jewish aggregation of power in the political and economic sphere. Once Jews gain control of their host nations, they allow the flood of non-Whites into the White majority countries. Jews weaken the social fabric of the working classes through immigration and degrade their culture through their monopoly of the media, while Jews enjoy high culture of art, music, fashion, and culinary dining. The working class is left in a struggle with foreign invaders that do not share the same culture as them and are horribly divided. The working class fights amongst themselves while the Jewish elite look on, watching it all from their gated communities.

Western society is disproportionately represented by Jewish intellects in the social sciences and humanities. Ayn Rand, real name Elisa Rosenbaum (Jewish), was the author of ethical egoism. The wide acceptance of the concepts of individualism and ethical egoism in Western society is the result of Jewish ideas disseminated through the Jewish controlled media and the Jewish controlled universities. In the context of the Cultural Marxist struggle, the concepts of individualism and service to self are detrimental to the working class. It goes against the concept of the collective and the proletariat bases his or her decisions on what is best for himself or herself without taking into account whether the individual’s decisions effect others in negative way. The proletariat under this current system also uses others as objects for short-term material or social gain. This type of thinking weakens the social fabric because the proletariat does not have enough power and influence to benefit from service to self. The Jewish power elite do not think on an individual basis, the reason they have so much power is because they subversively work together. The archetypal Jew never thinks how he can solely benefit himself, but the Jewish community as a whole, however, because the Jewish power elite are such a small part of overall society their ideology is still service to self because they do not care about the working class and think they are animals.

I believe that existentialism gets peddled at the Jewish liberal universities because promoting a materialist view of the world furthers their goal and agenda because of their monopoly of the physical world. If we discard the materialist view of the world, we can reject the illusion of the physical world that our Jewish masters have created for us. We can create new realities outside of the materialist view, however, when we solely exist believing the sole realities of the materialist view, it leaves out what makes us human instead of deterministic robots: Spirituality and mysticism. When we buy into the secularist mindset coupled with the materialist view, we can be molded in any way they see fit, because what you see in the physical world is the sole reality and Zionist Jews create that reality. It fits in with Jewish Kabbalism, where the Jews believe that their soul is of a Godly nature and therefore of a higher status than non-Jews, so they play the role of God and form our reality in nearly all aspects of our life that are almost inconceivable to the average person.

Karl Marx, a person who is worshiped at the Jewish controlled universities, was a Jewish Supremacist and an ardent Talmudist. Is it not suspicious that universities hail this Jewish man as a great thinker? A man whose political ideology has gotten millions of people killed in the twentieth century. Surprisingly, or unsurprisingly, universities will not tell you that communism has been a lethal ideology, at least in the social sciences.

Karl Marx, with the help of other Jewish intellectuals Moses Hess and Friedrich Engels, developed his theory of Marxism. Marx’s theory states that capitalism is an inherent system of oppression for the proletariat at the hands of the bourgeoisie. Marx also states that this struggle is part of the Hegelian dialectic, which only through violent revolution alone will provide the anti-thesis of the capitalist system, which through this struggle will emerge the synthesis of the communist system. Marx states when this bloody revolution takes place, it will result in the formation of a totalitarian state that will benevolently lead the people, which will then result in Utopia. That sounds good on paper, but what does Organized Jewry has to say concerning the nature of communism?

The Communists are against religion (Christianity), and they seek to destroy religion; yet, when we look deeper into the nature of Communism, we see that it is essentially nothing else than our religion (Judaism).  Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and Humanity, p. 138

Red flags should come up in your head when Jews propose a system of complete control, because of their disdain for the goyim. Here we have a quote from a Jew, himself saying that the impetus and inspiration for communistic ideology is found in Judaism. In other words, communism is just a repackaging of the concepts found in Judaism without the religious aspect. History has shown that Jews will exploit any political and economic system only for the benefit of Jews, so then both capitalism and communism will lead us down to paths of oppression with our dialectal Jewish masters in charge of the wheel. Quite simply, they are the gatekeepers of both the problem and solution. The only way Gentiles will be self-determined is if Jews are not meddling in the process, which never seems to happen. The Jewish mission is spelled out clearly in a letter to Karl Marx from a fellow Jew:

