March 19: Bush bombed Iraq 2003 – Obama bombs Libya 2011

March 19: Bush bombed Iraq 2003 – Obama bombs Libya 2011

Our blood still spills red: Instrumenting Kosovo in the ‘arc of crisis’ and the ‘global zone of percolating violence’

A Note on the Mighty Wurlitzer - Anatomy of Modern Propaganda Techniques

Thanks to the Mighty Wurlitzer Obama Wins! … Advertising Age’s 2008 Marketer of the Year Award beating out Apple Computer!

The Answer to the Burning Question du jour: Why was President Obama Gifted the Nobel Peace Prize?

From President George W. Bush to President Barrack Obama – More faces change, more they remain the same!

“To everyone else, these are “revolutions”. To me, these are pretexts for “imperial mobilizations” aided and abetted by Trojan horses and fifth columnists. A nation may perhaps survive its fools, but not its fifth columnists and Trojan horses. The latter come in every robe and in every flavor, often wearing the mask of high morality. They permeate all our institutions across all walks of life. They are a greater threat to a nation than the vile mafiosos sitting at the thrones whom all can see. They are every nation’s first enemy, the enemy within, who contrive to open the gates to the conquistadors outside the door. Without them, no nation and no people can be defeated easily. They are the ones who carry the white man’s burden with more gusto and alacrity than the white man himself. This white man’s burden is so damn uniformly distributed across all religions, color, castes, creeds, and politicisms, that it is perhaps the only universally egalitarian pursuit which truly does not discriminate.” — Zahir Ebrahim in letter to Muslims