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Learning & Training

For registered users, buyers' guides provides the latest top tips, buyers guides, case studies and expert guidance. Please see below the full menu of content available, divided into four sections to help you in your purchasing decision. Register now!

360-degree appraisals

Read our free Buyers’ Guide to 360-degree appraisals. This guide contains all the information and resources you’ll need to implement measures that are designed to help improve the performance and results of  your workers.


Our first training buyer's guide looks at buying training generally, regardless of the type of training required. We help identify your needs and look at how best to implement your training.



Here we look specifically at e-learning. Which types of training are best delivered in this format? How do you make it a success? How do implement e-learning systems and content?

Sales training

Here we go into further depth on buying training specifically for sales professionals. How should training managers liaise with senior sales staff to design the training? This buyers' guide looks at the detail.

IT training 

The constantly changing face of information technology mean IT training can present a unique challenge. Here we provide specific information on buying IT training with some top tips to make it successful.

Leadership training

From choosing delegates to monitoring course effectiveness, this buyers' guide looks at what leadership training providers offer organisations wishing to develop current and future leaders.

Management training

Two thirds of line managers are "reluctant" managers so this area of training presents unique issues. Here we help you set up a management training programme that works for your organisation.

Buyer Guides are brought to you in association with the following training providers...

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