The Jewish people as a whole will be its own Messiah. It will attain world dominion by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy, and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this new world order the Children of Israel will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition. The Governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property, and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state. Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which is said that when the Messianic time is come the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands.  Baruch Levy, Letter to Karl Marx, La Revue de Paris, p. 54, June 1, 1928

To sum up the aforementioned quote, Jews will use their political ideologies that give disproportionate power to the state to solely serve Jewish interests. With Jews in positions of power, they will treat Gentiles in a manner that is inspired from the Talmud. The Jews will stand on top of the Gentiles of the world as the sole elites with all the property and financial wealth in their hands. Historical evidence shows this to be true, as communism never works as stated and ends up as a system to serve Jewish oppressors. Think of it this way: if I built an airplane from a blueprint that represented ideological communism, and that plane I built always disintegrated due to fatal engineering errors in mid-air and killed hundreds of people, would you say that those blueprints were valid?

Political Correctness is another term that Western society it plagued with. It was coined by Jewish Bolshevik Communists and is used as a tool to discourage any discourse outside the liberal paradigm and silence anyone with opposing views. Essentially, it creates artificial imaginary boundaries. You go to university to get a liberal (Jewish) arts degree, not a conservative arts degree or a libertarian arts degree.

The most fatal mistake that people make emerging as a product of the establishment is the false belief that the government is your friend or even cares about you. The current way things are going, people should be afraid of their government. It should not be that way though. About a quarter of a billion (250 million) people were killed by democide–death by government in the twentieth century, the leading cause of unnatural death.


The Zionist Jew’s subversion of Western culture is turning us into the animals they believe we are, and unfortunately they are right as we are being played like a fiddle. Do not just take my word for it, take a look at the links that are available on this blog and explore.

Video: Dear reader, please watch this video to get the full effect of my essay. Thank-you for your time.


Duke, David. (2001). Jewish Supremacism. Covington, LA: Free Speech Press (download)

INCOG MAN. (2009, May 21). The Frankfurt School: Conspiracy to Corrupt. Retrieved from

 Note: this article has been modified since it was first published.

3 comments on “The Talmud and the Jew World Order
  1. Karl Marx [Jewish, real name Mordecai Levi] was a German who lived from 1813 until 1883. He is considered by many to be the founder of modern communism [Jewish Talmudism]. His writings, especially the Communist Manifesto, are an important cornerstone of communist ideology. As some historians have pointed out, however, Karl Marx did not originate all of his ideas. He was acting largely as a spokesperson for the radical political organization to which he belonged. It was during his membership in the League of the Just that Marx penned the Communist Manifesto with his friend, Friedrich Engels. Although the Manifesto contained many of Marx’s own ideas, its true accomplishment was to put into coherent form the communist ideology which was already inspiring the secret societies of France into revolt.

    Because of his intellect, Marx gained considerable power within the League of the Just, and his influence caused a few changes within that organization. Marx did not like the romantic conspiratorial character of the secret society network to which he belonged and he was able to do away with some of those traits within the League. In 1847, the name of the League was changed to “Communist League.” Associated with the Communist League were various “workers” organizations, such as the German Worker’s Educational Society (GWES). Marx founded a branch of the GWES in Brussels, Belgium.

    At this point, we can see the extraordinary irony in these events. The same network of Brotherhood organizations [Masons inspired by Judaism] which had given us the United States and other “capitalist” countries through revolution, was now actively creating the ideology (communism) which would oppose those countries! It is crucial that this point be understood: both sides of the modern “communist vs. capitalist” [Jews vs. Jews] struggle were created by
    the same people in the same network of secret Brotherhood organizations [International Jewry]. This vital fact is almost always overlooked in history books. Within a short one hundred year period, the Brotherhood network had given the world two opposing philosophies which provided the entire foundation for the so-called [fake] “Cold War”: a conflict that lasted nearly half a century.

    Considering the affiliation of Karl Marx to the Brotherhood network, it should come as no surprise that Marx’s philosophy follows the basic pattern of Custodial religion [Judeo-Christianity]. Marxism is strongly apocalyptic. It teaches a “Final Battle” creed involving forces of “good” and “evil” followed by a Utopia on Earth. The primary difference is that Marx molded those beliefs into a nonreligious framework and tried to make them sound like a social “science” rather than a religion. In Marx’s scheme, the forces of “good” are represented by the oppressed “working classes,” [Gentiles] and “evil” is represented by the ownership classes [Jews]. Violent conflict between the two classes is portrayed as natural, inevitable, and ultimately healthy because such conflict will eventually result in the emergence of a [Jewish deception] Utopia on Earth. Marx’s idea of inevitable class tension reflects the Calvinist [Jewish, real name John Cohen, link ] belief that conflict on Earth is healthy because it means that the forces of “good” are actively battling the minions of “bad.”

