W3C Technical Architecture Group (TAG)

Contents: Members · Meetings and Mailing Lists · Current Work · Publications · Charter, history
Nearby: issue tracker · findings · www-tag · public-tag-announce (RSS) · blog · On Twitter · On GitHub

The TAG has 9 members (5 elected, 3 appointed, and 1 chair) plus a staff contact:

  1. Tim Berners-Lee (W3C) (Chair)
  2. Daniel Appelquist (Telefónica) (Chair)4
  3. Yves Lafon (W3C) (staff contact)
  4. Yehuda Katz (JQuery Foundation)2
  5. Peter Linss (HP) (Chair)4
  6. Alex Russell (Google)2
  7. Jeni Tennison (ODI)2
  8. Henry Thompson (U. of Edinburgh)1
  9. Anne van Kesteren (Mozilla Foundation)3
  10. Vacated seat (by Marcos Cáceres); to be filled by special election2

Meetings and Mailing Lists

See also: W3C Events Calendar · Holidays and Festivals·

The W3C archive editing policy is quite conservative; W3C will remove a messge to these lists only in extreme circumstances.

Current Work

The TAG is currently in a transitionary phase. Some of its work has been reflected in public product pages that have listed significant ongoing TAG projects. However, the TAG is experimenting with moving some of its work to GitHub. The TAG repositories on GitHub may be found under the w3ctag organization.

The TAG tracks long running issues and detailed actions using the W3C Tracker System. In addition, as part of our transfer of some ongoing work to GitHub, we are tracking some issues and holding some discussions on GitHub's issue tracker.

The TAG issue list shows issues that the TAG plans to address; by charter, issues are addes to this list by majority vote.

Lower priory work includes:


About the TAG: Charter, History

The TAG charter was added to W3C process July 2001:

W3C has created the TAG to document and build consensus around principles of Web architecture and to interpret and clarify these principles when necessary, to resolve issues involving general Web architecture brought to the TAG, and to help coordinate cross-technology architecture developments inside and outside W3C.

Our work from 2001 to 2004 culminated in:

Since then, significant events include:










Group policies

These materials are largely out of date:

Tim Berners-Lee, Dan Appelquist, Peter Linss, co-chairs
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