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Meteorological Station Name: CHIANG MAI
Country Name: Thailand
Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) Country Code: TH
Air Force Datsav3 station number (USAF): 483270
WBAN Number (Weather Bureau AirForce Navy): 99999
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) call sign: VTCC
Latitude in decimal degrees: +18.783
Longitude in decimal degrees: +98.983
Elevation in meters: 313
Current weather in CHIANG MAI
Map and another month of CHIANG MAI meteorological station.
Hotels near CHIANG MAI

May 2005 Daily Weather Data:
What the table headers means?

F / C
Dew PointSea
Level Pressure
VisibilityWind SpeedMax Wind SpeedMaximum Temper.
F / C
Minimum Temper.
F / C
01 May 90.0 / 32.2 68.8 1006.0 6.6 4.7 25.1 108.3 / 42.4 74.3 / 23.5
02 May 83.7 / 28.7 70.6 1007.2 6.3 5.0 14.0 101.8 / 38.8 71.4* / 21.9
03 May 79.9 / 26.6 72.0 1006.3 7.0 3.6 22.0 101.8 / 38.8 71.4 / 21.9
04 May 89.9 / 32.2 68.3 1003.8 7.0 3.8 14.0 102.4 / 39.1 73.0 / 22.8
05 May 86.9 / 30.5 68.7 1003.8 7.0 5.0 13.0 97.0 / 36.1 76.6 / 24.8
06 May 78.3 / 25.7 71.6 1006.6 6.9 4.5 15.0 91.8 / 33.2 69.8* / 21
07 May 73.8 / 23.2 71.7 1006.5 6.6 2.5 8.0 81.3 / 27.4 69.8* / 21
08 May 74.1 / 23.4 73.8 1005.6 6.0 1.7 7.0 77.0 / 25 71.1 / 21.7
09 May 81.9 / 27.7 74.9 1003.3 7.0 2.4 13.0 95.7 / 35.4 72.3 / 22.4
10 May 84.0 / 28.9 73.6 1003.3 6.7 3.5 11.1 96.8 / 36 74.7 / 23.7
11 May 85.9 / 29.9 75.3 1004.2 7.0 3.4 11.1 97.5 / 36.4 75.2 / 24
12 May 86.4 / 30.2 75.8 1004.3 7.0 2.7 8.9 100.6 / 38.1 77.0* / 25
13 May 83.3 / 28.5 74.7 1003.6 7.0 3.2 8.9 100.4* / 38 75.2* / 24
14 May 85.2 / 29.6 73.5 1003.6 7.0 2.2 19.0 104.4 / 40.2 74.5 / 23.6
15 May 88.3 / 31.3 70.7 1004.4 7.0 4.3 8.9 99.3 / 37.4 75.0 / 23.9
16 May 87.3 / 30.7 72.3 1005.3 7.0 4.2 15.0 100.6 / 38.1 77.0* / 25
17 May 89.0 / 31.7 71.8 1005.5 7.0 4.1 8.9 100.4* / 38 77.2 / 25.1
18 May 86.1 / 30.1 72.6 1005.4 7.0 4.0 9.9 98.6 / 37 77.0* / 25
19 May 85.9 / 29.9 72.2 1005.7 7.0 4.8 11.1 98.6* / 37 75.2 / 24
20 May 85.8 / 29.9 71.6 1006.0 7.0 4.4 13.0 98.6* / 37 76.1 / 24.5
21 May 82.9 / 28.3 72.3 1006.2 6.9 4.5 18.1 96.8* / 36 74.8* / 23.8
22 May 83.8 / 28.8 71.4 1005.1 7.0 3.5 11.1 94.5 / 34.7 73.4* / 23
23 May 84.3 / 29.1 71.0 1005.9 7.0 4.0 22.9 97.2 / 36.2 73.9 / 23.3
24 May 84.8 / 29.3 72.7 1006.1 6.8 4.6 15.9 98.6* / 37 73.4* / 23
25 May 83.5 / 28.6 74.3 1006.1 6.9 4.8 13.0 97.0 / 36.1 73.8 / 23.2
26 May 83.2 / 28.4 73.5 1005.8 7.0 4.2 16.9 94.8 / 34.9 75.2* / 24
27 May 81.8 / 27.7 74.8 1005.6 7.0 3.3 9.9 93.4* / 34.1 75.2* / 24
28 May 86.2 / 30.1 73.8 1004.5 7.0 4.8 9.9 95.5 / 35.3 75.4 / 24.1
29 May 82.1 / 27.8 73.8 1004.4 7.0 4.1 20.0 97.5 / 36.4 73.2* / 22.9
30 May 76.8 / 24.9 74.3 1005.0 6.5 3.1 7.0 82.4* / 28 73.0 / 22.8
31 May 82.7 / 28.2 75.1 1002.1 7.0 4.2 14.0 91.8 / 33.2 72.7 / 22.6
F / C
Dew PointSea
Level Pressure
VisibilityWind SpeedMax Wind SpeedMaximum Temper.
F / C
Minimum Temper.
F / C
Click to see more table data
(Station Pressure, Maximum Wind Gust, Total precipitation, Snow Depth, Indicators)

Hotels near CHIANG MAI

Notes: - Missing station name, etc indicate the metadata are not currently available.
- The term "bogus" indicates that the station name, etc are not available.
- The 99999 indicates that the value is not available.

Source: National Climatic Data Center http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/

The NCDC Climate Services Branch (CSB) is responsible for distribution of NCDC products to users. NCDC's CSB can be contacted via the following phone number, internet address, or fax number.
Telephone Number: 828-271-4800
Fax Number: 828-271-4876
Internet Address: ncdc.orders@noaa.gov

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