    Marx tried to make his “inevitable conflict” idea sound scientific by fitting it into a concept known as the “dialectic.” The “dialectic” was a notion espoused by another German philosopher, Hegel (1770-1831). Hegel’s idea of the “dialectic” can be explained this way: from a thesis (an idea or concept) and an antithesis (a contradictory opposite) one can derive a synthesis (a new idea or concept which is different than the first two, but is a product of them). Marx took this seemingly scientific idea and incorporated it into his theory of social history. In the communist model of “dialectical materialism,” social, economic, and political change arises out of the clash of contradictory, and often violent, opposites. In this way, the endless wars of history and the unceasing array of opposing factions on Earth are said to be a natural part of existence out of which all social change must occur. This makes endless social conflict seem desirable, and that is precisely the illusion Marx tried to convey in his “class struggle” theory.

    The communist vision of Utopia is a curious, but significant one. In it, everyone is a worker equal to every other worker. No one owns anything but everyone together owns everything; everybody gets everything they need but not necessarily everything they want; but before this Utopia occurs, everyone must first live in a dictatorship. Whew! This bizarre vision of Utopia seems clearly designed to maintain mankind as a work race and to encourage humans to accept conditions of social repression [to serve the Jewish power elite] (i.e., dictatorship).

    By Marx’s lifetime, spiritual knowledge had reached a severe state of decay. The “quickie salvation” of the Protestants and the embarrassing rituals practiced by nearly all religions were understandably driving many rationally-minded people out of religion altogether. It is not surprising that the validity of all spiritual reality began to be questioned. This questioning led many people to lean towards a strictly materialist outlook on life, and
    Marx provided a philosophy for many of those people to step into. Although Marx acknowledged the reality of spiritual existence, he erroneously stated that spiritual existence was entirely the product of physical and material phenomena. In this way, Marx’s teachings helped promote the Custodial aims expressed in the Book of Mormon and in ancient Sumerian tablets of bringing about a permanent union between spiritual beings and human bodies. Marx’s writings gave this union “scientific” acceptability by suggesting that spirit and matter could not be separated at all. Marxist philosophy added that “supernatural” reality (i.e.,reality existing outside the bounds of the material universe) is not possible. Marx’s Utopia therefore amounts to a Biblical Eden: a materialistic paradise in which everyone is a worker with no route to spiritual knowledge and freedom; in other words, a pampered spiritual prison.

  2. Posted by: spacelizardlaw

    Hello, B4 you waste time with my reply, first allow me to state I’m of Jewish descent, thru the Stuart English kings all the way back to the Bormans, then all the way back to Solomon, tho I’m not right up on the total specifics. I’ve heard the ‘KHAZAR’ myth B4 but it’s a 1\2 truth & a half.

    Mixed blood Jews include Han Chinese, the Romany’s, the Sikhs, + many others.

    About 500 million in total taking ‘ALL’ descendants of the 3 Diaspora into account.

    Can’t debate on your Talmud quotes as I’ve never read it, but I’d like to explain some of the missing parts of your puzzel. You mention David Duke? My 1\2 brother from the German SS General Paul Hauser, or at least that’s the latest layer of complicated 1\2 truths I’ve been working thru.

    You may not know that 2\3 of ‘ALL’ Confederate Landholders were of monied European Jewry, but chose to Anglicize their names & maintain the culture within the Masonic Lodge which spawned the KKK which Brother Duke became a Grand Poobar (sic) in quite a while back.

    (Layer upon layer of 1\2 truths so complicated even most Jews can’t work it out)

    Anyway, I’m digressing, much of what you quoted as being in the Talmud I’m unable to refute as I’ve never read it, however as a bit of a dissenter (Not trouble-maker) I’m able to see some of the basis of your claims in real life, just as when I’d read the (Jewish) writer Solsenitsen’s work on the Russian Gulags, I’d been able to see ‘MANY’ wider truths of the human nature we share.

