1907 – 1960
Age of Global Conflict

Frida Kahlo's Frieda and Diego Rivera

Frida Kahlo, Frieda and Diego Rivera, 1931, oil on canvas, 39-3/8 x 31 inches
or 100.01 x 78.74 cm (San Francisco Museum of Modern Art)

Speakers: Dr. Beth Harris and Dr. Steven Zucker

Painted in San Francisco during the artist's first trip outside of Mexico. She accompanied her husband Diego Rivera who was painting in the United States and would, at the end of the year, be the subject of a retrospecive at The Museum of Modern Art in New York.

The banderole carried by the bird above the artist states:
Here you see us, me, Frieda Kahlo, with my beloved husband Diego Rivera, I painted these portraits in the beautiful city of San Francisco, California, for our friend Mr. Albert Bender, and it was the month of April of the year 1931.

Note: Kahlo changed her German name, Frieda, to Frida.

Your Comments (1)

Previous Comments

Kayla Liberty wrote on Tuesday, March 05, 2013

I went to see Frida and Diego's show at AGO this winter and was surprised how intimate Frida's paintings were compared to Diego's. The small size of her artwork really pulled her viewers in, creating a personalized experience. My favourite part of this painting is how delicate and feminine Frida depicts herself. Today Frida is considered a great feminist. Do you believe this to be correct, or could it be the opposite? Do you think Frida was influenced or inspired by the new setting of San Francisco noting that this was her first trip out of her native land? I am curious because she is so proud of her Mexicanheritage as it greatly applies to her identity. Another question I would like to pose is- since this is part of her early work, is itpossible that Diego was rather the main source of her artistic nspiration?

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Where and When

Frida Kahlo, Frieda and Diego Rivera
Worked in Mexico City, this painting was made during a visit to San Francisco, California in 1931
This work is an open educational resource and This work is licensed under a Creative Common Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 license.