    (Sadly my life had already taught me much of what he’d written about our species)

    Are you aware that, to my own best estimates, over 95% of Masons are of an easily traceable yet hidden Jewish descent, which itself can often be traced back to the (Jewish) Norman Conquerors who have ruled first the Western World, & then the East (Again) plus Asia, thru the conquering life which they were all so suited for because that’s what they were created for.

    They were remnants of the Assyrian Babylonian & eventually Roman Diaspora who’d fled the kind of brutality that the Assyrian Babylonian kings & Roman Caesars brought upon them, but that the offspring of Solomon’s 1200 offspring were on the throne in these three kingdoms (Governments) at the time of each act of genocidal brutality & eventual Diaspora.

    That’s right, it was highborn Jews doing-it to all the ‘LESSOR’ Jews, as it still is today.

    The whole damn deal has been a grand set-up of ‘SATAN’ & ‘GOD’ (Both Lucifer) using Jews to keep other Jews & Goyim under control, divided & thus conquered thru always opposing each other in often mindless hate & violence leading to more cycles of powerlessness thru revenge.

    Once again, I’m of German-Jewish descent, from Stuart royalty on my SS General bio-father’s side & from Hessian & French nobility on my mother’s side, & quite frankly (Interesting word) I’m not likely to know a ‘KHAZAR’ if one had recently ass-fcuked me in the kabala without my permission.

    Seems you’re overly simplifying things, although what you say may well be largely true.

    Best I’ve been able to ascertain is that the tribe of Simeon intermarried with them after the Assyrian or Babylonian Diaspora, soon taking full control because of theor greater scientific psychological religious & even cultural knowledge, all under the control of the one the Christ called the “God of this world” which pretty well brings us up to today’s Europe & America.

    All Nazi SS were of traceable Jewish origin going back to the real-world Normans.

    Forever caught in a never-ending loop of claiming they were ‘NO-MANS’ whenever they were asked by the people’s of the lands they very successfully conquered after moving out from the Nordic lands to fulful the manifest destiny (sic) which Solomon set them up for.

    You heard about the devil’s offer of “ALL THESE KINGDOMS” (Govt) to the Christ?

    Well with no great disrespect to Solomon, he was offered the same deal & accepted.

    To finish, again, I’m of Jewish descent, & personally I’d rather have butt-sex with a randy bisexual rattlesnake than ever trust one of those trapped within their system of deception, or trust those who are yet to come to a faithful awareness, & thus follow the “Ancient Wisdom” of Solomon.

    Is it right to then condemn me for the sins (Errors) of 10 million stupid people today?

    Don’t get me wrong here, some of these fcukwits have caused me great grief since my early childhood, while a few perhaps honestly tried to educate me & shield me just a little so’s that I’d be able to hold an independant perspective, if mot actually change anything.

    It often seemed like they’d only played me as a Judas Goat to waste other’s time.

    They (Deliberate) radicalized me at the tender age of seven thru the shooting death of my very first love, a girl called Monika, probably hoping to turn me into a reactionary emotional cripple for life, & they never stopped either, as everyone I’d ever loved is now deader than a Dodo (Physically) with the most recent being a beautiful young woman of 26 yrs whom the world needed.

    Jews are indeed the master-manipulators, but they should have just double-tapped me.

    So is it right to then condemn me for the sins (Errors) of 10 million stupid people today?

    (There’s much more I’d be able to say, facts are one thing, true perspective is another)

    Your’s in faulted humanity.

  3. Posted by: Irv

    Control Hollywood, Not Guns!

    Instead of gun control, why not Hollywood control?
    Gun triggers are touched by fingers. But Hollywood, guided more by profits than OT prophets, poisons the minds that pull the triggers. Hollywood likes hiding behind the First Amendment more than abiding by the Ten Commandments, one of which says “Thou shalt not kill.” Even more insidiously, some of the most powerful Hollywood moguls quietly embrace the most unspeakably evil forms of child abuse. Google or Yahoo “The Talmud” which says that Jewish adults are allowed to have sex with children as young as three years old! Also Google or Yahoo “Pedophilia: The Talmud’s Dirty Secret.” (There are those who even want to normalize and legalize pedophilia!) Why do some of us focus only on “mopping up” the aftereffects of Hollywood’s overflowing sex-and-violence “faucet” instead of trying to shut it off? Let’s control the big “guns” of Hollywood – and NOT guns!

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